JA's "The Prince's Own" Graybeard/Artemis Nava Solo/RG


Artemis was nearly always exhausted by the work assigned to him. He did enjoy helping out in the kitchens, chopping vegetables, stirring stews, turning spits, even washing dishes didn't bother him much. Working in the gardens was enjoyable as it let him be outside in the fresh air and he appreciated the artistic and aesthetic qualities of the job. Some of the color combinations the gardeners put together seemed wrong to Artemis at first but he gradually came to see how contradictory colors could work well together.

On his day off after the first two weeks, he too the time to write home. He wasn't sure if he should address the letter to his father, a man he had only begun to get along with, or the household staff whom he had always liked and treated well. Ultimately, he just addressed the letter to the household in general.

"Things are going well here at court. We have daily lessons in court manners and etiquette. After breakfast we are assigned an area of the household to work in. There are six areas of assignment, kitchens, household staff, stables, gardens, Chamberlain's office, and the armory. My first week assignment was in the kitchens. That was enjoyable as I was allowed to assist with the preparation of the daily meals. The second week I was assigned to the stables. I will not go into details except to say it is my least favorite assignment thus far.

We are given one day off each week. I have been spending them in the city getting to know the local people. They are friendly, well most of them anyway, and full of knowledge and information about all sorts of topics. One of my fellow candidates has been inviting small groups of us to dine at his family's residence. His name is Yevas Rees. Perhaps you know of his family?

We have been told that during these six weeks, we are being evaluated for our aptitude. I will let you know the results of my evaluation.

I must go now to attend to some personal matters. I promise to write again soon.


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