Question: Are we level 1 still, or now level 7? It doesn't really matter, in terms of what Declan will do, but will affect how I write things up in-character once I hear what he manages to achieve.
Declan Questions
During the course of the four weeks you find yourself developing more abilities than you thoughts... at the end of the four weeks you will be seventh level.
[sblock=Firstly] He wants to know more about "his" Prince. Declan will seek an audience with him (and any other party members that want to come) so as to learn what sort of a man he is, and his official position on all things political and otherwise. [/sblock]
Prince William is the youngest grandson of the King being the youngest child of the kings first sone Prince Tatir. William is a child of late life and has just passed his 17 birthday. He is rumored to sleep on both sides of the sheets but otherwise has moderate habits...though he is very partial to dark brown ale and white fruity wines.
[sblock=Secondly] Declan will work on establishing a network of "friends" and informers throughout the palace. Largely he'll approach servants and girls/women within 10 years or so of his own age. He'll seduce the attractive ones, charm the others and weasel/ingratiate with the more powerful or noble types. Divine blessings are things everyone wants! Note that this is broadly leading towards his Leadership feat at level 8 (Nobility domain) and story-ising the "follower" category.[/sblock]
The young lasses in service are easily charmed but know little of anything important....the younger noble women are a bit more difficult and the ladies in waiting are very hard to they know their station is dependent upon discreation.
[sblock=Thirdly] Declan will keep researching the previous dynasty's names and key players. Depending upon the years that have passed he will seek the longer lived demi-humans and search their libraries and living memories (assuming demi-humans are not taboo in the world).[/sblock]
There is very little to be had on the older royal house as those archvies are sealed. (working on what you may have found)
Kyra will use the time to familiarize herself with her new surroundings. Everything is still very new to her and so this is a welcome break to get up to speed with who is who and what is where.
The palace proper is indeed a warren however as per her request she is allowed to visit the princes mansion where the service will actually bdone on a daily basis.
OOC: [sblock=DM]Henry works hard on his recovery trying to get in some weapons practice and recover his strength. He also spends some time in meditation and prayer trying to strengthen mind as well as body. The attacks and events of that first night left him with an awareness for the first time that he might face threats beyond those of the body. He will also try to find out more about Prince William--likes, dislikes, colors (and possibly commission some clothing of those colors), favored weapons (and practice with those), favored activities and whatever gossip he can get about the man from the palace servants (particularly attractive female ones near his age).[/sblock]
the price favors either a rapier or a short sword for his close in work and he has a keen interest in archery. As for colors he prefers dark green with a contrasting trim and is more partial to silver rather than gold.
Yevas starts to set up an information gathering network in the palace, only to find that Declan has got there before him. So he switches to recruiting the more elderly servants plus the older children. Yevas is not a fan of seduction. although he is not opposed to so mutual please as long as its clear that there are no commitments. Instead he uses the fact that nearly everyone needs money and an extra couple of silvers a week plus bonuses can make a difference. Once he has a firm network of servants in place, he will start recruiting some of the ladies, using information supplied by his existing network. However, he will only dally with unmarried ladies with no other commitments.
The children are an easy mark, while good masters there is very little in hard coin afforded the noble servants as the palace has an in house accounting system and "company store" for other needs...a visit finds the fares there to be very fairly priced and of above average quaility, so it is obiviuos they royal family is not making a profit on the store. The older servants are a bit more challaging in but they are apporachable.