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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 3)

Brood Activities.

Since Skoteinos is offline and he isn't using PL for any specifique purposes as far as I am up to date I'm now stating for RPGing purposes what the individual Broods are currently active with.

Rilana Prime Brood: Currently active in creating defenses around Athas. This will include a state of the art psionic/technological orbital planetary defense grid consisting of ALOT of satelites and orbital weaponary.

Summary: Defense and military activity in Athas Sphere.

Orsini Second Brood: Currently rebuilding Athas and turning it into a furtile world with 10th magic. They are rebuilding the infrastructure and creating new cities and population centres. Everything that is needed to feed or drink is being sustained by the creep.

Summary: Rebuilding a world into my image and helping the population with food, housing and work and education.

Stivako Brood, newly hatcheds: Currently active in overseeing Hive activity on Mystara and Athas. They are functioning as overseeers and as leaders. They are numbering few now but those few created to elad are now actively surveing the 2 worlds and guiding in the rebuilding process and helping out in construction of civilian and military infrastructure as well as helping out with housing, rebuilding or refurtilising the soils.

Summary: The Adelanti are policing the worlds of Athas and Mystara.


Skoteinos his primary brood (the one consisting of former Pomarj Orcs): Currently carrying out the same activities as the Rilana brood except they are building military defenses and infrastructure and systems in the Mystara Sphere.

Skoteinos second brood (assimilated Mystarians): Currently rebuilding and furtilising the world of Mystara, same task as the Orsini brood except in the Mystara Sphere.


Conclusion of the general Swarm policy: Construct, rebuild, earn trust, provide safety and a good place to live and exist, consolodate and be content that we have what we desired.

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Attack/Defense day 4.

When are these expected in the DM's inbox?

And yes I'm gonna have a few heavy posting days I think to catch up IC and OOC with actions and statements. Hope some here are gonna be able to help me out with some of my expectations of a few "other players" and provide me with some assistance.
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First Post
I am finally on-line!

And watching worlds, alliances, and plans tumble about me.

Quick quick:

Edena, I UNCORRUPT the Calimshan from the Shade's control. I am hoping to make this my 11th 'corrupted' faction.

Right, that's what I needed right away. More to come - I spent my spare time just catching up here (reading fast still pays off, hah), and it'll be a wee little more time before I can dip my finger into the giant stirring bowl o' madness this war has become.

Forsaken One... I used to play that game constantly. Hope you don't become a worthy counterpart for the queen of blades. Might need to invite in some 'toss into the fight :). (Thought I recognized that 'I come to you in the light of recent events...' speech)
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First Post
I am not creating a Corrupted Ally as such, but I would like to do something similar - Animate portions of the stars stellar plasma and transform them in to an 11th level capable fighting force, basically creating a massive force of starbound mages who work for me - No PL increase, just another 11th level force. To protect the Penumbral Hub during construction.

WB Alyx :D

Hehe, btw you were talking about some toss?

What do you think the race I am creating now is gonna be?

Toss/Zerg/Formian/some secret home ingredient - Hybrid idea

And I like it :D

**To boldly go where no blizzard employee has gone before :D**

The speech Skot indeed got from Mengsk :p But it's just to damn good.

And Alyx. I think that you might have the idea what is coming for some baddies and what I am creating. If you have played the game, seen the cinematics and read the story. You understand perfectly how a couple of million year old ultra high tech civilisation get's torn apart by claws and carapace.

Now imagin zerg with some nice 11th level regeneration... some plasma and psionic shielding.. high powered assault shock rifles.. psiblades and warpblades....

You know where I am going I think and I think you and a couple of others are damn well aware of what I am creating here for a being.

And you few know I think what's it gonna be capable of and now think of Zerg and the rate at which they hatch... with some nice IR touches and magic to it... now you understand perfectly I think how many of the little bugs we are going to have running around the multiverse if I get the chance to complete it :)

This is my answer to all the other high powered races and the red goo armadas. Like I said, if I compelte the project and live to see it the creatures stat block will be provided at the end of the turn when I complete it.

Damn I love Starcraft :D btw I'm a "professional" starcraft gamer for almost 4 years now and I do play for money now and then so I am trying to be worthy to the game by the plans and actions I take in this IR.

Zerg is sacred to me and now I get the chance to devellop my own version of it :)
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GOnna catch some sleep, had a tiresome day. Alot of saying goodbye and alot of traveling followed by catching up on the IR and the responding which can't be done to soon has worn me out.

See ya in a hour or 10 at least (I hope :p).

Heh, I've played Starcraft as well...the Cydians are pretty much the Archons and my Tri-Dominatrix are similar to the Dark Archons from my point of view.

Btw Forsaken...Red Puddings multiply much faster than zerglings methinks...

You are thinking Zerglings. I am thinking evil genetically/magically/technologically/godknowhowly altered and enginered creatures by myself :D

I hope they will be a match, I'm trying :) And at elast they will have a nice 200,000 PL rating which is always usefull :)

What I am creating is gonna be something like zerglings I think exept then with everything my imagination has to offer and which seems cool applied to it :)

Maybe you'll all may see me live to acomplish it and view it at the end of the turn :)


First Post
To Kalanyr

Not bad at all, I was waiting for you to show your true colours. (Couldn't resist bragging could you ?) (Also the fact Zouron knew about my #IR channel despite the fact I never posted it on the boards) (For those who are interested there's a chatroom you can use for the IR on psionics.net its channel #IR (Bugbears rooms still up to so this makes 2 channels. )

Kalanyr you made one very big assumption that is extremely wrong. How did I find your IR room? well I known the owner of psionics.net since before he got the server, heck I worked besided him once.

I travel chat.psionics.net almost daily, in various room of interest amoung others Spelljammer (which is mine after xmanii gave it up).

So how did I find it? I went on as always using mIRC, did a /list and say a channel called IR and saying something along the lines of Gnomish IR, raenloft here we come!

I didn't ally with Sollir before this but after, in fact as sollir will confirm I had a very very short alliance with him, we just bounches a few ideas off each other and talked about a few plans we have been working on.

This means I basically found the room by accident, I never seen a post on it ever, ut found it cool we had a place to go chat, especially since I was never a part of this bugbear team whom went there and talked.

Kalanyr don't jump to conclusions till you know the facts thank you.


First Post

Hi everybody, I'm back.

I wish to publicly thank Mr Draco for the exemplary way he has controlled the Union of Worlds in my absence. Good work man! Now it's time for me to once again carry my part of the burden.

I've been gone, but the God Emperor has not been passive. He has been working hard on furthering the interests of the Union in the colonies and supervising the work of his servants.
And BTW, this is secret and protected by the 11th level magic of the God Emperor against discovery. It is an attempt to spread peace and order throughout the Multiverse.


His Imperial majesty Telhorve the fifth of the Glorious and Venerable Empire of Stortevia in the crystal sphere of Gann listened attentively to the advisor at his side. "...In summary; the situation in the provinces is troubling," the man stated. "There are no major new developments in the war with the kingdom of Thelm, although our ability to continue our defence is being gradually eroded and their attacks seem to be gaining in strength. I suspect an outside force is aiding them. Somehow they have managed to hire tens of thousands of nomad mercenaries and seem to have an endless supply of weapons and spell components." he needlessly adjusted the collar of his robe.

The Emperor frowned, deep in thought. <So, the visitor was right,> he thought to himself. <Someone has been spending enormous amounts of money to ensure a Thelmian victory. So much money, in fact, that the ally could not be of this world. The so-called 'Cult of Prosperity' is the most likely culprit. They appeared out of nowhere a few weeks ago, with a vast amount of resources they have quickly won countless converts, especially in the eastern provinces and Thelm. They must have gained a considerable influence with the ruling council, especially considering their plentiful aid. Their diabolic symbiosis is obvious. Our defeat seems equally apparent, unless I accept the visitor's offer. The choice is easy, the solution is obvious, perhaps too much so. I need more time to consider this carefully, but time is running out, the Cydians are growing impatient and the war will soon be lost, unless I agree to the transformation.> The Sovereign Ruler and Emperor of Stortevia, The Thousand Year Empire, the Greater Half of the World, continued walking through the gardens, torturously pondering his decision.


In the Chamber of Destiny The Ruling Council of Thelm assembled. The Party of the Clergies as usual divided itself into cliques, glaring suspiciously at each others across the empty seats separating them. They were always ineffectual and useless, but now seemed more tense than usual. Ambic Tenev, Third speaker of the Militant Party, looked at them with open contempt. <Those superstitious fools have no place in this assembly> he thought and subconsciously stroked the hilt of his dagger beneath his coat.
The Party of Commerce walked into the chamber in a tight file, always-prissy perfectionists, but never incompetent, never afraid to take chances for the right stakes, though they perhaps trusted the Cult of Prosperity too deeply. Ambic had recently gained a profound respect for them and their opinions and the alliance between their parties was as old as the war.
The Peacemakers, all three of them, walked quietly into the chamber, too frightened and depressed to even look up from their white sandals. Ambic suppressed a chuckle at the sight of them.
The Reformed Party of the Provinces had already walked into the chamber before he arrived. The RPP had the greatest number of chairs and usually insisted on their precedence in all matters of ceremony. United in that, but divided in all other matters, they were like a miniature council all by their selves. The few times they united they were unstoppable by everything but the complete opposition of all the other parties, fortunately that seldom happened.
When the last member of the Peacemakers had finally taken his seat the First Speaker of the Council (and also the first speaker of the RPP) rose and spoke:

"We are gathered here to discuss one issue. Everything else must wait. The matters of taxation and land-reallocation are important, and so are the discussions of the execution and conduct of the war, but this is more so. We are gathered to debate and decide whether to accept the offer of the Cult of Prosperity and their requests in exchange for their aid. The High Priest of the Cult of prosperity has requested that he be allowed to address the Council, and I will allow him to present his offer."

The Golden-robed man by his side rose and stated his ultimatum in pleasant tones:

"Thank you, First Speaker.I will not take up your time with flattery but speak clearly and to the point. The nation of Thelm is facing a powerful enemy. You have managed to fight the armies of Stortevia to a standstill but at a terrible price in manpower and gold and without our aid your losses would have been far greater. Now you have reached a breaking point in the war, your armies are equal in power to those of your enemy and the outcome is uncertain. You are facing a long and bloody war of attrition to regain your ancestral lands, a war that you might well lose, without our aid.
The Cult of Prosperity is offering you the solution to this problem. We posses near-infinite wealth, gathered from our followers in many worlds. With this wealth we have hired mercenaries for your cause and bought large quantities of weapons and magical items that we have given to you, to aid you against the oppressive and decadent empire that threatens you. the aid we have given in the past is but a drop in the ocean compared to the aid we could give you, but our assistance comes with a price. We are offering you victory over your enemy and the complete conquest of the planet and all we're asking for in return is that you worship our Gods. If the majority of this assembly swears an unbreakable sacred oath of worship and declares the religion of the Cult of Prosperity the only legal religion in your territory we will make certain that you win the war, it will be in our own interest that you do, so that more people can be saved by joining our faith.
Do not fear to enrage your old Gods by forswearing them, for they are as powerless to harm you as they are to aid you. They cannot interfere in mortal affairs, our Gods have made sure of that. You owe no loyalty to the Gods who have abandoned you to your own devices, you owe no worship to the Gods who have done nothing in exchange for your prayers. Our Gods offer substantial and tangible benefits of your worship of them. Which Gods would you prefer?"

The chamber is absolutely silent for a moment and then the air is full of the noise of discussion as the Council is trying to come to a decision. The High Priest sits down again with a serenely pious smile.


This is an example of the colonial policies of the Union of Worlds. We offer aid, under separate (multiple) guises, to both the fighting parts in a war to gradually bring them both under our control. One side is promised economic or direct military aid in exchange for oaths of worship and the other is offered Cydian transformation for its ruling elite. When both sides have accepted the offer they will both be bound to our service (since Cydians worship Kas and the God Emperor by default and those who are sworn to worship are equally bound) and the war can be ended without their opposition. This way we bring peace to the worlds in the multiverse.

Our other colonial strategies continue as we outlined in our e-mails to you.

We temporarily withdraw the 20000 PLs we are using to build the City of Peace and spend 15000PLs on expanding our power in the worlds of our colonies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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