JollyDoc's Shackled City


One other factor I, as DM, have noted about these adventures is that they try to make use of a diverse array of otherwise obscure rules, such as terrain features. Examples include the water hazards in Bhal-Hamatugn; the crowd scenarios in the beginning of Zenith Trajectory (and as you will see soon, in the Demonskar Legacy as well); and extreme heat/smoke damage (also to be seen this week). These are interesting factors, and add to the atmosphere of the game, but under the right circumstances, they can be detrimental to the characters, sometimes catastrophically.

BTW, over 8000 hits! Woo Hoo! Thanks to all the loyal readers out there.

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From what I've read I think the water hazard was the worst of it. What was it? Half speed? AND your opponant can friggen fly!

I mean, that's just begging for a TPK.


The water hazard was half speed in the shallow pools, quarter speed when knee deep or greater...

Ok, it's has been suggested to me by a loyal reader that perhaps I should post in more frequent, bite-sized chunks rather than in weekly mega-posts. I would like to take an informal poll as to what most of you would prefer.


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Eh, whatever. I'll read regardless. Size doesn't matter. ;)

That said, if I had my chioce, I'd say just a little shorter. If you go too small I have trouble getting into the story. Which can majorly detract from a SH sometimes. I'd also say don't be afraid to add party interaction. Stuff that wasn't actually played out at the table (if it's okay with the group, I guess). This lets you flex your creative mucles.a little and adds life to the story. You get to let us know the character's personality as well. That's easy at the gaming table. It just comes out. But in a SH, it can be more difficult. Comments and discussions made by the players don't translate well (if you can even remember them). Tone of voice and body language are lost. Even jokes that reveal something to the group about the PC won't come over well.

If you're looking for something to write, expand on the off time. Discusions while setting up camp. Past experiences of party members (pre-group) are another option, be it expressed in quiet, personal, memories; told while treking across the landscape; or just retold while relaxing by the fire.

I'd better stop before I end up writing one of my mini Story Hour essays but I still say don't shorten the updates much, if at all. I think it will really take away from the experience.


First Post
I like the mega posts they're always a good read and something I look forward to reading every week. Besides reading them is a good way to kill a quite a few minutes when they come out.

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