JA's upcoming game - The Borderland Keep


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Rhun, It could very well and I may do it on a different time line set well into the future....so as players could chose a race...trying to stay away from the racial tensions etc and church and give players more flxiablity...but it could indeed take place there

Cool, thanks.

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I'd love to get in on this. I've been trying to get into a Pathfinder game for some time, but they seem to have stalled as of late.

This is just a placeholder, but I'd like to consider playing a dwarven fighter. I'll post a character sheet and background tonight-ish.


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Thinking of starting every one out at 5th level, that will allow you to have some sort of rep to be recurited and will use a 34 point buy.

Also, JA...do you mean 34-point buy using 3.5E rules? Because 34-point buy in Pathfinder would be like MEGA EPIC FANTASY point buy.

From the Pathfinder book:

10 - Low Fantasy
15 - Standard Fantasy
20 - High Fantasy
25 - Epic Fantasy

Can you please clarify?


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This game would be a great fit for a character concept I have been working on.

Female Human Fighter type; more likely Dex rather than Strength but that's not fixed yet.


Just to be clear: the 2500+ gold can be used for magic items too, right?

Will we need mounts? If so, will they come out of the starting money? What about food supplies?

Max hp 1st level then average hp after that?

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