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Island Empire - A Warlock Alone Part2


What ever you might have been expecting, the result is initially disappointing. The lamps are lit, the crew sings and Nac'Losin makes her way about the ship with a foul smelling incense swinging. The men stand tense and ready for 10 minutes or so. Then just as people are starting to convince themselves that there is no danger, Michaela's nose wrinkles at a strange smell, a mix of grave, tomb and salt. The air takes on a noticeable chill on the quarter deck...

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Micheal's words are barely out of his mouth when the temperature drops even more dramatically and a roughly man-sized whirlwind of icy salt water droplets comes behind him and tears at his flesh with salt and cold. (19 damage)

J. Alexander

First Post
Feeling the icy attack Michael will turn and let lose with fire enhanced eldritch blast searing the creature for 52 points of fire damage....

Warlocks are very good with fire :)


The flame seems to have an effect and the creature seems diminished. You hear a sharp intake of breath from some of the crew at the blast of fire on a ship. The sailor's fear of what fire can do to a ship is well established. Crossbows twang to little effect and an axe wielded by a Dwarf Marine passes through harmlessly. The swirling mass which looks a little like an air or water elemental surrounds the axe man and drops his dead dessicated body on the deck. It may be your imagination, but the thing seems a little larger after killing the Marine. Nac'Losin raises her holy symbol and calls a searing ray of light to blast the creature. Ramona tries magic missiles and they seem to have an effect as well.

J. Alexander

First Post
Taking his cue from the ladies..michael will change to a postive energy twist to his blast of eldritch fire trying to counter act the negative field around it..

"Willum..gentlmen" sing of faith and love....raise your voice in song of joy and life.. Michael shots


The song starts, ragged at first but growing in confidence and strength as Willum leads. The creature seems to diminish under the attacks and song. It starts moving aggressively in Willum's direction.

J. Alexander

First Post
Thinking quickly, Michael will go on the defensive weaving his eldritch energies and mite into a positvely charged shield that he will try to slowly force around the creature.

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