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Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
And it begins again.

Once a year I Let then Get Their Evil On - they know what the goal is before we even start.

We pick a standard DnD game world - their goal, take it over. the whole thing.

So far Grayhawk and Faerun have withstood their dismal attempts.

This year?


Normally only the DM gets to be a bad guy in our group. Once a year I will run a series of player paced adventures, where they have been tasked by some dark power or another to conquer the world.

They begin at first level and make their way up...

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I'd be interested in knowing a little more about their first two attempts at world domination. How did it end the first 2 times? Also, does this scenario require that the group be evil?

I hope you guys have fun with the campaign!


Sounds like a ton of fun. I'm just as curious as [MENTION=14700]Altamont Ravenard[/MENTION] about how your group failed in their other attempts at taking over the world.


First Post
Starting at first level?

How long does this go on, anyway?

Seems to me it would take a year just to get up to the level required to give it a real shot.

Maybe I am missing something in the OP.


First Post
I'd be super interested to hear some more details as well. I've been wanting to run a game with Evil Pc's for a while now but I have never had that aha moment where enough ideas came through to make it a viable option.

Starting at first level?
How long does this go on, anyway?

If you leveled every session rather than tracking xp you could finish this up in a year with 1/week play. That or perhaps his group is able to do a really long productive session once a week which causes them to level up quickly.

Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
Allright, I tend to be a very strict DM when it comes to the alignments and types of characters my players get to play. The following are forbidden: All three Evils (Chaotic, Lawful and Neutral) and of coarse the most Evil of All: Chaotic Neutral. I get to play the Bad Guys (critters/NPCs -etc), they are the Good Guys. We usually go about a year or so on the main campaign (playing every 1-2 Saturdays) - and once a year I let them Get Their Evil On. The only condition I ever place on them, is they have to actively work towards world domination. They can split the world up between their surviving characters, select an Emperor - even run things behind the scenes through puppets - but they call the shots, they run the entire planet; crushing rebellions as they arrive, etc. All of them must be Evil, and we actually draw lots to see who get's to be the lone Chaotic Neutral character.

I have them make brand new first level characters - and pretty much anything goes from any of the 3.0/3.5 Books/Tomes/Errata/Fan created content, Homebrew, Dragon - etc. I'll sit down with them and flesh out a detailed backstory, and then we begin.

Our first attempt was Faerun

You awoke to a pelting rain. As your eyes slit open, your Darksight immediately kicks in - it's night, and storming... somewhere, but... where? You sit up and realize you're naked, and chuckle to yourself as you find you've appeared within a fey circle. Likely the spirits that tend it fled the moment a denizen, albeit only a partial blooded denizen, of the Abyss suddenly appeared. You never met your mother, having torn yourself from her womb, your father on the other hand... Dhoraghu, the 9 Handed Prince was clear... you were here, upon this Prime for but once function.

To Rule.

In your mind the images of the Chosen flickered... the Black Souled Knight, the Dancing Fool, the Wizard of Ice, and the Singer... you could feel them, even now. Closest was the Fool. Smelling about you, you realize there's a farm or homestead close by. Smiling, you begin to move... to eat, for you're ravenous, and with a bit of luck they'll have some funds stashed away for a rainy day, you chuckle gain...

(more to follow)

Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
And that’s how it began… our 1st level Teifling Gestalt Sorcerer/Blackguard (named Jharun) was drawn across the area to find the other Chosen, and upon meeting them, he “touched” them, where they received a vision of a possible future, with them ruling the world.

Our first sitting comprised almost solely of getting the characters together. The Wizard of Ice turned out to be a Drow Evoker named Pious, the Dancing Fool was a Minotaur Gestalt Duelist/Swashbuckler named Rankles the Deft, the Singer was a Fae Touched ½ Snow Elven Bard called Ell, and the Knight was a Human Dark Knight (Homebrew, converted from 4.0) – named Eldred. Rankles was the Chaotic Neutral. Once they were all together they went back to the first Farmhouse where Jharun “ate” – and set up temporary headquarters. There they all shared bits and pieces of their respective visions (note: Pious lied his butt off). And they planned. With the exception of Jharun, they were all from the immediate area, fairly close to Suzail – Ell having recently performed at the White Owl, an Inn located inside the city walls, near the northwestern gate of Suzail. They brainstormed, and decided on an initial course of action:
To infiltrate one of the Thieves Guilds in the city – hiring on as muscle, with a secondary goal of gaining information about the Zhentarim. After a week or so in the city, they joined a group of rogues and thugs that operated near the docks, called the Docknobbers. After a month or so of taking on various minor missions and such, Eldred managed to kill the their leader – Dimm. Over the course of the next several months, the Docknobbers (renamed the Grey Fist) slowly transformed their gang of thugs into a well trained, fairly disciplined group of criminals, taking out the rival dock area guild, the Red Man’s Band in the process. This all took roughly 5 sittings…
By this time the other Gangs and Guilds in the City began to take notice of the upstart group, and while some saw a nice stable trading partner, others (most frankly) saw a threat, especially with the fall of the Red Man. At this time, they had now purchased a few ships, were providing muscle for security at most of the warehouses in their area, owned the local watch, and even had one of the local Magistrates on the take. This is when the Nightmaster of the Major Thieves Guild in the city, the Nightwalkers, a human going only by the name of ‘The Haunt’ arrived to recruit them. Loosely translated, they either joined the Nightwalkers, clearly with the understanding that their activities were no longer decided by them – that, or they all died. Eldred and Jharun were waiting for just this moment, and carefully negotiated with The Haunt – retaining at least a small degree of absolute control confined to an area of the westernmost docks and warehouses (that area the Docknobbers originally controlled). They became Lieutenants within the Nightwalkers. This took roughly 3 sittings…
Over the course of the next year or so (in game) the Grey Fist evolved into the Night Fist. The two Nightwalker members that were forced upon them by the parent guild ended up becoming double agents, very well paid double agents, one of whom was killed in this role. About this time, they start avenues into introducing an Opiate Market, and add two more ships. Eldred become a senior ranked member of the Guild, and he and Ell discover where the local Zhentarim members meet, and nearly die trying to join. Two more sittings…
Note: Understand, they’re mixing their adventuring time and their city time roughly 60/40 at this point.
Lord Ainsley, the Copper Baron – becomes Merchant Lord of Suzail. Jharen kills him and changes self to replace him, replaces several key positions in the local government with members of the party, and Guild. Council of Merchants grows restless, eventually vote Lord Ainsley out of office with a vote of no confidence, replacing him with the ½ Sea Elven Captain Iffanstar. Civil unrest breaks out in the streets with factions loyal to Ainsley, fighting those under the Council. Epic duel between Rankles and Iffanastar settles it, Rankles now Merchant Lord – Council disbanded. Over the course of next six months or so, Opium trade booms, spreading throughout region. Eldred becomes Guildmaster of the Nightwalkers, first non-rogue to assume that mantle. His first act is to hunt down and kill every member of the Zhentarim in the city – leaving evidence that the Harpers were behind the attacks. A long 5 day weekend of marathon gaming at KEATTSCON III…
The end…
Paladins of Tyr… 50 of them, with roughly 50 more men-at-arms… are dispatched to the region to determine the source of the vile poison “Opium”. With them are 20 priests, and two Hazrid Class Mages. Their network of spies and informants tell our villains of their movements, and they devise an ambush in a densely forested area to the north of the city. The mages foresee the ambush, in fact have been scrying the party for some days now. The villains are the one’s ambushed. They lose Jharen and Ell. Jharen is killed, Ell is put to “the Question” – spills his guts. Pious manages to teleport himself, Rankles and Eldred back to the original farmhouse. A Zhentarim Death Squad is here waiting for them – and attack almost immediately. Eldred is both poisoned and terribly wounded. Pious and Rankles, though hurt, manage to kill all but one of the assassins – who escapes. They look at each other and leave Eldred for dead.
Eldred dies.
They travel on foot for weeks until they come across an abandoned ruin. They explore, eventually finding a series of caves leading from a basement beneath the ruins to a nearby mountain. They find a cursed portrait – Rankles touches it and becomes one of the figures depicted in it. Pious shrugs, and goes looking for a way back to the underdark…


First Post
Nice, that sounds like fun. Honestly I don't think my group can handle that because of the mixture of people I play with atm. We have one player who came from playing World of Darkness and basically hates any conflict that is not resolved with RP, and another player that gets bored when RP lasts too long lol.

Bleys Icefalcon

First Post
And for our second try...


Our erstwhile adventurers seemed to think they'd learned a thing or two from our last attempt at world domination, so they negotiated with the me to be a tad more powerful to start off with, mroe on this later.

I delayed the beginning of this attempt, for unlike Faerun, the World of Greyhawk, while having tons of detail - said detail was limited to a very select few locales and areas. Many of our famous NPCs - such as Bigby and Mordenkainen, there was very little for me to base my research on (Gary himself adamantly refused to allow any 'official' statements or write ups in regards as to the actual levels and abilities of Mordenkainan). I found myself steeped in various Wiki Lore, some old 1st Edition modules, and a few fan websites - most of which are 'under construction' - and have been at a somewhat static state of construction for some time (Project started, worked on feverishly until roughly 1/3 complete - project abandoned...etc). I dug through reams of old material I'd written myself back in the late Chainmail, and follow-on basic, intermediate and master sets... I freely admit, I am a hoarder when it comes to my gaming materials, with one entire wall of my 2 car garage is all gaming related. What I found were glaring holes and inconsistencies - or better put, an almost criminal lack of coordination, or cohesion, in regards to the World of Greyhawk. Almost two months later I finally pieced together some semblance of a sensible history of the Flaness, it's various Kingdoms, lands and "X-agarchies" (Lands ruled by: Mages, Priests, Women, Men, Kings, Emperors, Councils, Gods... etc) - who's at war with whom, who's aligned with whom, where the key NPCs are, the commercial centers, even detailing out some of the somewhat lacking maps out there. Frankly, I learned far more about Greyhawk than I ever intended too - and in the process made it somewhat my own.


Back to my Gamers. One of our lot had departed, the player of the Minotaur, he'd moved to Albuquerque for a career opportunity. This said our ranks had swelled to 6 regulars; four of whom had been around for the catastrophe which had been Faerun. They asked for permission to create ECL 5 characters to start off with - and were even more creative with their backstories.

Character One: Exiled Draw Noble - son of the Matron Mother of House F'norte in the City of Durrzerragloom. Gestalt Fighter/Mage.

Character Two: Human Priest, worships Death (The Thanos version). Carefully planning through Vile Feats to become a Lich, and with with tweaking a Dread Necromancer.

Character Three: Converted "Plethora of Paladins" Illrigger - Lawful Evil Holy Warrior, also Human.

Character Four: Female Undead Human Vampire Monk - 'nuff said.

Character Five: Balic the Barbarian, who's only goal in life is to achieve Deathless Frenzy

Character Six: A second Drow, Gestalt Assassin/Sorcerer. Supposed servant of the first Drow, but secretly assigned by their mother (he is secretly the other Drow's brother) to keep tabs on him, and periodically report.

This time around they all meet in the Sultanate of Orish, in Western Nyrond - Drawn there by Voice of Malice...

Voidrunner's Codex

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