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JollyDoc's Shackled City: FINAL POST [Updated 11/2!!]


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Some other comments

In my short conversation with Stephen Radney-MacFarland (the Tourney coordinator) he said that there was quite a bit of excitement that we made it into the finals. When I saw NINE (yes I counted) judges standing around our table watching the action, and SRM was snapping pictures of the table, I really began to think we were going to do it. The excitement around the table was electric, and it seemed like they almost expected us to win.

Before SRM handled the pictures for the first place team, he asked me if we would return to compete again next year. My last parting words to him were: "If you think a close second place on the heels of a championship is going to scare us off, think again - we'll be bringing it again next year." In response, he smiled, laughed and said "Then we'll see you next year!"

While I really wish we would have pulled it off, I certainly am not disappointed in retrospect.

In football, it's like making the Superbowl back to back and only winning once, but it’s still quite an accomplishment. People begin to speak of dynasties when two appearances are made in the big game and a third consecutive appearance only validates a team’s greatness.

I feel the same way about our D&D Open team. We should not be disappointed in our results. We gave it our all and left nothing on the table. Returning next year and shooting for the Open Championship once again, even if the result only gets us a 2nd or 3rd place showing, would lock down our place in Open history as one of the best teams EVER. As far as I am aware, no one team has ever placed in the tournament for 3 consecutive years. We could certainly email Stephen Radney-McFarland to find out, but I’m pretty sure this is the case. Even if it is not, we would become a modern day legend in Open Tournament history.

So, to all of ATHF, I want to express sincere congratulations on our combined accomplishment. We have something very special in our team - a chemistry that just cannot be defined or replicated by many. Unfortunate luck may have robbed us of a repeat championship, but I don’t think the team that beat us this year has what we have.

Watch out gamers. ATHF will return to the D&D Open ready to kick butt in 2006!

Ron J aka Izerath

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Hmmmm, my roommate and I are considering going next year (assuming we can scare up the cash). Congrats this time but, with any luck on my side, you won't take 1st next year.


Seriously guys, nicely done. Ignore those jelious of your achievments; they can't cheapen true greatness.


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Izerath said:
Unfortunate luck may have robbed us of a repeat championship, but I don’t think the team that beat us this year has what we have.

Let me say this: I have nothing, and I repeat NOTHING, against the other team. They did everything asked of them to win, and they deserved to finish in first place, as much as we did last year. They were extremely complimentary and were very, very, gracious winners. They could have beem complete jerks about it. Quite the opposite. When I walked up to congratulate them they simply smiled, shook my hand, and returned the kudos. They realized that we had accomplished something by coming in 2nd, even if at that moment we weren't able to.


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Izerath said:
I feel the same way about our D&D Open team. We should not be disappointed in our results. We gave it our all and left nothing on the table.

The fact that we came in second had nothing to do with any decision that we made or any action that we took. I can firmly say that we did everything asked of us. Luck, however, is a part of the game, as it is the part of any game (that is not chess). Luck got us to the semis, through to the finals, and into second place. We ran out of it for one round of combat.

Lady luck can be a fickle lover, but I will not hold that against her. We came in second, and I am proud of that. In fact, I become more proud every minute.


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Agreed - but maybe it didn't sound right

Joachim said:
Let me say this: I have nothing, and I repeat NOTHING, against the other team. They did everything asked of them to win, and they deserved to finish in first place, as much as we did last year. They were extremely complimentary and were very, very, gracious winners. They could have beem complete jerks about it. Quite the opposite. When I walked up to congratulate them they simply smiled, shook my hand, and returned the kudos. They realized that we had accomplished something by coming in 2nd, even if at that moment we weren't able to.

I too have the utmost respect for the other team. You are correct in that they deserved to win. I hold nothing against them either (though that dangling participle may have left that open to interpretation). I was merely referring to our team chemistry. A 1-2 placement is nothing to be ashamed of at all. As you, I become more proud of the accomplishment every minute I think about it.

I would have never dreamed that I would be part of a championship team in this tournament, much less having the same team place in the top three two years in a row. It's beyond my wildest dreams to be a part of something so special. It makes me truly realize exactly what we have and how special it really is. It really blows my mind when I think about it.

So kudos to the champions and the third place team. It's an amazing accomplishment to be in the final three. I for one will hold my head high.


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Welcome to Where Time Stands Still, No One Leaves and No One Will

He only had to bear the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune for a few moments longer. After countless years as the helpless recipient of torture from the Lichfiend, the Prince of Madness was about to cast off his shackles.

His saviors had finally arrived.


Much larger and, in Nidrama’s estimation, more impressive than Harrowfell, Skullrot looked every bit the prison. Constructed from the same black granite as Harrowfell, that was where the similarities ended. A huge central tower arose from the center and reached the sky beyond even where the Bright Axes could see.

Jutting from various levels on Skullrot were black cages which presumably held various planar denizens though it was too far away for details.

“No need fer subtleties any more laddies! I say we kick down the friggin’ door and clean out everythin’ and everyone until ‘Marcus is dead at our feet? What do ye say?”

Having been tormented by Adimarchus and his minions for so long, there was not a squeak of protest at the dwarf’s audacious plan.

Nidrama had to be most careful here. Perhaps she was aiding them too much, providing them a crutch. Really, she had meant to observe them closely to better appraise their strengths and weaknesses. That plan had fallen apart upon Vhalantru’s arrival. However, she promised herself she would show more restraint . . . that is until they met Adimarchus.


The door flashed green for a moment after Dalthon’s disintegrate lanced through it. The party found themselves face to face with an old foe – a dozen Farastu Demodands.

Kiko tumbled through the remains of the door first, directly into the thick of the gangly creatures and began pounding away with his Stone Giant-sized fists. As Tilly and Rusty joined the fray, they were not terribly surprised to learn that their invisibility spells ceased functioning. An invisibility purge tied to an unhallow had become a familiar staple when assaulting enemy strongholds.

Ike charged in next, delighting in the cracked bones that resulted from the powerful blows of his warhammer. It was only after Dalthon disintegrated another Demodand, that the stunned creatures began to respond. Many summoned their fellows as others tried to dispel as much magic on the intruders as possible. Rusty floated to the ground and Tilly felt his stoneskin expire.

Using his ability to sculpt spells, Houshang was able to dispel all of the summoned Demodands while avoiding affecting his comrades. Grimm was the last to wade into battle but, as always, his presence was felt most acutely as a pair of injured Farastu’s fell to the ground.

Black tentacles erupted from the ground as Dalthon seized as many Demodands as he could. Though they were far too slippery to be grappled by the Evard’s, between Rusty, Ike, Grimm, and Tilly a Tarterian chef salad was served up in no time flat.


The Dark Myrakul’s attention snapped away from the whining, pathetic caged Solar before him to the combat raging below. It was not uncommon for demons and the like to try to invade Skullrot, generally for collecting slaves. In a few instances, mortals from the Prime actually had the temerity to try to free their comrades. Those particular instances were most amusing as the so-called “comrade” eventually turned on his former friends with a homicidal rage induced by the insanity of extra-planar incarceration.

In either scenario, his attention was not required. His efforts turned to Adimarchus once again.


The sounds of blades clashing were interrupted by . . . singing.

Descending from above, perhaps in time to save the few, bloodied Farastus remaining, came a bloated six-armed Kelubar Demodand serenading until its lungs turned blue. Before the Bright Axes could register what was going on, let alone how to respond, the air around Rusty, Ike, Grimm, and Kiko was filled with a familiar stench of an acid fog.

Ike and Kiko didn’t seem to mind too much as they continued to rain deadly blows, finishing off the Farastus. Rusty, on the other hand, found himself in a sticky situation as his battle-axe clung to the ichor secreted by the Hexavog. Grimm, imbued with a freedom of movement, was unaffected by the fog as his spiked chain pierced the Demodand’s putrid flesh.

The confusion was ended by Nidrama, who finally contributed a greater dispelling to destroy the acid fog.

As the Hexavog fell, Houshang stared at the Movanic Deva with resentment as the fires of envy burned in his eyes.

Such magic is far beyond the power of a mere Deva. I must watch this one very closely, she may prove useful to me yet.


Tilly felt like a halfling pickpocket in a carnival. There were endless rows of cells in Skullrot, all behind locked doors – and shoddily locked ones, he noticed, particularly for an extraplanar prison. Logically, he knew behind each door likely lurked a stark raving mad Outsider filled with thoughts of murder and mayhem. However, the Rogue in him considered other possibilities – perhaps vast treasure left behind after a prisoner’s remains had long since decayed into nothingness.

“Um . . . Halfling, I don’t think it is wise to randomly open cells in trans-planar sanitariums,” Houshang, cold and calculating, had no wish to roll the dice in such a fashion.

However, the lock had already “clicked” by the time the Red Wizard had completed his sentence. Gingerly, like an adventurer kicking down his first door, Tilly slowly pushed the door in.

In the corner of the dank, dirty cell sat a dark, bloated figure. The only sounds were a faint giggling and chains clattering. Suddenly, Tilly was surrounded by acidic vapors.


Slamming the door in the Kelubar’s face, Tilly’s agony was cut short by a merciful dispel from Dalthon.

“Perhaps a more tactful approach would be in order.”


As the party waited at the end of the hall, Grimm moved around the corner alone. The particular door he was approaching was filled with some type of exotic lettering. Despite the best efforts of the group’s planar scholars, they could not piece together what the word meant.

Instead of subjecting the entire party to a nasty surprise, the Planar Champion volunteered to be the guinea pig. Dalthon knocked the door from a distance as it sprung open. Gingerly, Grimm peered around the corner . . . only to be enveloped in an acid fog yet again.

“Damn it!”

While the party was occupied with their friend's predicament, Ike's attention was directed to a laboratory off in the distance. As he examined it, he began to feel a strange sense of deja vu.
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Very nice start, gfunk. I really had not thought that the first encounters would trouble your group very much. The next rooms & fights will be more interesting!
gfunk said:
While the party was occupied with their friend's predicament, Ike's attention was directed to a laboratory off in the distance. As he examined it, he began to feel a strange sense of deja vu.
Hm, he might even find some his own remains there. :]

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