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I've Been Chosen by God: Advice Sought


Elijah vs. the prophets of Baal springs to mind.

If your god is no longer communicating with the other clerics does he still grant them spells?

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Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Well, from what I've seen of Sep, and the universe he creates.... Be carefull. Bad stuff happens in your world.


First Post
You need to get your power from the PEOPLE. Show the people, the poor commoners, the will of the god.
actually, my character does enjoy quite a lot of popular support. many of his lay followers are convinced of his claims. unfortunately, whatever powers he were to demonstate, many wouldn't buy it. they'd either close their eyes and refuse to believe it, or ascribe his powers to another source - probably diabolic.

Boil some water and throw in a gold coin. Reach in and take it. If your DM is at ALL good, you won't be burned, and the other guy WILL when he tries.
hmm, very viking-ish. as the other guy has branded me an infidel and has anathematized me, getting him to agree to this could be difficult. he won't even talk to me.

Does Oronthon condone trials by combat? You could always avoid the worst of the bloodshed by challenging the leader(s) of the opposing factions to single combat. Let the god himself choose who is right on the field of honor.
again, same problem. would joan of arc have been take seriously if she'd challenged king henry (VIth?) to combat in order to resolve their differences? its worth a try, i guess. at the very least, a refusal to meet me might give them bad press.

I really think it's time to start doubting yourself.
oh, i've been there and done that. don't get me started on that one again.

Check out the old testament of the Bible its chock full of Prophets who were challenged but eventually trimuphed over their enemies and lead armies and...
as a thoroughly lapsed catholic, i am all too aware of these characters. i was thinking more along medieval/renaissance lines where churches schizmatized with regularity. a friend of mine mentioned savanarola - i don't know who he was, but i'm doing some digging.

jeanne d'arc is a good suggestion. thanks hong.

If your god is no longer communicating with the other clerics does he still grant them spells?
except "commune,"yes, and that's part of the problem. in my dm's universe, truth is not absolute. a can be anthethtical to b, and they can both be relatively true.

Well, from what I've seen of Sep, and the universe he creates.... Be carefull. Bad stuff happens in your world.
that much is true.


First Post
hong said:

Nah. That means it's time to break out the fedoras, battered shades, cheap suits and black ties. And start calling your mount your Bluesmobile.

"It's 666 layers to the bottom of the Abyss, we're on full hit points, all buff-up spells are go, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. Hit it."

Hong "on a mission from God" Ooi

Well, that decides it; the next paladin I play will be named Elwood. Thanks Hong! :)


First Post
Ziggy said:

That is just *brilliant* Did you make it up yourself, or is it a quote ?


It's adapted from the 1980 Blues Brothers movie. The original Quote went like this:

Elwood Blues: It's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.
Jake Blues: Hit it!


First Post
1. No.

2. The best name for a Texan Country band has already been found and duly copyrighted: "Cliff Barnes and The Fear of Winning." This will make sense only to adult readers.

3. "Joan of Arc springs to mind." Might as well go all the way and convert campaign to Tribe 8.


WotC's bitch
V-2 said:
Texan Country band

To: gurpsnet-l@io.com
Subject: Re: Disads for normals
From: hong@zip.com.au (Hong Ooi)
Date: Fri, 02 May 1997 14:45:54 GMT

How many Texans have we got on this list, anyway?

On Thu, 1 May 1997 16:28:45 -0500 (CDT), Augustus Stern
<asbenton@midway.uchicago.edu> wrote:


That's *exactly* what I said when that basketball hit me in the groin!

>Come n' Take it!!!

I thought it went "would you like fries with that?"

>Remember the Alamo

I know this one!! General Santa-Barbara got peeved and invaded Texas
when Jiminy Crockett wouldn't stop playing his country & western CDs
at 4 in the morning. Then the lot of them went to a small little town
in the middle of the Texas pothandle (motto: the biggest hunk of
nothing anyone's ever seen, and we're PROUD of it, dammit) and played
pinochle until Santa-Barbara's mom, Hanna-Barbara, came around and
told him to go home.

>Remember Goliad

This sounds like a town where oil was discovered. Or was that in
Louisiana? I forget. Is it Louisiana where they pipe the oil straight
into their fried chicken, or is that Kentucky?

>Remember Waco

That was a KeWL movie. The sequel, "Waco's World II", was pretty crap,
though. I hear he's got a show of his own now.

>Just a bit of jingo from myself, an ex-pat Texan... I just got the bad
>news I was hoping for, so now I can move back to Austin, and get myself an
>io.com address.
>Chicago sucks.

No, it's called Windows 95 now. But it still sucks, yes.

Stats for the typical Texan:

ST 12 (from driving monster pickup trucks)
DX 9 (it's hard to move in those jeans and cowboy boots)
IQ 8 (pickup truck exhaust is bad for the brain)
HT 9 (too much southern food is bad for the body)

Odious Personal Habit 1 (uses "y'all" at least twice an hour)[*]
Odious Personal Habit 2 (insists that Texas is the best in everything)
Delusion (believes that Texas is the best at everything)
Intolerance (against people who reckon Texas isn't the best at

Maybe I'll just unsubscribe now.

>Augustus Stern
And kisses,


[*] I have since been told that it's twice a sentence, not twice a day, y'all

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