Iron DM 2023 Scheduling Thread


Due to timezone shennanigans, Nov 7 6PM is Nov 8 5AM for me, and I'll be sorta busy.

I can manage if it's a big deal, but any other day will be preferable.
I get what you mean - I didn't even look at my ingredients for the first 5 hours they'd been posted, because I was at work. IronDM is generally pretty forgiving about schedules, but sometimes you just gotta go with the flow, to keep it easy for everyone.

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Due to timezone shennanigans, Nov 7 6PM is Nov 8 5AM for me, and I'll be sorta busy.

I can manage if it's a big deal, but any other day will be preferable.
How does pushing it a day back work out for you? So Wednesday at 6:00pm EST?

Radiating Gnome

A question was posted in the tournament thread by @Whizbang Dustyboots about the lists of ingredients and where they come from.

This is my first time doing this, so forgive the dumb question, but where to the prompts come from? The Tome of Adventure Design or a similar random generator?

So, the judges each contribute a collection of ingredients using our own nefarious methods -- and typically we don't share our methods with each other, just our output.

We produce a list of about 100 ingredients between the three of us and then roll d100s to select sets of ingredients for each match. The sets are often managed a bit more than just randomized, because we want to make sure we're including a mix of NPCs, Monsters, mystical locations, concepts, and unusual items.

For my own contributions to the list, I used ChatGPT 4, in a long conversation in which first asked it if it was familiar with Iron DM (it was) and if it could provide ingredients (it could) and then spent a bunch of time asking for batches of 10 and refining them for flavor and level of creativity. My list was about 1/3 of what's in the full list of 100, but I honestly can't tell you for sure off the top of my head which ingredients in the prompts were mine, and which were someone else.


Voidrunner's Codex

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