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(IR) What would your PC do, if he or she received the Sending of the Wanderer?

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I immediatley send a Divination/Enchantment shielded messenger to Vecna (one of my personal retainers no other Drow or our Allies are informed of this) , I wish to know his views on the ascension of other dieties after he has become supreme and what he offers us in return for our aid.

What is Vecna's Strength since he has chosen to delay his ascension?
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William Ronald


(I really have to hit the hay. But I wanted to catch up on this thread before I sleep.)

If possible, Gwilym Raonul will wish to address his government, its leaders, Oerth, and shares what he has learned.


I merely indicated that I was willing to consider your proposal but that I needed to consult with my allies. If I gave you the impression that I had made a firm commitment to such a treaty, I am sorry. I wanted to ask my allies and neighbors what they thought and whether we would enter such an agreement. Many of them have been silent. It would be foolish of me to sign a treaty with you and have them sign a treaty with Nyrond. So I sought counsel. Nyrond, in terror of Vecna, wished to join. My allies decided that we all need to stand against Vecna. Indeed, that was the ONLY thing anyone seemed to agree on. If an armed warrior, known for courage and skill, fearing a dragon attack came to your castle and said, "A dragon is coming to your lands. While I have squabbles with my neighbors, we must stand together. Do not leave me defenseless. Let me enter."

Under such a circumstance, I would treat even an enemy with honor assuming that he spoke truly. If you were in the position of Nyrond, I would let you enter. Both of you face the same threat, and if we fail, the same fate. Indeed, the threat of Vecna makes any quarrel you have with Nyrond or your other neighbors look like a disagreement among children about a game of marbles. No offense intended, Emperor of Aerdi.

We stand ready to fight beside Mordenkainen, Iuz, yourself, and many others against Vecna. We will need every ounce of strength and power, every measure of courage and cunning in the struggle to come. I do not consider you a foe. You are a powerful lord of a proud people, who is skilled in diplomacy and war. Does a man fight in a burning house or threaten to wrestle a hurricane? Against Vecna, there is no choice but to oppose him. If I can offer a truce to Iuz and every other power of this world, surely you have the magnaminity to postpone any conflict. Indeed, if we do not triumph over Vecna we will have no future as nations. Instead we will have Vecna's boot kicking our faces ... FOREVER!

We are trying to determine the truth of the Torillians intentions. The Kevellond League will not be manipulated. Nor do I think Iuz, Turrosh Mak, the Scarlet Brotherhood, the Esmerin-Baklunish Alliance, the Drow, dragons, Nyrond, Greyhawk, or any other power of Toril wish to be manipulated. We will not wear a collar whether it is of mithral or of bone. Perhaps the Lortmils Technocracy has the tools we need to defeat Vecna. Or others may have them. I am determined to do what is necessary to save Oerth from this threat. As I am sure you will, Emperor of Aerdi.

Peoples of Oerth, stand as one against Vecna! We shall determine what the people of Toril mean in their actions towards us. For now, any threat from them, real or imagined, is trivial compared with this mad god who seeks to slay and enslave us.

To Vecna (This message is shared with everyone.):

Your time has come and gone. We will not submit to you, or your plots. We are capable of determining the truth for ourselves.

We oppose you. From all that we have learned, you see yourself as the Center of All Things. Hubris. If you were not so vile and disgusting, you would almost be amusing.

You ask us to give your our aid. You will not have it. You will have our wrath, our vengeance, and the points of our swords.

However, in respect to your message, I have prepared a gift worthy of your offer. A goat dressed in the garments of a cheap prostitute, laden with a basket full of cheap wine, moldy bread, and cheese, is brought in to the audience chamber and teleported as close to Vecna as possible.

"A great lord such as yourself should have a fitting consort, should he not?":D
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The instant that goat appears the Drow messenger is teleporting away ,screaming as he goes that we will to consult with our allies before we decide whether to ally with him, the messenger has no wish to be around an angry Vecna!

I will instruct the messengers in each country we have representatives in to ask what each countries opinions of the Kender are. (Heh, These Kender are probably going to turn most of Oerth against Faerun)

After hearing the messengers report Kalany has decided that it still seems to be in our best interest to oppose Vecna, for now the Drow alliances & peace declarations remain as they are.

Messengers are sent to Kaz asking for aid against Vecna in our battle.
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William Ronald

(This is my last post for several hours. I urge those members who represent factions who have not posted to do so. Also, I urge people to take the part of undeclared factions. Failed my Will Save. Must sleep soon.:eek: )

Messengers are sent to any power having a desire or interest to oppose Vecna. The message urges an end to any hostilities, internal or external. Let Oerth declare Alliance in its opposition to Vecna. Let us stand with one voice, side by side.

As for the kender, we have never meet one. As for property issues, they seem to have the same attitude as the bird-people, the aarockraa. Curious. However annoying some people might deem the kender, comparing them to Vecna is absurd.

A kender, it seems, may be willing to talk for hours on end -- like some politicians. In comparison, Vecna is willing to remake reality in his own image -- and bring us to an end.

The choice is yours people of Oerth. To determine the nature of the Torillian's interactions with our world and oppose Vecna, who seeks to bring us under his rule. Whether he delays his schemes or not. Or shall we heed his counsel's, only to find ourselves shackled to his will, never to be free to chose our own destinies.

The choice is yours, leaders and people of Oerth. We stand with those who desire to oppose Vecna. I suspect he is somewhat distracted at the moment by his new paramour.


KingOfChaos said:
You guys ever thought of asking Morrus for a IC roleplaying forum?

As I understand it, this remains in RPG general until it builds some momentum then it will be moved to the In Character Forum in Bits'N'Pieces.

Time for me to sleep.

For now we continue our plans and research into technomancy, and maintain our alliances and peace & trade agreements we continue planting inactive dissenters in various nations, if the time comes we will strike at Vecna. The Teleport Circle the Drow and the Orcs of Pomarj are creating will be assigned guards on our end.

I have requested the Shade base at the opposite end of the Underdark territoy of the drow to the Vault (as long as this area gives ready access to surface nations and supplies if not move it further towards the vault of the Drow until it does)

The Drow I have sent to Toril will be polite (it suits their best interest given the situation) and formal but will reveal only that we wish Vecna destroyed and have some desire to ally with the Elves of Oerth (this is true these emisseries are followers of Vhaerun) but we wish to know what happened to the Church's of Toril in particular the Elven & Drow gods, we have no intention of letting our culture be gobbled up in these new churches.

My earlier stand on Kender & Tinker Gnomes remains, they will be painfully tortured & slowly killed,sold to the orcs of the Pomarj or given to whatever demons wish to play with them (I would offer them in sacrifice but I would assume the Demon Lords and Drow Gods would be more than insulted by such offerings) if they are found in or near drow territory.
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William Ronald

(Hello. I am back after a nap. I assume that this is occurring just after the messages from Toril.)

To Draco, the Honorable Representative of Kas and his legions:

I great you and welcome you, in this troubled time. The Kevellond League, representing many nations, greets you in peace and the hopes of alliance against the arch-foe Vecna. We welcome you as an ally, and let there be peace between us, and all who desire the final and irrevocable destriction of Vecna.

We are allies of the Lortmils Technomancy and will shortly introduce you to their representatives. I believe that they would be willing to trade with you. We have some technological items ourselves, which we will show you. However, it is the Lortmils Technomancy which produces these marvellous inventions. In matters of trade and armaments, it is usually best to go to the source. We are, however, working with the Technomancy in developing our resources. I believe that they can help your people as well.(Out of character: You need to e-mail Gnome Works or hope he posts here.)

In the interim, we are prepared to provide you and any who stand with us against Vecna with the tools for the great task that lies ahead of us. We can supply you with food and raw materials. We also will provide you and your leader an update on what has happened since that time.

As for ourselves, our nations are varied. Of the humans, many are of Suel blood, Oeridian, Baklunish or Flannae. The members of many races , elves, dwarves, gnomes, halflings, are also members of our League. Many others, such as Iuz, Turrosh Mak who leads the humanoid peoples, and the drow, also will stand with you against Vecna. We great you in peace, and urge you to live in peace with your neighbors. For now -- regardless of differences of race, species, culture, or belief -- we fight a common foe.

Ambassador, please tell your Lord Kas that I look forward to standing with him against Vecna and his legions. I offer you our hospitality, and alliance against Vecna. If you are interested, we will provide you with information on the new age that you have entered. If we stand against Vecna, I believe we shall triumph.

To all peoples of Oerth:

Whatever your beliefs about the message of the Wanderer and the message from Toril, we have a choice. Each of us must determine whether the outworlders of Toril are friend or foe. What is certain is that Vecna is a foe. If he triumphs, all our ambitions and dreams are ruined. If we triumph, we will be here to determine the truth of Toril for ourselves. I encourage you to think for yourselves. Alliance against Vecna will leave you with the best opportunity to forge your own destiny.

If the peoples of Oerth and their leaders desire it, we may consider asking the United Commonwealth of Toril for aid.

Let us discuss this issue. We should have reports about Toril soon, which we will share with you. Verify them on your own, if you desire. However, any threat that Toril may pose to Oerth is less than that of Vecna.

Edena: You have mail. I should also announce that I will give you a detailed list of contingencies (both spells and plans) for the battle.
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William Ronald

To Riot Gear and Draco:

Sorry about the mix up. I am shortly going to eat, so the food and cafeine will help.

All offers of help are accepted. By the way, what did you think of my gift to Vecna?

We stand as one in this time of need. I expect to hear soon about Toril. In this time, any aid against Vecna is welcome.

On Toril, Gwilym bows politely to Forrester, representative of the Humanoid Alliance.

"On behalf of the Kevellond Legue, and as much as I can speak for Oerth, I thank you for your help. I appreciate your concerns and thank you for any aid you can render."

After the private conversation with Forrester.

"I know the problems that your people face. It seems that a constant state of war exists with them and many others. I have known half-orc paladins of Heironeous, a kobold priest of Pelor, and a goblin who was a pacifist monk. I and my government assured that they would be treated with respect in our lands. Indeed, it seems that they are not as rare as I deemed. Despite prejudice, they have been accepted in their small communities and given many pause for thought.

I will send out my offer of assistance. I will offer them food, homes, education, and an opportunity at good, gainful employment. We should look at what lies in the heart, the soul, and the mind, not mere flesh. I will need your help in speaking with them. I doubt that they will believe me. I will, of course, make sure that your brothers are treated as equals in the Kevellond League. As for those outside its borders, we will urge them to unite in a quest for peace, prosperity, and dignity. As you know, members of our league include many peoples. I would be honored to accept any who seek to live in peace as a good neighbor and friend.

Perhaps we could even send food to the humanoids, humans, and demi-humans as needed. Your world, and your name, has been unjustly slandered. The peoples of Oerth and Toril must try to understand one another. Righteous words and deeds would do much to correct this. I also believe that the UC of Toril, the Humanoid Alliance, and the people of Toril in general should exchange ambassadors with the peoples of Oerth. Your brothers on Oerth would scarcely believe the changes that their Torillian kindred have seen. You live longer, and stronger, happier, and wealthier than before. In your youth, could you have imagined where things now stand for your brethren and the other peoples of Toril. The peoples of Oerth - regardless of race, species, culture, or faith - should know about the good works done here on Toril. Let us speak with them, you and I. Let us speak to all the peoples of Toril and Oerth.

I am beginning to wonder if any faction from your world might be involved in the current affairs. Could the UC and the Humanoid Alliance investigate this? I could see the Church of Shade seeking to play a role in Oerthly affairs.

Also, I need to speak with my government. I also would like to speak with my world to teach them about Toril and with your world to teach them about Oerth. I believe that despite the differences we may have, our commond desire for a better future will help us see past all differences. Regardless of race, creed, or origin, I think all peoples want a better future for themselves and their children. In the name of peace and the hope for a better future for us all, I will work with you in this time of need. I am sure my government will welcome your aid.

You may wish to take whatever steps you need to ensure that your passage to Oerth is not endangered as travel was in the past. There is much work to do. While I still fear for the future, I have hope. It is with that hope that I begin to speak for Oerth among you and to clear up the lies some have told of Toril. You and the other peoples of Toril have done well. I thank you for your audience, your counsel, and your aid. May both Toril and Oerth be blessed with peace, prosperity, health and hope.

(I am logging off for now. I suspect the UC and Humanoid Alliance know of what actions have been taking place on Oerth. I wonder what Forrester's reaction will be to the goat for Vecna?)
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William Ronald


I still need to hear from Forrester and Reprisal. I also need to know when Gwilym Raonul can speak to his government and arranging broadcast messages to Toril and Oerth. Also, did you check your e-mail for my post as it relates to the matters at hand?

(Post number 100 on the new boards! Finally!)

Turrosh Mak: On behalf of the Kevellond League, greetings. Now is the calm before the storm. We are prepared to help supply your troops and your people. We are willing to send food to you if you need it. We are also preparing packs of supplies for your soldiers designed for hard campaigning. I look forward to seeing the might of your warriors on the battle field. As well as yourself. The packs have several useful items, including a very specialized army knife from the Lortmils Technomancy (Swiss Army knife), food, rope and some decent wine. Let us hope that your warriors will soon toast the annihilation of Vecna with you, their lord? Our forces will stand with you in this conflict. Is there anything you really need? As we are ensuring that the full might of the Kevellond League will be available to assail Vecna, we also wish to make sure that those who stand with us will be as ready.

(If you are curious, the wine is fairly good. You have had better, but back when you were much younger you would appreciate it. The wine is wine, nothing more nothing less.)

To Kalanyr: We in the League appreciate your offer of aid. Now is the time for those who would be heroes to their peoples stand up as one. I have offered assistance to all my allies in preparing for the fight against Vecna. Although we have disagreed in the past, we now must stand as one for assured survival. I have offered food aid, and some supplies to Turrosh Mak and our other allies. I have supplied packs for the soldiers, those brave men and women who will stand by our side in the coming battle. The packs have several useful items, including a very specialized army knife from the Lortmils Technomancy (Swiss Army knife), food, rope and some decent wine. (I fear it may not be up to your usual standards, but then your best vitners have centuries to perfect their art.) Let us hope that your warriors will soon toast the annihilation of Vecna with you, their lord? Our forces will stand with you in this conflict. Is there anything you really need? As we are ensuring that the full might of the Kevellond League will be available to assail Vecna, we also wish to make sure that those who stand with us will be as ready as we.

Riot Gear, Mr. Draco, Serpent Eye, GnomeWorks, and all other leaders of Oerth; We stand on the brink of a momentous war. We fight for our own mutually assured survival. We must bring our full strength to bear on Vecna! Is there anything you need of us? Or do you have any information, tools, weapons, technology, or strategies to share? If we bring our full might and cunning to the battle, I believe we shall be victorious. We will share our knowledge and resources soon. Vital intelligence is coming our way. We shall share it with you, and ask that you share any intelligence that will help us achieve victory. Obviously, I am not asking you to reveal all your secrets. I want to make sure that when we fight our common foe, that we do not work at cross purposes. We know how many battles have been lost because of forces getting in each other's way.

Ambassador Draco, representative of the Legions of Kas, I greet you. Your lord is the most knowledgeable amongst us about our mutual foes might and capabilities. His counsel, as well as his unsurpassed skill and courage, is most welcome.

I salute those who stand together against Vecna in this time of need. May we achieve a victory that will leave generations to come in awe of our efforts!

(Guys, I have a suspicion things will slow down in the U.S. and maybe Canada for the Super Bowl. (Sometimes I think sports may qualify as an organized religion in Western society.) Today is a day for strategy, alliances, and making sure we communicate with each other.
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The Lortmils Technomancy is willing, of course, to give away armaments to whom we are allied with. We request, of course, that these be returned to us once the war is over. Copy our technologies, if you wish - but we want what we give you to be returned to us.

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