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It would be great...


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...if the properly setting-specific characters could, for once, be in the proper rooms.

You know what else would be great? If, for once, I could log in to chat, head into the Rotunda and *not* have to see ... myself as the only person in that room, and 30 people in the tavern.

I'm surprised the Rotunda hasn't just been completely obliterated because of lack of anyone being there.
I spy sometimes, and look at descriptions of characters, so I know that there are individuals who go into the tavern but who, according to the proper rules and the CoC, *belong* in the Rotunda and/or Great Bazzar, but are in the CRT instead. Grrr.

Out of courtesy, I won't say any names but will ask, people, that you remember to do the right thing.

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what the..?

things are becoming to petty lately and quite honestly i am getting sick of it....this is dungeons and dragons people!..a world of fantasy, adventure and most of imagination!...this is a place where any and all people and creatures of all types can explore freely..at least it is supposed to be.........i have seriously considered leaving en world all together because of the rampant pettiness that plagues the place...a friend of evertides
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First Post
You do realize, I hope, that we could lose the Rotunda because of the veritable lack of traffic it receives? Is it really a lot to ask that setting-specific characters be in setting-specific rooms?

Dungeons and dragons may be the game we play on this website, but this is a real website, with real problems of lack of attendance to the majority of the rooms - excepting the CRT, of course.

There are rules and there is a CoC. Those are expected to be followed - for the benefit of the Magi's sanity and for player happiness. The reason the rooms were created was to benefit characters and give them a variety of settings to play in. But if those rooms aren't used ... why would the techie people even bother to keep them?

People do explore freely ... but they all explore freely in the CRT, and not much anywhere else. Now I could've been "petty" and mentioned every name I've ever seen in the wrong room. I could've been "petty" and cussed out everybody who has a registered screen name with EN World. I could've been "petty" and said, "Hey, you're all stupid, idiotic, non-sentient, imbecilic fools who's misconceived perceptions don't lend enough appreciative to the endlessly grueling work that everybody has to do to maintain these settings!".

But no, I did not do that.

I asked that people at least TRY to use the other rooms, and keep their Faerunian characters in the Faerunian room, and the setting-specific characters to the setting-specific rooms that the Magi - and Gabriel - so happily and dutifully maintain for our benefit. To not use the rooms we are given - for free - is spit in their faces.

So if you think that's petty, I'm sorry you feel that way. You need to open your eyes and look at the bigger picture and perhaps my post again before you accuse myself or this site (or anyone, for that matter) of being "petty".


First Post
blah blah...

Your argument is that people don't use the various rooms because they aren't staying "Setting-specific". Well, to tell you the truth, The moment that the CRT was given a specific setting, the amount of users plummetted. Why? Because of this exact reason. Because people like you will sit around and fume over something as insignificant as whether or not a character is supposed to be in one room, but isn't. When this whole thing started back on TSR, the CRT was created for the sole purpose of allowing any kind of character from any type of world to come and congregate. So if somebody made a Freeform character or world for that character, they could use it and be able to freely RP. But that aparently wasn't good enough for those of us (not naming any names...) obsessed with the nit-picky rules of campaign settings, and so now, according to the rules, we are to be trapped withing the settings. So basically, If I have a character who is from Faerun, and somebody I want to RP with is from Greyhawk, Oops! I can't ever RP with them, because I'd be breaking the rules. Does that seem like the interesting and enjoyable experience that we all come here for, or does it seem more like a safe haven for the Campaign setting-obsessed? So why are people more inclined to go to CRT than the other rooms? Is it because they are ignoratn of the rules? Is it because they are "spitting in the faces of the Magi"? Or maybe it's just because, when given the choice between many, pretty much identical rooms, they would rather stick with what's familiar, as all humans tend to do instinctively, than go to a room that only truly differs in the amount of users? If you want to change this, maybe you should suggest ways, other than campaign settings that many people either don't use or don't like, especially in ISRP, to set apart these other rooms to give people actual reasons to go to them. You see, I have, as opposed to your style of making a point, used logic and made suggestions towards a solution rather than simply rant about something that made you upset. So please don't tell me that I need to "Open my eyes" and "See the big picture" Because I really don't like being told I'm ignorant by hypocrites. It just upsets me.


First Post
To put it simply..

The only regulations that mandate which room a player should use, are those established by the setting rules. Therefore any character who falls within the established setting parameters, can engage within that setting.

That means a faerunian elf, who wishes to visit the Cross Roads Tavern, can. So long as said elf does not violate the 'Roads setting rules.

Your suggestion that characters should stay within their own settings, has several disadvantages..

1. Those characters from settings that are no represented on ENWorld. By your suggestion those from Faerun should remain in Faerun, those in Greyhawk should remain in Greyhawk.. what of those who do not have a room to represent them. Characters from Ansalon, or Taladas, or Athas, or the Demi-plane of Dread. By your reasoning, then, these characters should not be played since they are not setting specific to the rooms in place.

2. Limited Role-Play. Most of the characters present, are ported over from ISRP. They have established backgrounds and histories, and friends. And suddenly, by your notion of keeping each character to their own respective setting, someone is asking those characters to stop interacting with those people that they always have. To cease role-playing as they have.

So you have a few options really..

A: Make a character that follows the Tavern Setting Rules, and join in the RP.
B: Invite your friends and other people you interact with, to join you in the other rooms. I said invite, not demand in a rant across the message boards.

But please, do not try and change the gaming habits and styles of others. So long as they are following the CoC and established setting rules, there is no reason for anyone to complain. Face it, people will play where they choose, and trying to limit this with a vague notion of "Keeping setting characters to their own settings" is utterly ridiculous.
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Damage Control

((Disclaimer: In no way is the text below meant to be any attempt at a guilt trip, pity-me attempt, or any other negative-emotion creator. That's not my intent here. I'm trying to convey my message, my intentions, and my concerns. Hopeuflly I'm better at it this time around than the initial post.
I always was poor at conveying messages with words ... something I'll have to work harder at.))

I will concede that both of your points, Dontella - and Xerber and Evertide (whom I really, really, really hope punctuates. Please?) - have merit and make sense and I do not disagree with them. Honestly, though, it is not the CoC that really irks me, or, as much, the conflicting of settings.
If a Faerunian character has a way to, logically and logistically, plane/world jump to Oerth, sure. But it does bother me that a Faerunian character is hardly ever seen in the Faerunian room.

It does bother me that certain rooms, such as the Rotunda and the Great Bazaar, aren't even used, or are rarely used. I enjoy RPing in the Rotunda, but is my fear - perhaps rightly so or perhaps paranoid'ishly not - that if those rooms aren't used for the worth that they are, they're going to be lost. Why would anyone want to put work into a room that isn't used?

I'm sorry to Xerber or Dontella or anyone else that thought I came across as condescending, conniving, hypocritical, or trying to change their gaming beliefs/styles/philosophies. I can only hope you won't hold a mistake such as this against me.
If I came across as such, my sincerest appologies.
That was not my intent. What my intent was is to draw attention to the value of the other rooms. I did not intend that one character could never, ever, ever go to another realm and play. That's not, of course, my choice.
It's just that it *kills* me to think that we might lose these rooms because of lack of attendance; rooms that people, I think, could come to know and love as much, if not more, as the CRT.

I don't see this discussion as going anywhere but further, rapidly, and catastrophically downhill. My words came from frustration, which came from anger; I should've known better than to post in such an emotional state. But, we're all human externally, no?

But, obviously, this is going nowhere. We have our likes, our dislikes, and our preferences and, with my bad foot set forward, it looks like I did very little to change anything, save to make myself look like a fool and push others further away from anything I hoped to discuss.

My appologies for any stresses or angers that I've caused anyone here. Hopefully, in the future, we can look past this. And, even more hopefully, you can look past the immature emotions that run rampant within my mind and through my fingers to see where and why I was coming from during this stance.

Without a further waste of anyone's energy, emotions, or time, I bid everyone good bye, good luck, and happy roleplaying.
And my appologies for riling people up, yet again. I was wrong.

((Disclaimer: In no way is the above meant to be any attempt at a guilt trip, pity-me attempt, or any other negative-emotion creator. That's not my intent here. In short: I yield. I always was poor at conveying messages with words ... something I'll have to work harder at))


First Post
No problem whatsoever, I thought about this a bit and think that we should do something constructive with this. The problem is that the CRT, the Bazaar, and the rotunda are all, in essence, the exact same. They're basically all indoor places with a bot to give out food. And since the CRT was here first, most people ask "Why switch?" So if other people are supposed to use the rooms, then there should be something different about them, like bringing more focus on the actual bazaar and letting people own stores, or making the rotunda utilize the gambling and fighting pit more effectively, like having regular gladiators and such. But then the problem of Rping transportation comes into play. How would people get back and forth? I'm a Planar master so I can get there easily enough, but most poeple porbably don't go to the Rotunda or the Bazaar because their characters just can't get there... Something ought to be done...

Oh, yeah and..
Khaira said:
But, we're all human externally, no?
Actually, I'm still a gnome on the outside too...


First Post
here is where i would like to step in just for a moment and try to impart a different point of veiw. transversing the planes isnt so uncommon so really the only restriction we are set to is that the Bazaar is unrestricted and the CRT is restricted, and what i read of the Rotunda..it is also restricted. that leaves a modern setting game world. each world does offer a different play of adventure and interaction level but i do have a bit of folly here. *sighs* unfortunatly against what we would want, humans like to conform. flock to where others are. so when i log on and want to just RP...the only people i see on are in one room...the tavern. so i go there to RP...ive asked people to other rooms and usually not many will want to follow. it is bad but can i offer up one idea i had to atleast get more attention to the Bazaar. could it be changed from the plane its on? Sigil isnt pretty and since you always gotta watch your back or get stabbed it makes one learly to go. i think if it was thrown onto some more familiar plane and left as a open air cafe/ city of stalls would draw some attention. i belive the concept of Sigil may be scaring some players off from it but it they felt it was a bit more safe and there unrestricted characters where still alloud it would ge alot more attention. and as for the Rotunda, i actually like it, some of my characters go there more often then others yet i still use it. and to be honest, ive seen it get its uses later on in the evening in my timezone. so see, i really dont have any complaints to make just a suggestion. no feeling hurt, no slanderizing unintentinally. now with that out in the open i hope that idea will be given a chance. id hate to lose the ISRP, its been my place to relax and have a bit of fun. its been a place to meet some really great people and help people new to the whole idea along when i spot them. all ive seen alot on these threads is whats wrong with the chat and nothing good. but im going to change that


Chaotic Lawkeeper
Just to clear something up, the Bazaar on Sigil is as far as I know an open air area...Trelian would know better though...



First Post
Xerber said:
No problem whatsoever, I thought about this a bit and think that we should do something constructive with this. The problem is that the CRT, the Bazaar, and the rotunda are all, in essence, the exact same. They're basically all indoor places with a bot to give out food. And since the CRT was here first, most people ask "Why switch?" So if other people are supposed to use the rooms, then there should be something different about them, like bringing more focus on the actual bazaar and letting people own stores, or making the rotunda utilize the gambling and fighting pit more effectively, like having regular gladiators and such.
First of all, I want to make sure I'm interpreting you correctly, since I do have a problem doing so often enough.

You are saying - again, forgive me if I misinterpret - that the majority of the room are, boiling it down to the nitty gritty, practically the same room: rooms with a bar and a serving golem.

I'm going to sound redundant here, I'm sure, so forgive me.

The rooms are setting specific (I told you I'd sound redundant). I have characters - most notably Faerunian - who go to the Rotunda because they have solid ties to certain groups (most notably the Harpers). I love Faerun with a passion, which is why I go there. To associate with other Faerunian characters. I enjoy meeting a character from Silverymoon and talking with them about Alustriel; meeting a Purple Dragon from Cormyr; meeting a wizard-apprentice of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun; meeting someone who has known the generosity of Elminster or the Seven Sisters; meeting a drow from the Underdark who has turned to the grace and love of Eilistraee. This is why I love the Rotunda; it's home for me. A gambling festhall, a place for parties and weddings and other celebrations. Or, at least it was until those stupid, immature patrons ruined the Pegasus room for us all. Perhaps it'd be even more fun if we had people who could run actual gambling games, actively. Say, people, playing as vendors.
An idea, no, Nash?

The CRT is also rather setting-specific in that:
a) it's set on Oerth, which has its own intrigues, etc,
b) has its own meddling groups and gods, complete with troubles and strife , and has its own particular cosmology with their deities and planes.
c) Is a strictly tavern setting (correct me if I'm wrong here)

As the CoC states, children are not generally supposed to be in the tavern. But, I suppose, the Rotunda isn't the safest but, since its not a strict tavern environment (which just screams, to me, "No kids!"), it seems to me a bit more welcome.

While my love and heart will always and forever rest with the Rotunda, my point is not pointing out differences that mark these different rooms as ... er ... different.
Rather, my point is that each room is unique - or, at least, it should be viewed as such. They're not *just* multiple rooms for people to go to for their benefit; they're rooms that are unique and individual in their own special way, that are meant to have their own flavor, history, and style. As someone said previously, the rooms are for people to explore freely.

But please, please, please, I beg, do not fall into the trap of disillusionment by thinking that the rooms differ only in the amount of users and the name of the bot. The Rotunda, in Wateredeep of Faerun; the CrossRoads Tavern, in Ford's Keep of Oerth; the Great Bazaar on .... er ... somwhere in Sigil; TMP, the modern-based setting, on Earth(?).

These are all vastly different worlds, not merely different rooms. They come complete with their own weather variations, climates, interesting people, landscapes, history ... everything! Last night, I had a discussion my Zakharan character was talking with Silverymoon character about the different cultures and the lay of the land. It really FELT like Faerun, for once! It didn't feel like simply another room, albeit with lessened patrons, it FELT like a genuine Faerunian room.
This, friends, is what makes the rooms different. They are in different worlds/planes/cosmologies, each with their own feel.

This, I think, is what was the intent when the discussion went on about these rooms. Not to simply have a multitude of rooms that were simpyl blase; but to have rooms with vastly different environments, to allow people a myriad of experiences.
Am I right in deducing this, Magi? Or am I similarly disillusioned?

Now, having said that, we do need to improve the setting-specific "recreations" of the various rooms (i.e. the gambling in the Rotunda). The problem is, though, if we assigned people to, say, man the gambling sections, would it be used? And does it *need* to be used?
I've seen plenty of characters use the gambling games and tables as purely part of the background.

I.E. KHaira wanders through the crowds of excited, tense gamblers, mixing in with the crowd as she chances glances towards the dining area of the Rotunda watching [insert name]

As for the Fighting Pit, it is - I assumed, perhaps wrongly - that it was merely the place to fight in the Faerunian room. It's rather inconvenient, after all, for a character to have to plane jump just to fight!
But there's no reason why there couldn't be gladatorial-type battles. Perhaps you could work with Magi Nashira to organize something like that? It is a good idea, after all, and I'd hate to see it fall by the wayside.

Xerber said:
But then the problem of Rping transportation comes into play. How would people get back and forth? I'm a Planar master so I can get there easily enough, but most poeple porbably don't go to the Rotunda or the Bazaar because their characters just can't get there... Something ought to be done...

As I recall, there are portals on Oerth. I only remember this because my Adept, whom I play, has to use portals instead of Moonbeam Travel (since it's extraplanar and world specific, consequently not allowed). I can only assume that Faerun, where the Rotunda is, has the same or similar, being a high-fantasy world.
It seems rather odd to me that every character can use planar travel to get to all of these other realms since, I think, in general, portals lead to locales on the same realm, not on a different plane. Am I wrong in this line of reasoning?

Xerber said:
Oh, yeah and..

Actually, I'm still a gnome on the outside too...

Well, I'm more of an elf myself ... ;) but that's besides the point.

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