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Imreis said:
transversing the planes isnt so uncommon

This is wrong in one aspect, for some reason, each Prime material plane, or realm, such as GH FR DL DS and the others, all have thier own plane scape, indivisual hells, abyss, even some elemental planes etc, as In GH Lolth is also in this setting, though Not so different from FR Lolth, she is in a completely different area of time and space, so in function as they are both individual gods/godess it also shows that, they are rather unable to connect in many ways and travel between them would seem completely rare. The same as many realms do not even register the same great evils of the hells, abyss, ones greater enemy could be anothers toy, so keep that in mind.

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>>>This, I think, is what was the intent when the discussion went on about these rooms. Not to simply have a multitude of rooms that were simpyl blase; but to have rooms with vastly different environments, to allow people a myriad of experiences.
Am I right in deducing this, Magi? Or am I similarly disillusioned?<<<

This is correct...the various settings are meant to reflect the various worlds such that players can have very different experiences. The Magi do a lot of the work to set things up, but even so it really takes the players getting invested in the various worlds/settings to take things to where we had hoped they'd go.

You said you had an experience where it actually felt like Faerun, and this is what we were hoping players would experience, what we were aiming at. If we have fallen short in this, then all we can do is keep trying to make it easier for players to get into the groove as it were.

For Greyhawk, we have a calendar and the Journal, I've revamped the menu to reflect items from Oerth, and so on. We try to play off the setting when we are on duty, hoping to get others to do the same. All this being said, the following remains true...

_People go where they see other people.
_Not everyone wants or cares about settings.
_Even if most people do care, there are always some who want part of one setting in another and will always wish it so.
_There are those whose characters do not come from any of the settings currently on site...and they will tend to go where people are or to the place that is most familiar to them.
_There are those who really, really want to play characters from one setting in another setting and have them work as they would in their place of origin.

Some of what we play here is D&D, some comes from other things, other systems. We do not specify any games at all...you can make your character up out of the air if that's what strikes you as cool. However, the rooms *are* setting specific to varying degrees, and regardless of how the character originated they have to abide by those setting rules that are in effect. We've tried to give some variety with different worlds, and we are quite willing to do more if we are shown a real desire and need for them.

Faerun is High Magic...God Avatars have often walked the lands and wizards like Blackstaff and Elminster are scattered about. The airships of Halruua are fascinating and unique. Sleeping Unther and Mulhorand hoard secret magics and it is said that gods sit their thrones. This setting has to my mind the best maps and placenames of any setting so far. It rocks, though I prefer the 1e version of it myself. Silverymoon is my favorite place here and the whole world can be exciting and as bright as hell. There's a lot of hope despite the Zhents and Red Wizards.

Planescape has a resident deity. Don't get much higher magic than that really. People from everywhere and everywhen can be found there. Anything goes here, pretty much. Dangerous place exactly because of it's nature. Few laws, and most of them exist to be broken saving only those of the Lady herself as I understand it. I'm not well grounded in Planescape.

Greyhawk is a *comparatively* low magic setting. That is, it is only low magic when compared to the other settings. It has it's share...The Circle of Eight, a Demigod Cambion who rules an Empire, The Witch Iggwilv and the banished God of Entropy Tharizdun. Oerth is a very dark, very gritty setting. Magic is slowly draining out of the world, the largest empires are evil ones, and life is very hard. The Flanaess just recently finished a war that has left most of the nations in a shambles. The only reason it stopped is due to exhaustion. Most believe it will resume again once things are a bit more organized. Wandering around the Flanaess any traveller will see abandoned and burnt out villages and towns, corpses hanging from trees or lying by the roads, colonies of diseased folk, and so on. It is not a happy place. Dangerous, dark, forboding...with a few small embers of hope.

So yes, they are very different worlds, and we have hoped that players would grab these differences and play them making the settings flower, if you take my meaning.




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Khaira said:
You are saying - again, forgive me if I misinterpret - that the majority of the room are, boiling it down to the nitty gritty, practically the same room: rooms with a bar and a serving golem

I am saying that that is what they appear to be for those who do not know of the differences between them. And it is sometimes fairly difficult for people to RP out going from sigil to Oerth or what have you. And so I'm saying that there isn't a lot of reason for the average player to go through all of that trouble to go to an empty or nearly empty room because it's a different setting. I'm not saying they shouldn't and I'm not saying I agree with them, I'm just giving reason.

But this is a problem. It is. I think that we should utilize the various campign settings and rooms more effectively if we want to have them at all. If we want people to really get into a setting, we need to say more than just "This room is in Oerth." We need to bring Oerth into the room, we need to make all the different parts of the setting fully integrated. Most people are just going to talk along the lines of "How are you, what's going on?" "Oh, I'm fine..." We can't expect all the players to spend their time talking about the setting if nothing's happening in the setting. We need to bring the settings to life if we want people to enjoy them as such. I'd suggest using a series of events, both in the rooms and not. For example, for the bazaar, put what's happening around the bazaar and the surrounding area somewhaere where we can access it so they can discuss it in the room and stay in-setting. And in tandem, have more events planned, not all like the upcoming social, smaller things, like maybe a weekly gambling event, or a gladiator match, or even a weekly show by a talented bard (Hint hint ;P) This'll keep people coming and then it'll keep the setting a part of the room. Just a few ideas


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Great info, Siani. I have to admit, I actually know very little about the various settings - which is why most of my characters come from elsewhere. And, I think that may be the case (the lack of knowledge) with many players (just a guess).

So, as Xerber says, it may be helpful to bring more life to the settings. Maybe with events... or maybe just with some information - does anyone have any good links with summaries of the settings? The link for Sigil that I followed way back when was very helpful in setting the tone of that place in my mind. For Oerth and Faerun - I've played one module, and have a link to a wikipedia listing of gods. That doesn't tell me much. Your summaries, Siani, told me much more.
So, I think some easily accessible info like that would be good. I know Grayhawk is the setting used for the PH and DMG, but, those don't give a feel for the world. Good list and summary of the major dieties, that's about it.
If anyone knows of some good sites, please, share! :) Wizards likely has some info, but, I never found it too navigation friendly. Maybe I'm just too lazy ;p.


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We are trying to do that. In the Rotunda, for example, I know that Nashira (and others) are posting the "Whispered Rumors". There are plotlines in the planning (and execution stage?) concerning various Faerunian-specific groups (Harpers, Shades, Drow, etc.). So, in that room, we are trying to draw more attention to Faerun. But, of course, that can't be done alone. It would be even more helpful if othehr characters could get involved. And not just in the Rotunda, but elsewhere to.

It'll be great if we can get people to do all of this great setting stuff, and organize all of these activities. But to what end will that serve if nobody's in attendance, or if the same old people are in attendance or nobody just gives a hoot?

What I described last night, of my character interacting, quite actively, with another Faerunian character. That's part of what makes it Faerun, part of what makes it the Rotunda, and part of what makes it fun. Yes, the Magi can create wonderful settings with wonderful environments but, in the end, it is up to the patrons. It is as Siani said, in her endless wisdom ;)

Magi Siani said:
So yes, they are very different worlds, and we have hoped that players would grab these differences and play them making the settings flower, if you take my meaning.

It starts and, ultimately, ends with us. The people are what makes a setting, be it the Rotunda or Oerth or Sigil, the fun that it is. We, the patrons, are part of that collection of people. Every night, we can, in our own favorite settings, make it come alive.

If someone's in Oerth, they can start something like:

Character-from-Oerth looks around and says
"Hey everyone! Have you heard about the new war starting up?"

Or in a discussion a character can talk about where they're from, embellish on details of that place ... make it come alive.

This, I believe, and firmly so, will be what makes the settings come alive. Not any number of dances or bardic competitions or anything of that nature. Us. The patrons.

Additionally, the Magi are busy - understandably so. There is no reason why we, the patrons, cannot organize these kinds of events ourselves. Instead of falling into the connundrum and the rigmarole of "Somebody else will do it, I'm sure", let us take the bull by the horns. Mix things up! Turn the setting upside down on its head (not literally, please)! Gather all manner of a myriad of folk to an event! Instead of sitting in the tavern, drinking, and thinking about how bored you are, bring forth some music and urge everyone to dance. Tell a story about the setting your in. If a party isn't already there, start one!


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For Oerth/Greyhawk there is one site head and shoulders above them all..


Literally everything about the setting, and stuff made up by fans, can be found there, along with maps and secret knowledge, articles and stories. Lot of it is downloadable too..such as the Oerth Journals. We're on 16 or 17 just now, can't recall which off the top of my head. But they are all there in pdf format.

I'm not up on sites for Faerun, but perhaps Nash or someone else could assist.

I believe Rajak has a lot of info on Sigil. Ask around, we have some very knowledgable people about.



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I found the Forgotten Realms FAQ. Wizards also has a Forgotten Realms section on their website, but I don't know how helpful that is for people who don't know a thing about the Forgotten Realms.

Surely there exists an even better one out there. Myself, I've read a plethora of novels, read the campaign setting book with a fervent passion, and had a lot of discussions about it, which is why I know so much ... and considering I've played FR games for the past ten years or more, it's one of my areas of expertise.

Perhaps we should write up our own FAQ/introduction to Faerun, though I wouldn't have any idea where to begin.


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Magi_Siani said:
Planescape has a resident deity.
Careful now... for all anyone really knows, that resident deity might just be three ratatosks with a Wand of Flaying. ;)


I think a lot of the issue boils down to stubborness and a sort of tunnel-vision, especially among the more recent issues of players calling Tavern setting restrictions "racist" or unfair just because their character, who would fit perfectly in Sigil's rooms, doesn't fall under the limitations.

Human nature at work, unfortunately. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. :p

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Tharivious said:
Careful now... for all anyone really knows, that resident deity might just be three ratatosks with a Wand of Flaying. ;)

Hush, don't give away the truth! Humanity isn't ready for that fact! They're as ready for that as they are for finding out Nash is really a roll of sentient bubble wrap. Er, wait, crap . . .I just said it. ARGH!

Anyhow, my outlook . .. Scary thought.

CRT - It's the porting thing. Remember the 'Roads was there first. Quite literally. It's a place and a setting we're all comfortable with. We know that no matter how wet and soggy we are. BeeGee has a towel and Fizzle has nice warm soup for us. ANd should we be muddy, Siani has a mop for us.

Rotunda - I really think it's to local itself. All here, and yay for Waterdeep. The CIty of Splendors has a lot to offer. Bazzars that make Sigil look pathetic, Blackstaff Tower, Mount Waterdeep and the celestial staircase. Can't forget that one, Midnight became Mystra there, Lord Ao actually set foot, not an avatar (although, that would have been amasing itself, it is Ao) on Toril in Waterdeep. But we've chosen to have a city with so much to be represented by a Casino. Waukeen and Tymora be praised, wealth and luck in one building. But truth be told, if you aren't gambling, casinos can be rather, boring. In the 'Roads, if you're alone, oh well, crash out by the hearth and suck down some mead.

Sigil - It's plain and simple. People fear the Lady.

Voidrunner's Codex

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