Iron Heroes: A Saga of Might


Xoria staggers backward against the anchor mechanism, focusing her energies to fire at the nearest gull.

OOC: 5' step away from the gull to be able to use a ranged attack without invoking an AOO. Eldritch bolt.

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Walking Dad

First Post
Defense 13 (FF13), HP 34/34, F +5,R+4,W+4; Ini +2 ; Fury Pool 10/12; DR 1d4

"Grrwah!!!" Olmar shouts and move forward to attack the birds on the side of the ship..


Start berserker rage

1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4


Reserve Points: 34 / 34

Pick (gripped with both hand and Power attack 1):
1d20+4 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4

In berserker rage:
1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4

Dr Simon

OOC: Just to clarify, the razor gulls are a swarm, so each X on the map represents a mass of about 20 or so birds, not just a single one.

Xoria's magic burns some more razor gulls from the sky, and Olmar swings his pick in wide arcs, carving more bodies from the sky. The gulls surge forwards, pecking with their razo-sharp bills, filling the air with feathers and stink. Xoria and Punketah fall back under the onslaught, but Olmar continues to attack dauntlessly, and Vela lays about her with fists and feet, each precise attack taking birds from the air.

The witchfire playing about the mast suddenly arcs out, burning more gulls.

Xoria Eldritch dart 13+5=18, hits for 8 -> 4 points.
Olmar pickaxe attack 16+5=21 hits for 1d6+8=11 -> 5 points.

Gulls swarm attack
Xoria takes 2 damage
Vela 6 damage
Olmar 3 damage
Punketah 4 damage.
Distraction saves Xoria 2+5=7, fail
Olmar 20+5=25, success
Vela 10+4=14, success.

Opportunity attacks Olmar 12+5=17, hit for 1d6+8=9 ->4 damage
Vela 11+6=17, hit for 1d3+4=6 ->3 damage

Witchfire hits random target (=gulls) for 1d8=5 ->2 damage.

The storm conditions apply the following effects:
  • -2 to ranged attacks (except magic)
  • Balance check DC 10 in order to move more than 5 ft, step or fight without -2 penalty.
  • Concentration DC 15 for any spellcasting.
Xoria and Punketah are naueseated (Fort DC 11 per round)
All attacks on gull swarm do half damage, unless area effect.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Defense 13 (FF13), HP 34/34, F +5,R+4,W+4; Ini +2 ; Fury Pool 9/12; DR 1d4

In the red haze of rage, Olmar isn't able to think about improvising some kind of area attack to keep back the swarm. He just swings his pickaxe relentless. The minor picks and scratches from the birds are just ignored.


Got hit = gain 1 fury token.
Berserker DR roll below
Fortitude save during rage is +6

berserker strength 5/6

1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4


Reserve Points: 34 / 34

Pick (gripped with both hand and Power attack 1):
1d20+4 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4

In berserker rage:
1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4


Xoria finds herself to sickened by the storm and the smell of the creatures to focus properly. She tries to steady herself and fire again.

OOC: Firing another eldritch bolt.


First Post
(OOC - would swinging a torch around qualify as an 'area' attack in this case? Or at least do more damage than barehanded attack? Cuz Vela's in trubble here. :))

Dr Simon

OOC: Swingin' a torch seems to be an accepted form of attacking a swarm, and I think would do full damage (1d4?). Keeping one lit in the midst of the storm and spray might be troublesome, though. Hmm, there's probably a storm lantern hung from the mast.

Also, this is Iron Heroes, so if you can come up with suitable stunt.... Say -4 attack for a sweeping jump kick that works as an area effect, or something like that.
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First Post
Realizing quickly that her hands and feet won't be much use against dozens of tiny flying monsters, Vela rethinks her strategy. As the ship tilts in the waves, movement on the deck catches her eyes. One of the broomy, moppy things that the swabs use to keep the deck clean!

She runs over the deck to snatch up the improvised weapon. The numerous soft tassels wouldn't do much damage, she surmised...but the large area they covered might smash individuals out of the swarm.

Then something clicked.

"Rum!" she bellowed, as she headed back for the fray, spinning the mop over her head. "Get me a bottle of rum! And a torch!"

(OOC - The plan: Soak the broom/mop/whatever it is in rum, then light it on fire and hope it stays lit long enough to help. :))

Dr Simon

Vela grabs the mop, and the Bo'son, Bjorn, runs to help her with lighting it, feuds momentarily forgotten. Xoria clears away the last of the birds from the foredeck with her magic, whilst down on the main deck the birds swarm screeching around Olmar, who furiously bats them aside with great sweeps of his pickaxe. The deck around the mighty barbarian is slick with blood and feathers that are dashed aside by a wave that thunders over the ship. Punketah, meanwhile, takes refuge belowdecks.

The flock, greatly diminished, closes in on the sailors on the far side of the ship. One flees to the poop deck, the other dies screaming under a flurry of slashing beaks. Several stays now flap loose in the storm wind, threatening to rip the mainsail. Olmar's barbarian senses tingle, and he ducks aside as an arc of witchfire darts towards him. Although it narrowly misses, he is still scorched by the eerie green fire.

Vela - get mop, start to light mop (will be ready for use next round).
Xoria - Eldritch bolt, as above. Hits for 8 -> 4 damage.
Gulls swarm attack on Olmar for 2 damage, DR 1d4=4. Swarm attack on Sailor #3 for 6 damage.
Olmar AoO for swarm, 16+5=21, hit for 1d6+4=12 -> 6 damage. Pickaxe attack on gulls 15+5=20, hit for 1d6+8=11 -> 5 damage.
Witchfire hits Olmar for 6 damage, Reflex 15+4=19, saves, takes 3 damage.


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Xoria watches in horror as the gulls swarm about the mast and the storm threatens to tear the rigging apart. She thinks for a moment of trying to scare them away with an illusion, but knows that with the tossing of the storm and her own violently queasy stomach she could never find the focus for such a spell.

She focuses instead on rawer, cruder energies. Once again, she makes herself a conduit for raw power, and lets fly.

OOC: Another eldritch bolt.

Voidrunner's Codex

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