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Janardûn: The Psionic Lands


World of Kulan DM
Dominated by rolling plains and forests and low mountain ranges, Janardûn is best described by two words, psionic knights. These are platemail wearing psychic warriors (as per the class in the D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook), whom are part of a knightly order called the Insightful Order of the Republic. These Knights of the Mind, as they are sometimes called by the people, are the exception not the rule on Janardûn. They tend towards neutrality and law in their outlook on life.

And while the Insightful Order is important to the Republic's survival — it doesn't rule it. The Council of the House governs the republic, one councilperson from each city, with one member elected as chancellor for one five year term (and only one). The Council is appointed by the will of the knights, not by nobles or the people. Why this done is simple—tradition dictates it such and it has worked well for 3,000 years (why mess with a good thing). The knights can dissolve the Council at any time if they believe corruption has taken root. This is both a benefit and a bane to the Council's effectiveness. If the people wish something that the Council approves of but the knights do not (upsetting the Balance), then the knights will dismiss the Council.

However, this dissolving of the Council almost never happens. The people like the fact that the nobility has a lot less power and those nobles that join the knights give up all family ties and privileges. A member joins a branch of the knights that will now be his new family. In this structure, age and knowledge take precedence over strength and battle skill (although those are important if you don't want to get killed). Marriage is allowed within ones branch as long as the two members are not already related. However, marriage outside of the Insightful Order is frowned upon (the outsider would have to pledge to become a knight or the member would have to leave the Order).

As to what the knights fight against to protect the masses that, also, is describable in two words, Ogre Mages. This is the simple explanation, the long explanation is a lot more convoluted. Yes, ogre mages are violent, magic welding humanoids but a knight hardly ever battles one in direct combat. And those who did either died trying or were never the same afterwards. No, the true menaces of daily life are the Athachs, Ettins, Wild Dwarves, Darkwings, and Quicklings that call the Ogre Mages, masters.

The Ogre Mages send their minions out of the mountains, dark forests and swamps to cause as much mischief and mayhem as possible. Whether it's darkwings and quicklings terrorizing farms and rural communities or athachs and ettins laying siege to castles and cities, no one is safe. Only the Aaleear, Shoyir Elves, Rakasta, and Cyclops stand with the knights against the evil giants and their minions.

What the Dark Ones hope to gain by this continuous onslaught or what their ultimate goals are still remain a mystery.

DM's Note: Of the races listed above, the following ones are naturally psionic: Aaleear, cyclops, ogre mages, Shoyir elves, and wild dwarves. Also the following races from the D&D Expanded Psionics Handbook and D&D Complete Psionic are found in Janardûn: duergar, elan, githzerai, synad, and xeph. The githzerai of Janardûn are native to the Material Plane, not Limbo. Elan and xeph are not normally found anywhere else on the World of Kulan. Synads are never found anywhere else on the World of Kulan.

A Continent Divided: The History of Janardûn
The Dreaming Dawn

Before the Republic
The Elven Age
Darkness and Evil
The Nightmare War

Rise of the Republic
Out of the Darkness
Knights and Senate
The Republic Now

Gazetteer of Janardûn
This section will have its own page

Geography of Janardûn
This section will have its own page

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