WOIN It's the official WOIN character builder!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
This is pretty cool. A few things that are missing that would be very useful:
  • Homeworlds (for N.E.W. characters). They give one free skill point (as well as shifting an attribute point around), so it's not something you'd want to skip most of the time.
  • Exploits that grant skill levels. It can important to figure out those skills when you pick the career because they usually only add level 1 of a skill, and you might want to take more levels in later career picks. If you have to sort them out manually at the end, you sort of need to figure out the skill levels retroactively.
  • Maybe even free-form skill entries?
Some bugs:
  • A typo: The Marine exploit "Battle Scars" is written "Battle Scares".
  • A few skills have multiple spellings in different lists. I made a character who got levels in both "intimidate" (from the skill lists for the Police Officer and Detective) and "intimidation" (from the list for the Gangster).

Fixed those typos. Thanks!

Unfortunately, applying exploits automatically is not feasible. It's a big enough job just getting the exploit descriptions in there, but applying them would mean writing a custom little computer program for each of a thousand unique exploits. I'm afraid exploits will have to be applied manually. Sorry!

I do plan to add homeworlds, but I want to get all the exploit descriptions in there first.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
So, all the code is now in place for outputting the text of exploits on the final character sheet. It seems to work perfectly. I have literally only put the text of the Venetian, Prodigy, and Assassin exploits in the spreadsheet though, so the system is basically just waiting for me to add the text of about a thousand individual exploits... which is more work than writing the darn code was!

Screen Shot 2018-07-25 at 12.13.08.png


Well, that was fun
Staff member
We have big progress! The filter is now in place. On the first page, simply check which books you want to use. NOTE-- not all data from all books has been added yet. Make sure whatever combo you choose includes either NEW or OLD, as only those two have origins entered yet, and you won't get past the first stage if you can't pick an origin!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Phew. Another day’s work and I have the source filter working correctly throughout the whole process, and skill categories exploding correctly.

Also added in the NOW origins, so now as long as you have at least one of the three core books in your filter, you’ll have the info for a full character.

It’s almost done. Basically once I have the career/race exploit spreadsheet, it’ll be finished.

(plus adding 2000 AD careers)


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The data entry is coming along, slowly! Still only about 20% of the way there -- it's a long long, tedious task which is taking many full days!


The data entry is coming along, slowly! Still only about 20% of the way there -- it's a long long, tedious task which is taking many full days!
I've gotten it down to a rhythm: copy from pdf, paste into Word, replace '^p' with ' '. Separate exploits. Copy from Word. Paste into Excel cells. Then it's just formulas from there to separate exploit title from description (LEFT FIND & RIGHT LEN FIND).


Sounds a lot more complicated than my process!
Probably. But it's mostly just lots of right clicks. It's the quickest method I've thought of and I'm able to move all the exploits from a career in one fell swoop. I'm sure I'll think of a quicker way once I'm all done.

Steven Barker

First Post
I want to thank you again for making this great resource.

I just noticed a small bug, not with the character creator, but with the Race table linked from it. The list of races does not show any negative attribute modifiers, of which there are several in established races (e.g. Venetians from NEW getting -2 Luck). Interestingly, the character builder *does* apply the negative modifiers (at least it does for Venetians), they only fail to show up in the races list and the race details page (e.g. the Venetians' page).

Voidrunner's Codex

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