It's Dark Sun


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As someone posted upthread, I find myself buying nothing more from WOTC this year except maybe-possibly a few Miniatures from the next set in September/October. Next year all the Dark Sun stuff,, Players, Campaign and adventure... will be mine.....

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When all is said and done, the GRIMDARK is perhaps the most important part of the Dark Sun feel- anything that messes with this needs to be lost.

I'm A Banana

Fallen Seraph said:
Yeah I am also throwing my hat in with KM. I want to see Dark Sun to really showcase how different it is, and hopefully become a standard for future settings, that each push their field of fantasy.

That won't stop me from going, "hmm... what if" for fun though

Which is cool. There's a lot of neat ideas for desert-based feywild realms popping up here, even if I'd hate to see them in DS itself (unending standstorms, genies, mirage-lands....I like these!). The idea of ruined astral realms of the once-gods sounds like fun, too. A different sort of fun than Dark Sun's gritty survivalism, but really nice for a more traditional game. I don't want to put the kibosh on cool ideas, I just want to make sure that I relay my desire for core Dark Sun to be Dark Sun, and not to be 4e in a desert. ;) Like the man said, a lot of potential story opportunity for being the only paladin on Athas, even if we say you won't be by default.

Nai_Calus said:
It's the 'if you don't like it what's wrong with you' and the 'traditional fantasy is a tired old cliche' that I see so often that really puts me off.

Ah, I see. Though to me, the "cliche" dig isn't very negative. I know basic Tolkeinesque fantasy is cliche. I still like it a lot! :)

But yes, it's different. Not th at it doesn't have interesting possibilities for you to loot anyway (a corrupt city ruled by a powerful arcane caster? half-giant/niphilim? monsters? a villain who defiles? All basically cross-portable!).


Yeah I am also throwing my hat in with KM. I want to see Dark Sun to really showcase how different it is, and hopefully become a standard for future settings, that each push their field of fantasy.

That won't stop me from going, "hmm... what if" for fun though :p

My hat of KM no know limit.



I think what Kamikaze is saying is, you're asking the wrong question. You're asking "Why not put the feywild in?" when the question should be "Why should we put this in?"

Eh, maybe it's just me, but it smells of change for the sake of change. "Well, our other settings have this, we better throw it into this one as well." That's not really a good reason to force a change to the setting.

Part of the appeal of Dark Sun was that it took standard D&D assumptions, and either twisted them into something new, or them this out.

A 4e Darksun has a different set of starting assumptions than a 2e Darksun, and the Feywild is one of them. Twisting it into something new is just as valid an approach as throwing it out.
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I live in a world of fire and sand. The crimson sun scorches the life from anything that crawls or flies, and storms of sand scour the foliage from the barren ground. Lightning strikes from the cloudless sky, and peals of thunder roll unexplained across the vast tablelands. Even the wind, dry and searing as a kiln, can kill a man with thirst.

This is a land of blood and dust, where tribes of feral elves sweep out of the salt plains to plunder lonely caravans, mysterious singing winds call men to slow suffocation in a Sea of Silt, and legions of slaves clash over a few bushels of moldering grain. The dragon despoils entire cities, while selfish kings squander their armies raising gaudy palaces and garish tombs.

This is my home, Athas. It is an arid and bleak place, a wasteland with a handful of austere cities clinging precariously to a few scattered oases. It is a brutal and savage land, beset by political strife and monstrous abominations, where life is grim and short.

Hell yeah! Dark Sun is BACK!

It's about time.



First Post
I agree, and I think it takes more creativity to find a way to fit something like the Feywild to a setting than it takes to throw it out. You can simply say "Eladrin don't exist, period." Or you can figure out how Eladrin, forced to stop using their magic would adapt to the situation.


I believe the correct response for the new cover art is "SCHWING!!"

Very exciting news. Dark Sun fan from way back. I think I have most of the books leading up to the revised box set, which I thought was awful. I even managed a couple of the rarity books like Will and the Way :)

"Where are we going?"
"To get bigger guns!!"

A quote most apropos for Dark Sun ;)

Quoting Split Second = awesome. always :)
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Fallen Seraph

First Post
Which is cool. There's a lot of neat ideas for desert-based feywild realms popping up here, even if I'd hate to see them in DS itself (unending standstorms, genies, mirage-lands....I like these!). The idea of ruined astral realms of the once-gods sounds like fun, too. A different sort of fun than Dark Sun's gritty survivalism, but really nice for a more traditional game. I don't want to put the kibosh on cool ideas, I just want to make sure that I relay my desire for core Dark Sun to be Dark Sun, and not to be 4e in a desert. ;) Like the man said, a lot of potential story opportunity for being the only paladin on Athas, even if we say you won't be by default.
*Nods* Quite so, I am just going crazy with pondering for now. Since well, till we get our first true preview, all we are got is what the developers say they are doing. I so hope next month we get a preview, we got a Artificer playtest a whole year before Eberron, so come on something similar :D

the truth is that we RPGers are a very resourcful and creative group. I used warforged as my example of 'wow well that can never fit in athas' and got not 1, not 2, but 3 diffrent way they could fit.
I gurantee you COULD* make DS a kitchen sink setting, and still keep the flavor...except it would requare major rewrites...having said that if we limit it to the few really cool new will be the best 4e setting yet///

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