Iron Heroes: A Saga of Might

Walking Dad

First Post
Defense 13 (FF13), HP 31/34, F +5,R+4,W+4; Ini +2 ; Fury Pool 10/12; DR 1d4

The supernatural fire only adding to his rage, Olmar takes wide swings through the swarm, using all the mass and size of his weapon.

where did the witchfire came from?

Got hit twice = gain 2 fury token.
Berserker DR roll below
Fortitude save during rage is +6

berserker strength 4/6

attack (no PA, improvising an area attack as -4 att stunt)
1d20+1 - 1d6+5 - 20/x4


Reserve Points: 34 / 34

Pick (gripped with both hand and Power attack 1):
1d20+4 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4

In berserker rage:
1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4

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Dr Simon

Vela leaps nimbly into the fray, swinging her burning mop. Olmar is less dextrous and staggers across the swaying deck, smashing the birds as they hurl themselves at him. Xoria's magic passes straight between the creatures, and the witchfire arcs itself into her. Gulls fall all around, until there are only 10 or so, clustered around Olmar and Xoria. There is an ominous tearing sound from the mainsail.

Vela Balance check to move 4+11=15, success. Mop attack 16+4=20, hit for 1d6=1 damage. AoO on gulls 7+4=11, miss.

Olmar Balance check to move 5+2 = fail, 5ft. only (but it's enough). Pickaxe attack 14+1=15, miss. AoO 15+1=16, hit for 1d6+5=10 damage.

Xoria's eldritch dart misses.

Gulls swarm attack on Olmar for 5 damage, DR 1d4=1 -> 4 damage. Swarm attack on Vela for 2 damage.

Witchfire hits Xoria for 6 damage.

The witchfire, BTW, is coming from the mast. It's a dangerous version of St. Elmo's fire.


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Walking Dad

First Post
Defense 13 (FF13), HP 27/34, F +5,R+4,W+4; Ini +2 ; Fury Pool 10/12; DR 1d4

Under pain of talons and beaks raking his bare skin, Olmar continues to take wide swings through the swarm.


Fortitude save during rage is +6
Got hit onc = gain 1 fury token.
Spend it to increase the duration of the berserker strength

berserker strength 5/8

attack (no PA, improvising an area attack as -4 att stunt)
1d20+1 - 1d6+5 - 20/x4


Reserve Points: 34 / 34

Pick (gripped with both hand and Power attack 1):
1d20+4 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4

In berserker rage:
1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4
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"Bjorn, tend the rigging!" Xoria calls to the sailor. "I will protect you." She changes the way she is channeling energies, releasing her power in short blasts.

OOC: Trying a stunt, an Inflict Penalty (pg 209). The special effect is that she is laying down "suppressing fire" against the swarm, preventing it from attacking into a space.

She needs to beat her nausea and make her Concentration check. Then she needs to make a Base attack to-hit. She'll take a -2 penalty on the Base attack to make the total penalty for the gulls (if she succeeds) a -4. And no, I can't see anything that could go wrong with this plan.


But even as the sorceress focuses her mind, her body succumbs to the violent swaying of the ship and the overpowering stench of the gulls. She collapses on the deck, retching.
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First Post
With nothing else to do for the sail, Vela squints into the stormy sky to see the creatures attacking it. When she's spotted the offending creatures, she hurls the flaming mop upwards, as if it was a hunting spear...or some kind of crazy reverse-falling-star!

(Let me know what rolls vis a vis Spot are needed, as well as any penalties for improvised weapons.)

Dr Simon

Olmar sweeps his pickaxe through the gulss swarming him, but now that their numbers have thinned he has a harder time having any effect. He ignores the pecks and scratches that they inflict upon him, as does Vela, although she is less able to shrug off the damage.

Peering through the flapping gulls and the driving rain, she sees something up around the crews nest, a little implike creature seemingly made of the same green light as the witchfire. She hurls the flaming mop at it, but the wind takes it over the side of the ship to gutter harmlessly in the sea. In answer, the imp flings an arc of witchfire down at her, burning her arm.

Bjorn hastens to obey Xoria, working to tie down the loosened sail. Meanwhile, Punketah pokes his head around the door and, seeing that the gulls are not threatening him, emerges back onto deck.

Olmar attack 12+1=13, miss.
Vela Spot check 15+7-2=20. Attack 3+6-4 (improvised) -2 (weather) =3, miss.
Gulls cause 2 damage to Olmar, DR 1d4=2. Also 2 damage to Vela.
Witchfire causes 2 damage to Vela.


Xoria tries to force herself to her feet, staggering against the anchor winch, readying another shot. But even as the blue sparks seem to gather at her fingertips, her stomach heaves again, and she is back on her knees.

OOC: If Xoria can see the imp, she will try to recover and shoot him with an eldritch bolt. Otherwise, she'll just target the gulls again.
EDIT: Failed fort roll.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Defense 13 (FF13), HP 27/34, F +5,R+4,W+4; Ini +2 ; Fury Pool 10/12; DR 1d4

Oblivious to the witchfire-imp, Olmar cannot do much more than continue to take wide swings through the remains of the swarm.

Bad rolls on to hit :(
Will try until I succeed at least once ;)

Fortitude save during rage is +6
Got hit onc = gain 1 fury token.
Spend it to increase the duration of the berserker strength

berserker strength 6/10

attack (no PA, improvising an area attack as -4 att stunt)
1d20+1 - 1d6+5 - 20/x4


Reserve Points: 34 / 34

Pick (gripped with both hand and Power attack 1):
1d20+4 - 1d6+6 - 20/x4

In berserker rage:
1d20+5 - 1d6+8 - 20/x4

Dr Simon

Olmar swats away the remaining gulls. Now that it realises that it has been seen and is being targetted, the imp creature flies away into the storm, taking the witchfire with it. Although the ship is no longer under attack, it is far from safe. Sigurd begins shouting orders again over the storm, and Bjorn directs Olmar and Vela to help with making the ship safe.

For over an hour the Sea Ghost battles through the storm until, suddenly, all is calm. The clear night sky shows overhead, but on the horizon in every direction are dark clouds flecked with lightning. The sea still swells, but the wind has stopped.

"The eye of the storm," says Punketah.

One of the sailors currently in the rigging (finally managing to get the sails furled) gives a shout.

"Something coming up beneath us," he cries.

"Where?" calls back Captain Sigurd.

"All around!"

The sea about the ship boils and foams as something rises from the depths. Columns of coral break the surface and a collision rocks the ship, which then begins to rise as well.

"All hands brace!" shouts Sigurd as the thing continues to rise. The ship is held on an island of encrustation, shedding spume as it bobs to a halt. A craggy undersea landscape risen to the surface, some 200 ft. across. About 100 ft. away there is a structure like a shack, built from the prow of a ship. Dying fish flap about amidst the coral and barnacles. The ship heels to one side. There is an ominous creaking and chorus of shrieks and roars from the menagerie below decks, but all is otherwise ominously still.


First Post
Vela, holding herself tightly to the mast, manages to get her rain-soaked, battle-exhausted and witchfire-burned body to its feet. What she sees sparks superstitious fear deep inside. For a moment she sways, almost believing that the ship has sunk into the sea, and that they will all now be doomed to haunt the wrecked hulk, down in the depths where the sun never touches, and the water never dries.

"What witchery is THIS?" she demands over the howl of the wind. "Has the storm moved the sea itself?!"

Voidrunner's Codex

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