JA's "The Prince's Own" Graybeard/Artemis Nava Solo/RG


Artemis picked up his uniform and, after holding it up to his body, confirmed his assessment that it would require alterations. He carefully folded the garment and stored it in his backpack. A short time later, he was wandering about the city, impressed by its vastness and splendor. He had never seen anything so large and impressive in his lifetime. It was very possible his parents had visited the city in the past. He knew so little about their past before the married and started a family. The few times he had asked questions, they had given him vague answers and changed the subject. Their answer about where they had met was even more mysterious. His parents had only told him they met at an Inn and that neither one was working there.

As Artemis walked about, he nodded a greeting to passerby. It wasn't long before he located a tailor shop. He entered and greeted the older man.

"Good day sir. I am in need of some alterations to some clothing."

"Then you have come to the right place. Show me what needs alterations."

Artemis slipped his backpack off and retrieved the uniform from it. He lay the item on the counter in front of the man.
A sly smile crossed the man's lips.

"Well young man, congratulations are in order I see. I know this garment well. You have been selected as a retainer. Step behind that curtain over there and let's see how it fits."

Artemis did as the man instructed and a minute or so later stepped out from behind the curtain. The man walked over with a measuring string and some chalk. Without a word, he quickly made small marks with the chalk on various areas of the uniform. When he was finished, he stood up.

"This should take no more than a day or two."

"How much do I owe you for your services?"

"My services today are complimentary. It is an honor to perform work for someone like you. The Royal Household has not hired new retainers in a great many years. To pass the selection process, you must be very special indeed. I only ask that you recommend my shop to any you encounter."

"You have shown such kindness and generosity to a stranger. I shall not forget this."

"Before you leave young man, please tell me about yourself and your family. You are clearly not from around here and I do enjoy hearing tales of faraway lands."

Artemis indulges the request and proceeds to tell the man about the land he is from, his father, mother, brothers, and sisters. He relates many tales of his homeland, a place he is proud to call home. Lastly, he tells of his girlfriend he left behind to come here and the challenges he anticipates in the coming year.

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As Artemis walks about the city, he can feel the excitement in the air. He notices many shops around the city are preparing for the influx of people for the festivities. Everyone he meets get quite excited when they learn he is one of those selected to be a retainer. It is an odd and unfamiliar feeling to him. While Artemis had certainly met people who were happy to see him, like when he visited Valarena, he was unaccustomed to meeting so many people excited to meet him.

Artemis took the time to stop at an Inn to sample some local dishes. It was different than he was used to back home but quite good. Ginger was satisfied with a saucer of goats milk and a small plate of fish.

J. Alexander

First Post
The local dishes are many and varied but your favorite by far is roasted fowl with a spicey garlic sauce ... people are friendly and cordial and your having the time of your life


During the next two days Artemis explores the city and purchases a few small items as gifts for the household staff back home. With the assistance of the locals, he locates a messenger service that will deliver the items for a modest fee.

He felt it was the least he could do for them. They had always treated him well and were willing to listen and give encouragement after his mother passed away. He made a mental note to find out the recipes of the food he sampled across the city so he could send the information back home to the household cook.


Artemis was enjoying his free time in the city. He had tasted many fine local foods and met many interesting and friendly people. The place he was staying at, The Grinning Serpent, was decent. Average size but the food was good and the room, while small, was comfortable enough. He was curious as to what the accommodations would be like as a retainer. Would they be larger than his room at the Inn or about the same size?

As he wandered around town, he chatted with passerby.

J. Alexander

First Post
Retainers are housed in what would be the modern equivlant of a dorm suite.. 6 bedrooms with a common sitting area. The actual quarters are located withing the palace complex but there may also be other residences,


After the ceremony on the grounds, as he headed back towards his tent, he caught sight of a couple of young ladies following him at a discreet distance. No doubt they were hoping to spend the night with him. Under different circumstances, he might have invited them. However, he was currently romancing someone and had promised to be faithful.

He slowed his pace a bit and allowed them to catch up.

"A pleasure to meet you ladies. If you are seeking companionship for the evening, I must decline. I am romantically involved with someone back home."

The next morning, at the sound of the drum roll, Artemis awoke and washed his face and dunked his hair. He was still uncomfortable using magic for such things but as he didn't have the time for a full bath, he relented and used it to cleanse the rest of his body and clothing.

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