"It's a joke name, sir."

We have had Jeneric (Jen-er-ic) Naamay (Generic Name), and my favorite is Aaron Highcolor, which came out of my friend getting tongue tied asking for hair and eye color of my 1/2 elf bard, who ended being named Aaron Highcolor.

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Thri-kreen named Bob..... the poor guy couldn't even pronounce his own name.

In a one-shot Champions we all took on "Bob" as a theme (Titan AE had just been released) so there was Superbob, FastBob, Invisiblebob, Firebob etc....

But that's about it from my experience.


As a GM I regularly annoy my players. I named a lich Valencia after a bag of oranges in my dining room.

On another occasion, my players demanded to know the names of their dwarven bodyguard, hoping that giving them names would upgrade them from NPC mooks to heroic characters. I responded by giving them the names of early English kings, including Aethelred. One of my players proceeded to use every possible opportunity to ask if Aethelred was "ready yet." I countered by having Aethelred walk around without a weapon drawn at all times, forcing him to spend his first action readying. When he was eventually slain, the players decided to burn the corpses, lest they end up facing Aethelred the Undeady.


First Post
I once played an Ogre named Dropstone Hurtfoot. But that was on EQ where I didn't really care about character names.

I mostly get names from legends, holy texts, and derivations of the above.

Example: I've played a Gaheris and his grandson Galeth.


Staff member
We have had Jeneric (Jen-er-ic) Naamay (Generic Name)<snip>

We have a player in our current game who showed up at the start with a PC without a name. He had "writer's block."

This continued for several sessions.

Eventually, we started calling him Jean-Erich.

He soon came up with a suitable name...but on occasion, the PC still gets called Jean-Erich.

The Green Adam

First Post
IN my homebew Galaxy Quest campaign, one of my players has a character named He-Who-Glistens-In-The-Autumn-Twilight-Beneath-The-Third-and-Seventh-Moons. We tried to come up with various nicknames for the insectoid alien Science Officer but the only one that stuck was Moonbug.

My best name story comes from about 20 years back and its one Storn Cook (yes, that Storn Cook) may remember. For a brief time, I gamed with Storn and a small group of guys in NY. One of them was a fellow named Grey Bowman.

When trying to come up with a new campaign, we decided to play Superheroes. I had what I thought was a great idea...

Me: "Grey, you should create a character called 'The Grey Bowman'! Then come up with a secret identity...you know, a real name."

Grey: "That it my real name. I don't get it."

Me: "What I'm saying is 'The Grey Bowman' sounds like an awesome Superhero name."

Grey: "Really? What would my powers be?"

Me: (Stunned) "Seriously? An Archer. You know, 'Green Arrow' - 'Grey Bowman.'

Grey: "I don't know...seems kind of silly..."

So Storn nudges my arm and takes me aside. He says, "Give it up...its a cool idea but he can't see it. It sounds cool to us but to him its like saying you should create a character named John Smith or Adam Dickstein for that matter. Introduce the character in a few weeks as an NPC, totally remove the context and I bet he'll get it."

Sure enough I did just that and not only was he an NPC bad*ss I still use today but I remember Grey saying "Wow. I never thought about that. I've got a damn cool name."



As a GM I regularly annoy my players. I named a lich Valencia after a bag of oranges in my dining room.
Heh... a friend of mine named a paladin NPC Sir Bottle, after an empty bottle of beer and a fencing master Coyse Jarol, after a collection of Joyce Carol Oates short stories, which was on the floor next to the bottle. Ah college...

My current 4e PC is Yatagan Fracas, named for two perfumes my wife has been known to wear at the same time.

Found names can rock!


First Post
Umm...one annoying one was NastyC The Dark Prince. I wish it could be some sexual joke, but no, it's just long and annoying.



I did throw an enemy at my PCs once named "Big Irv the Ogre Perv." It turns out that he liked to cross-dress, and had a thing for dwarves in particular.



Sure, some will look askance, but true ostracization would be rare...like the case you put forth or these poor kids:

Child named Adolf Hitler refused a birthday cake - Central PA Local News | Midstate Pennsylvania– PennLive.com

But someone who's name is just silly?

Do tell!:D

I read about that recently too. I think names like the ones mentioned back in post #9 are bad enough, or something hypothectical like a Chinese-American guy named Richard Wang. Parents are stupid for doing that to a kid. But these parents are completely pathological. Either they're a bunch of hate-mongers who will raise this kid to be a monster, or they're really stupid hicks, and the kid's likely to have his name changed when he turns 18 so he an actually get somewhere in life.

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