The revised DS box set did more to ruin Dark Sun than 4e FR did to ruin the Realms. The fact that they recognize it and are retconing it out is fantastic.
I'm a Dark Sun fan, and I'm excited about this announcement.
LOL, true

As frequently said, the way the setting was forced to follow the books...ick!!
Very glad it's Dark Sun for next year, especially as I'm running a 4th ed campaign in Athas at the moment!

Makes me feel all ...Brom-like, and wanting to shout out
"WHO'S YER DADDY!" while dressed in torn clothing and fake tan
By the way, paladins do make sense, as "templars": templar is a profession, as is a "gladiator".
Most templars are bureacrats with some spell casting, or officers (warlords) some werre defilers, some would be fanatic believers in the Sorceror Kings supposed godhood (thus they'd be paladins) etc.
IMHO, Templars should be "clerics", or
any other class the DM wants, it's what their
occupation is that makes them a templar, ya know?
Gladiators are mostly "rangers". It' a from of fighting up close in an arena. Can be done with ANY class, really.
Dune Trader class would rock, or paragon class.
Athasian bards = rogues/assassins.
This is... bloody perfect.
"Where are we going?"
"To get bigger guns!!"
A quote most apropos for Dark Sun
Hooray! It's not Dragonlance!
Hamster and rangers everywhere, rejoice!
Still, an original setting would've been better. Oh well, maybe next year...
Minsc and Boo do the Gopher Dance for Dark Sun fun!
And Spelljammer for 2011!!
Mmm, I must do more Dark Sun art, yes indeedy!!