Iron DM 2022 Is Upon Us! Sign-Ups and Scheduling!

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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
@Gradine and @Snarf Zagyg will begin match 4 on Tuesday at 6 pm EDT

Okay. I made a YUGE error, because I am idiot. Which is something that is both well-known and cannot be disputed.

I have a concert I have to go to (travel to) that is happening Tuesday night. And I will be traveling Tuesday afternoon, with a return early Wednesday AM.

Wednesday would work better for me. Or any weekday except the one I agreed to, apparently.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Okay. I made a YUGE error, because I am idiot. Which is something that is both well-known and cannot be disputed.

I have a concert I have to go to (travel to) that is happening Tuesday night. And I will be traveling Tuesday afternoon, with a return early Wednesday AM.

Wednesday would work better for me. Or any weekday except the one I agreed to, apparently.
I am open to Wednesday or Thursday, definitely


Okay. I made a YUGE error, because I am idiot. Which is something that is both well-known and cannot be disputed.

I have a concert I have to go to (travel to) that is happening Tuesday night. And I will be traveling Tuesday afternoon, with a return early Wednesday AM.

Wednesday would work better for me. Or any weekday except the one I agreed to, apparently.
No worries. We'll bump it forward 24 hours to Wednesday.

Voidrunner's Codex

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