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Is the Story Hour Forum on Life Support?

Do you think the story hour forum is better or worse than it was one year ago?

  • Better. There's plenty of authors around here who can dance with the Big Names!

    Votes: 15 14.6%
  • Worse. I remember when I was your age, these story hours will filled with excitment!

    Votes: 19 18.4%
  • About the same. Some better, some worse.

    Votes: 52 50.5%
  • I wasn't visiting here a year ago, so I have no idea.

    Votes: 17 16.5%


Unattainable Ideal
I never did have time read many of them. And nowadays I'm lucky if I get an update in once a month. I've been struggling with Dead Man's Chest for a while and just can't seem to find an angle on it that makes it fun to write. It's feeling like a chore right now, so I haven't done anything with it. That Story Hour started out really well, but it's not satisfying artistically right now. I'm looking for something meatier, I think.

Speaking of which, I'm hoping to start up Barsoom Tales: Season Two soonishly, but I want to have things fairly well mapped-out before I do so, and have a couple of updates actually written before I even start posting, so's I can maintain a more agressive schedule.

I have another idea for a "Not Exactly a Story Hour But Sort Of Inspired By A Game" -- I came up with this really fun character for a buddy's game, the game kind of imploded but I have this character with such a great story built into him that I'm very tempted to just make up a story about the guy.

So that I have something to do with all my free time. :\

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Sandain said:
Here are some things I like in my favourite story hours. If anyone knows stories who meet this criteria I would definitely go and read them.

Story hour is based on a long term campain.
Has older players
Set in a world I know or can quickly understand.
Updated regularly
Well written as a story, not just a series of fights and one dimensional characters
Has an epic storyline

I meet all of these requirements ;)

Not Greyhawk, but Planescape/FR. Vecna does make some appearance later on in the plot line, or at least his former deific domain in quasielemental ash makes an appearance. And one PC does gripe loudly on several occasions that he'd love to visit Oerth just to find Mordenkeinan so he could punch him in the mouth while yelling, 'Disjunction!'. ;)


Moderator Emeritus
MavrickWeirdo said:
(Now that You have finished "Book III" nemmerle, I plan on reading it from start to end.)

Woo-hoo! My first fan is back! ;)

I have the first two books in editted and cleaned up word doc format that I can zip for you if you like. . .

Or they are being reprised on The Rat Bastard Boards in the Legends & Lore forum (which is looking for a better name by the way) so you can easily catch up there and even comment all over again :D


First Post
I don't think the forum is on life support... it seems like activity here is as good or better than it has ever been.

True some of the 'big names' aren't posting as much or have closed up their storyhours, but there are plenty of story hours that are very well written around and updated fairly regularly.

Personally I don't read as many story hours as I used to when I first found ENworld. Of course, when I first came here I wasn't playing or running any games. Having been away from gaming for a long time and having had my last game be a pretty poor experience, the story hour forum here more or less inspired me to actively pursue it once more.

Now I play in 3 games, run one, do journals or campaign logs for 2, and have a story hour of my own here... so I have less of an inclination to read all the wonderful story hours here.

And yes MavrickWerido I have a girlfriend now, but that doesn't mean my story hour is doomed. :)

I don't see this forum as dying at all. As others have said, yes, many of the big big names are not posting as frequently as they once did, but there are plenty of good story hours out there to follow. If you're looking for a good one to pass the time, here's a quick list of the ones I usually check out often for updates that aren't among the "biggies."

- Capellan's "Q-Ship." I want Captain Fury's autograph! :)
- Alea Iacta, by Orichalcum. I'm fascinated by the Roman setting and how well it is displayed. And I wish I had his puzzle creating skills. :)
- PirateCat's "Code 4: Reuinion." Superhero tales from Freedom City.
- My own "The Celestial Empire," which I like to think is decent, set in medieval China.
- carpedavid's new "Land of the Crane," set in a Japaneseque setting.

Hi Everyone,

I voted about the same. For every "big" one that has slowed to a thrice a year crawl, there have been several threads that have tried to pick up the slack in its place. Hopefully, some of these up and comers will be regarded as "big names" in a year's time. While it is a shame that Sepulchrave is burnt out to the extent that updating his story has become too much of a chore, there have been plenty of good Story Hours being crafted every week to balance out the loss.

However, what I think has improved are the number of people viewing the threads in the SH forum. From personal experience with my own Story Hour, I have been surprised with the number of people looking at it. When it started out, it was getting about ten to twenty "views" an update but the last couple have been in the order of two hundred to three hundred views per update. Now I know that these aren't all separate readers - I don't know, I might have about ten to twenty consistent readers - but it still counts as showing that the Story Hour forum has a vibrant enough readership to give new writers such as myself a go. I'm sure that other new or "lesser known" writers would say similar things too. In short, I suppose I don't think the Story Hour Forum is on life support at all.

My answers in blue.
Sandain said:
Here are some things I like in my favourite story hours. If anyone knows stories who meet this criteria I would definitely go and read them.

Story hour is based on a long term campain. The campaign has been going since 3rd ed. started.
Has older players I am the youngest in the group at 32 years of age.
Set in a world I know or can quickly understand. Hmmm... homebrew with fairly standard but interesting ideas. It might not qualify.
Updated regularly Updated about once a week. I like to write something and then edit it a few days later to keep the quality of ideas and writing up.
Well written as a story, not just a series of fights and one dimensional characters I would like to think it's well written and ahs a bit of depth. :D It might be a little bit too verbose and demanding for some though. However, Pogre did have some nice things to say about it.
pogre said:
I think a couple of authors who update regularly deserve a read judging by your big names list:
Herreman the Wise's Story Hour
Has an epic storyline The world is about to implode under a weight of Liches after we destroyed the covenant holding them back. Maybe not epic enough for some.


Has character and monster stats in Rogues Gallery No. Something I'll have to get around to.
Set in Greyhawk Oops...
Allows reader participation with plot and creatures Not really. Although I answer any posts or bumps and try to answer any queries or questions people have. I do my best to support the readers who support me.

Sandain, I hope to pick you up as a reader. I honestly think you would like it.

pogre said:
I think a couple of authors who update regularly deserve a read judging by your big names list...
Other story hours like mortepierre's, BLACKDIRGE's Metamorphis, and EternalNewbie's Alqarin have not been updated recently, but are well worth a read.

There are others that are fun or interesting, but these are all well written and well worth anyone's time.

I'll back up Pogre here. Mortepierre's is amazing considering English is not his native language - you could never tell - while BLACKDIRGE's is another favourite. Like everyone though, I'm waiting once more for Sepulchrave to update his masterpiece. ;)

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


First Post
Story Hours are kewl

Been playing for about 22 years, but am a relative n00b to enworld.

<that said>

The Story Hours are my favorite part of this whole shebang...

I don't care too much to debate points of D&D rules, and don't PbP at the moment...but lurk through the story hours mostly...

As one of his players, The Jester, turned me onto his story hour about a year and a half ago, and I was simply blown away.

The reason it initially blew me away was, the - story, myth, and fun, created by the RPG session we had three years ago, is now a narrative, published, and noodling around in the imaginations of folks like you all around the world.

My appreciattion of these story hours has grown for many additional reasons:

- I find it fascinating to learn how other parties and DM's do things. Its allows us to draw upon the experiences of other gamers. I'm sure lots of you have pulled interesting ideas from these various documented campaigns.

- A lot of gaming theory, technique, and structure information comes out of the questions by posters and feedback from pc's story hour authors.

- Most of the threads I come across have better writing, dialogue, and plot than most pulp fantasy fiction I've read.

- It allows amateur writers to develop and perfect their writing style. A lot of people who thought they wouldn't be good writers, b/c they are bankers, or IT geeks or whatever, now have audiences who beg for updates. That's got to be encouraging.

- The time the authors take to prepare, edit, pass back and forth, their material, that they share for FREE with you and me.


Im sure folks can add others. There are so many good threads that get updated regularly for me at this time, I can't read fast enough...

Anyway, props to all you people who write. You've got to be dedicated, and its hard work, I tried and found that out.

I can understand how people can get burned, or take lots of time between updates.

Currently jammin through the Hallmae...

Sandain said:
Here are some things I like in my favourite story hours. If anyone knows stories who meet this criteria I would definitely go and read them.

Story hour is based on a long term campain.
Has older players
Set in a world I know or can quickly understand.
Updated regularly
Well written as a story, not just a series of fights and one dimensional characters
Has an epic storyline


Has character and monster stats in Rogues Gallery
Set in Greyhawk
Allows reader participation with plot and creatures

So, these are the story hour authors that I personally follow.

Jester (curently my favourite although I hate halflings and havn't read his latest)
Tales of the Bray Keaven
Also anything Blackdirge writes

I miss (Contact)! I wish he'd write again.

Long Term Campaign- Level 1 to the goal of 16. Been playing since Aug 2004
Player Ages: 22-36
Campaign World: Eberron bonus if you know it, not so if you prefer traditional settingsw
Updates: about 5 "segments" per two weeks. Segment = 1-3 pages
Role vs Roll: 1/2 of the players would be happy with X-Crawl, the other half want the intrigue increased.
Epic Storyline: There is a "Creation Schema" used to enhance and improve the creation of Warforged and other sentinent constructs made of 6 pieces. These pieces are "lost" throughout the countinent of Khorvaire and other places. Why has yet to be asked by players. There are about six large groups looking to gain control of the completed schema. So not only are the PCs trying to find the pieces, but so are several other groups.

1-2 a month I fill in the background events of these other parties. What are they doing and why. Afterall, why should they have story/conflict with only the PCs.

Rogue Gallery entree: nope
Greyhawk: nope
Reader suggestions: I'm always up for ideas and thoughts.

Long Term Campaign: Over a year now. Looking for level 3 to no limit
Age of Players: 30's
Campaign World: Darksun (Segments 1- 149 my conversion....150+ Athas.org conversion)
Updates: Weak point. 20 within a few weeks then a month or two of nothing.

Role vs ROLL: VERY role playing heavy. VERY
Epic Storyline: A "youngman" with little memory of his history is wanted by both the "good" and the "bad" guys. Why? It is suggested that he is the chosen one that will overthrow a Sorcerer-King. Good or bad- know knows. He is in complete denial of this. His girlfriend, is a collector of the journal that has the predictions within it. She sees him as a force of good.
Very serious plot but I try to keep a lot of humor within it for balance.

I do as much writting about the motivations and activities of the "bad" guys as I the main characters. It's all about Character in this Storyhour.

Rogue Gallery: Old 3.0 versions only. Looking to post my athas.org ones shortly
Greyhawk: nope
Reader Suggestions: Always

Medium length campaign. Begin at 18th level and figure end around 21-22
Ages: 30's
Campaign World: You name it (an alternate version of course)
Updates: weak point 20 or so then stop for a month

Role vs Roll: More about the Role play but this one is more combative than the other two Storyhours currently posted.
EPIC STORYLINE: As Epic as it comes. Two supreme gods. Creation and destruction on planar levels. Ever ask yourself or think about how your Greyhawk is so different from another Greyhawk? What if both exist. Sliders meets DnD. One god creates them, another feels the multiverse is being corrupted by the many versions and wants only a single timeline to exist. What does he need? His artifacts returned to him.
Five heroes of different worlds and types (Ravenloft, Marvel Comics, ASF Comics, Darksun and Kalimar) are joined after dieing in their time line wrongly. They face the agents of the "Destroyer" or any of a dozen names he goes by. Some of these agents are the very foes that killed the heroes. The five heroes are resurrected to stop them.

They are not doing well ..... :\

They are at their final stand and many things are happening. Instant child conception and birth, Becoming undead, keepers of secrets and so much more.

Again, serious plot but lots of comedy. As an example- 2004 government agent giving CPR to a downed hero. The cleric there is "My god! are you trying to kill him?" A lot of point of view.

Rogue Gallery: Have not updated it in a while.
Greyhawk: Not yet! :lol:
Reader suggestions: Always up for something.


Still "debugging" this Storyhour so it is not posted yet. I'm looking to write it in a more professional manner. It will be Eberron and done so as to be very explorative both in the world and its rich history.


First Post
There are still threads I enjoy reading and others I ignore

And Barsoomcore is still doing story hours so there is some good in the world


First Post
Sandain said:
Here are some things I like in my favourite story hours. If anyone knows stories who meet this criteria I would definitely go and read them.

Story hour is based on a long term campain.
Has older players
Set in a world I know or can quickly understand.
Updated regularly
Well written as a story, not just a series of fights and one dimensional characters
Has an epic storyline


Has character and monster stats in Rogues Gallery
Set in Greyhawk
Allows reader participation with plot and creatures

So, these are the story hour authors that I personally follow.

Jester (curently my favourite although I hate halflings and havn't read his latest)
Tales of the Bray Keaven
Also anything Blackdirge writes

I miss (Contact)! I wish he'd write again.

Glad the Bray Keaven SH lives up to your standards. Always good to know we have some satisfied customers. :cool:

I think the SH board is doing just fine. I usually update the Bray Keaven SH once a week, and it gets between 150 and 250 new views per update. And the weeks I don't post, some of the regular readers start prodding me to get busy.

I've also noticed that there are lots of SH being updated, so it's difficult for a SH to stay on the first couple of pages during the course of a week. I think a lot of people primarily read the SHs they see on the first page or so, and seldom dig deeper for some of the hidden or less-frequently-updated SHs.

I've wanted to start some other SHs, but keeping up with one is difficult enough. I don't see how some of the authors keep multiple SHs updated as frequently as they do.

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