Is it just me...

*laughs* Yes, that is right, I laughed. I find a lot of this advice laughable, I am sorry. This has all been done a billion times over and over again. It is not a problem of needing more of an in-depth storyline, as I have vast and detailed storylines for most of my characters. Playing is not a problem, the point is that it is just not as exciting nor as fun as it used to be. At all. If anyone approaches my characters, I almost never ignore them anymore, I used to but then I saw what it felt like, back when I was a newbie. Anyhow, yes it is true that a lot of the new characters are starting to not be as good as before. And yes, I've come up with a few great storylines. The problem is simply not any of what I stated above, but that it seems that everyone is just getting bored because the site seems to have become quite repetitive. The same storyline seems to be happening again as from the past, and I have not seen a good fight in ages, or been in one for a long time. Whatever happened to the really good evil people? They all turned good or are never on here much, if they are, they are committed OOC to others. Also, I think people are trying to all become "too" creative if you know what I mean. The new characters just don't seem to have much flare like before.

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John, with all due respect, you are still a relative newbie but you're in sophomore slump mode. And btw, your chars drop every single bit of their storylines if a female glances their way at all, which is very frustrating to anyone else trying to RP with you.

Having a vast and detailed storyline doesn't matter if you can't keep it consistent with how you play the character.

The apparent repetition of the site storylines and the lack of "flare" is also a factor of becoming more used to the place. Yes, they get re-used because most people come here with similar background in fantasy games, books, movies. How many plots are really out there? Try giving them twists, try looking at other sources.

If you think you have great storylines but no one else is willing to play, try coming up with ones where others aren't as important, or try to rope in new people, or consider that maybe those storylines aren't really as good as you think.

New characters can take a while to get started. I've started several that I've thrown away because they didn't "click" for me, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy them and learn from playing them. You may also not be seeing everything going on with new chars.

You say "everyone is getting bored"? Odd, the people I know aren't bored. Or really not so odd, because at any given time in almost anything, about 1/4 of the people are bored, 1/4 are happy, and 1/2 are somewhere in between. Maybe you just know the wrong people.

"Good" evil characters are very diificult to play. There's often times in ISRP when not many are around. It's hard to be evil and not be considered a god-moder, because to have an impact the evil char needs to be able to somehow hurt other characters without dying immediately themselves. I have an evil char, but she's a small evil who in 20-some fights in ISRP, has managed to win only 2 of them (one against Rajak!), and even so there are people who won't RP with her. Feel free to start playing one yourself instead of complaining about the lack.

Ya, I have played many evil dudes. I've dumped my share of charries as well. Also, I know a crap load of people and a lot of them seem to be bored quite a bit. And what do you mean that my characters drop their storyline when a girl glances at them? If you don't want to continue this posting debate, IM me, please.

So, what are you going to do about it? I'll agree to the point that things -have- been a little slower than they used to be. Personally...and I might be waaaay off base here, wouldn't be the first time...I think it might have something to do with the restrictions that hit the site once the changeover from Wizards occured. Don't get me wrong, I agree with a lot of them. However, if you're really sticking to the guidelines and the laws of're pretty restricted with what you can play in the Crossroads which is wear you'll find the most people and the most chance for interaction. When I first joined up with this site (not too long ago, newbie that I am) I got an equal amount of frustration and joy out of the bizarre assortment of characters that were continuously streaming through this mundane little tavern in the Oerdian equivalent of the middle of nowhere. You could meet anyone in there, and yes it was ridiculous at times, but it also really helped with the excitement factor. Now, however, you're entirely restricted to the humanoids, and while that can force you to unknown heights of creativity (hooray!), it's also a bit stifling. Makes it less easy to make convenient character hooks and makes me shed a quiet tear for a wisecracking raven from Ysgaard and a stuttering centaur scholar.

And yes, I realize that all of these character types can be played in the Greate Bazaar and some of them can be played in the Rotunda. But when you look at it...there really aren't a WHOLE lot of us here. And it's hard to spread a lot of different characters out between a choice of quite a few IC rooms and still find meaningful converesation. Or maybe I'm just being lazy. :D

However, all that aside, mostly I find myself agreeing with Saera here. (Some sense that one, yes yes. ;) ) She made some excellent points. ACTION is the point here. Sitting around and brooding in the tavern will, I'm sorry, probably make the experience rather boring. There's some really clever people on this site with really fun ideas. Hard to get a conversation going? When all else fails, think of this: people are always interested in talking about themselves. Does anyone remember Draeloc? I loved watching that character be played, and he never seemed to have trouble getting into interesting conversations...because he asked. He asked people about themselves and made them think (whether it was true or not, that sly old dragon-slayer) that he was interested in what they were saying. This site is what you make of it. If you expect others to come up and entertain're likely going to be disappointed. Make yourself a dynamic part of storylines...both your own and those of others...instead of complaining that a site full of n00bs is cramping your style. You never know what might happen.

I agree with Eryk's first two paragraphs. The last one though...(*sighs* How many times...) is the fact that RPing with the people I approach is usually boring. Its not that everyone doesn't approach anyone, its that the ones they approach don't do diddly crap. I'm not trying to offend anyone here, don't misunderstand me -please-. I think that taking the restrictions off the tavern would in fact, make the RPing style a lot different. Yes, I realize the Cage was made for this, yes I realize that most of the other rooms was made for this. Though it is very hard to RP anything such as a centaur like Eryk said. The lack of people in the other rooms is small and minute. Yes I realize that a flood of posts is going to come in like the last time I mentioned this and say to just bring your characters into the other rooms and others will follow. That statement is usually untrue. People don't usually follow. Which makes it hard. Anyway, I think that a shake up of the rules and restrictions would be a perfect way of enhancing the creativity levels and the overall greatness of RPing.

It is difficult to think currently of any 'solution' to this 'problem'. (Note the single quotes so you do not think that I believe there is some grave problem.)

Anyway. The Bazaar, Rotunda, and the Cage are stagnant. I've made my newest not really thinking of any one location. But I might just shift her to just one room.
With my other characters, I might just have to shift them about and place restrictions on them.

And as for people accepting and reject 'newbies' or maybe 'oldies' I have noticed that sometimes too. This may come about because someone creates a new character and tries to keep he/she/it secret. But cave in and tells their tried and true friends so they can develop a storyline. I'm keeping my she's identity hidden because it's more fun, too me, that way.

If anyone wants to RP with any of my characters, initiate the session anyway you choose. Simple as that. Heck, I don't care if you trow a handful of peanuts at any of my guys. But just one advisory just be mindful of the initiation where you try to kill my of my character. Kind of distracting. :P

And to those I have RPed with I have had fun times many nights.

And one more thing, to those who butcher the spellings of words. Please spell them correctly unless your character has some kind of speech impairment or a heavy accent.

Most importantly, we need to refocus on the uniqueness of our characters. For example, if your character is actually drinking in the tavern. Let them get drunk! Kind of a amusing to see a bumbling full try to climb out a window. Or any other number of 'oddities' our characters can have. Another example, my new character despises men. From one RP session a couple of weeks ago she was compared to Siani!:P:D:P
But anyway! I haven't been on enough lately to keep tabs on whose characters are actually unique and not just the same character with a different name and a different face.

Now I bow out!

It might be...but I highly doubt it'd happen. There has been a lot of griping, friendly and otherwise, about the rules before this, and there will probably be a lot of griping after this. I haven't seen it change anything yet, and I doubt it will.

I thought I held people to a pretty high standard of RP, but I think you're outdoing me. The people you talk to don't do diddly squat? I'll admit I've met some taciturn people in my time, but never had a problem quite to that extent. Ah well. If there's anything I've learned in my tumble of a time here, it's that you can't make people change. You can't force them to RP like you want them to RP, and in your can't force them to be interesting. The only thing I can say then is keep trying. I know for a cast iron -fact- that there are people out there who create awesome characters that do far more than the proverbial diddly. You just gotta find em.

Once again, I totally agree with you Eryk, however, lately I'm just saying that people seem to be quiet closed off from most others. I do agree with the post that February and March have been absolutely terrible with problems this year...*thinks back to all of his IM's...and myself*, we can only hope that in the coming months this will get better, such as last year in the spring, that was very fun.

Itzquahpilli said:
Is it just me (which is quite possible), or does it seem like this site has lost its... excitement?
You're not the first to say it, won't be the last to say it either. But excitement is always what you make of it. If the site isn't exciting you anymore, do something about it proactively. Storylines don't suit your main character? Come up with a hook to get others interested in his interests. If you can't keep yourself entertained, you can't expect others to do so for you.

Have we run out of ideas for storylines?
Considering that proper storylines last for months or even years at a time, I'd say that the answer to this is an emphatic "No!". Not only are storylines that I took part in three years ago still going on (even if they are only active by one or two characters, due to time concerns of other players involved), but new ones are always starting up. Often enough, the ones that aren't overtly happening are the best ones, because that probably means that they're happening somewhat believably, and won't crumble within a week.

The Game is still active, even if it's not being brought up on a daily basis. Why? Because it's a major plotline that takes time to build up, and because it's being played through logically by players who understand that rushing the story cheapens the end result. And you know what? It's still an open storyline, as long as I'm given the minimal information that I request so that I know how to work unfamiliar characters into it.

Have all the good ideas for characters been used?
This is, and allways is, up for debate. Some can claim that all characters are derivitive of older ideas. Some can claim that as long as room for variation exists, good ideas are still unused. As long as people are able to feel what they're doing, I lean toward the latter.

Have we just fallen into unbreakable ruts?
For some, sure. But it happens to everyone. But this ultimately goes back to my statements on storylines: Just because some seem to be stagnating, doesn't mean that nothing is going on.

Saera's entire posts would be quoted for truthery right here, but I'll save the bandwidth by simply stating how right she is. ;)

John aka Sir D said:
*laughs* Yes, that is right, I laughed. I find a lot of this advice laughable, I am sorry. This has all been done a billion times over and over again.
If you find the advice laughable, then honestly, maybe that's part of your problem. No offense intended, but if you don't see how true the advice offered is, that could very well be the source of a lot of issues you seem to be having. Of course it's been said several times; because it's accurate. If people would take the advice, maybe it wouldn't bear repeating.

The same storyline seems to be happening again as from the past, and I have not seen a good fight in ages, or been in one for a long time.
On the surface, maybe. But this also goes back to my earlier point. And also, Saera covered this quite well already.

Whatever happened to the really good evil people?
Define your opinion of 'really good evil', and I'll happily answer that. Asking a weighted question like this without anything to support your opinion does about as much good as swatting at a fly with a silk scarf. And, sorry to say, but with your tenure at ISRP, you likely haven't seen the same really well played evil characters that most veterans have - the quality and quantity really was quite a bit higher in the old days.

Until then, I'll give you an example of 'really good evil' from my perspective: Xerneth Karjen, lead villain behind The Game plotline. He's not highly active, he's not well known, he's got most of the characters who haven't dealt with him directly at the disadvantage of not knowing him; and yet he's been played with a consistent method of operation for close to four years, with proper amounts of dormancy. Xerneth is clearly displaying how different he is from many villains that have walked the CRT/Emporium/Rotunda/Sigil in the ISRP's history. By this, I mean he's taking his time, the way that intelligent evil should. There's a reason that he's survived as long as he has, and a reason that he's reached plot-mastermind status now: he's proven himself to be smart enough about picking his times to act, instead of throwing himself into nova-mode and attacking at random. How does he operate? Keep an eye on the boards and his rare in-chat appearances, and you'll see. A lot of what he's going to be doing over the next several months will be entirely off-screen. Why? Because it's the intelligent thing for a villain to do. Evil isn't always stupid. Effective evil is rarely unintelligent. More importantly, well played effective evil isn't seen for what it is, until the knife is already being twisted.

They all turned good or are never on here much, if they are, they are committed OOC to others.
Maybe some have turned good. Most of the good villain players from my days of peak activity are either busy starting families now, but those true villains never turned good. So quite frankly, this looks like another point of contention reliant on your opinion of 'really good evil'.

As far as being commited OOC to others? Got news for you: People have friendships, and are likely to place some degree of priority on those friendships. Using the fact that people are bonding as part of a community website to complain about the lack of villains is as senseless as it gets in my eyes. Just because intelligent villains go after targets that they understand, and befriending other players can help those villains to understand their would-be victims better, does not mean that those villains can't just as easily turn their attention elsewhere, with the cooperation of other players. Honestly, the main problem that villains have always had in the ISRP is when your random everyday superhero decides to make a plotline their concern and tries stomping around like Superman during a cloudless summer day. There is absolutely nothing wrong with basing the center of a villain's goals around characters played by your friends, where you can actually estimate the outcome to a degree rather than roll the dice on getting a reasonable player or a godmoder.

I think that taking the restrictions off the tavern would in fact, make the RPing style a lot different.


Anyway, I think that a shake up of the rules and restrictions would be a perfect way of enhancing the creativity levels and the overall greatness of RPing.
Since no one else has played the experience card on this one, I guess I get the distinction. Something that I swore I'd never do, but I've got no choice here.

Many, many of us were around before the restrictions were made, while you, quite politely, were not. In those days, we had far more concerning matters to deal with than "The Magi won't let my character have a tail!". We had regular occurances of werewolves in wolf form, talking tigers, demons of all shapes and sizes, at least one dragon riding paladin that insisted on bringing his mature adult red dragon mount into the tavern for a drink, rodent swarms, regularly reoccuring barnyard animals, and god only knows what else.

No restrictions =/= better roleplaying atmosphere.

The restrictions were tightened up to improve the atmosphere of the tavern, to make it seem like it actually is located in a human settlement in a xenophobic land. To drop the restrictions would require moving the tavern, and I somehow don't think the tavern staff would enjoy moving it again in or out of character.

You know I was going to comment here again, but as I typed I relized it's the same DAMN gripe over and over again. Really and honestly what do I think would solve this problem?


There is no solution because this problem is NOT a mass problem like everyone keeps TRYING to shove it off as. Instead this problem boils down to YOU YOURSELF as a player and YOUR moods. Not other peoples.

You will play with others, when you in the mood to. You will play with only YOUR group, when you in the MOOD to. Get the picture? Gods I hope so.

And No I am not going off on any one person her.....I'm just getting sick of all the whining and bull crap.

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