• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

JollyDoc's Shackled City


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Very nice job JD, I was impressed. BTW, re: Black_Kaioshin's point, I noticed that when I was reading as well! A Freudian slip perhaps? You know, there are rules for channelling celestials in the BoED? ;)

Anyway, I was especially pleased at your representation of Caine at the end there. But you forgot to include on additional point he made:

"If Asmodeous sent a devil to assist us, for whatever reason, you can rest assured that the devil would subjugate all his emotions including pride and anger to get the job done. To fail, or to do otherwise, would be to risk the fury of the Lord of the Nine. Celestials, however, seem to have the luxury of pride and arrogance."

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"Rusty the Killer Klown chimes in! Welcome to the 21st century! Hey, who is that in your icon?"

"Welcome to the 21st century!"? Must I remind you that I was the first one in the hood to own an Atari AND the Pong game to play on it? As far as the icon goes, It was on the list as Rogue, and you know that a rogue is my character of preference! But, if it will tickle your loins, I will pick a more suitable icon.

I too enjoyed the Update, I find reading this regularly, helps me get more involved in the sessions on Sunday's and keeps me up to speed. It also helps with noticing a few details that I may have missed while playing. Keep up the outstanding work.


First Post
gfunk said:
"If Asmodeous sent a devil to assist us, for whatever reason, you can rest assured that the devil would subjugate all his emotions including pride and anger to get the job done. To fail, or to do otherwise, would be to risk the fury of the Lord of the Nine. Celestials, however, seem to have the luxury of pride and arrogance."

His eyes closed and his fists clenched, Ajax slowly speaks in the language of Celestial, "I appreciate your frustrations, Caine. Believe me, I do. I was once a mortal, such as yourself, and have seen the death, depravity, and destruction that results when Evil is allowed to run unchecked. Now, _I_ am in the process of ascending, and without a doubt in my mind I can tell you that he higher powers of Good _do_ know what they are doing, regardless of the seeming pointlessness and intransigence of their methods.

"I do not know why this angel was told to give us the information she did, and only this information. I do not know why the Higher Powers, be it the Hebdomad or Council of Stars, gave her orders to limit the aid she was to give us. But, there is a method to their thinking. You don't have to like it, and I don't have to like it, but it is what it _is_. She gave us information that we _need_. Without it, we would not have known about the existence of Alakast, and definitely not its location.

"Again, do not misunderstand me, Caine. I am frustrated...nay, I am _angered_ that the Celestial Choir does not offer greater aid than this paltry piece of information. But you should direct your hard feelings away from the soldiers such as this lesser angel. She did as she was told. She followed orders, much as I have followed orders in offering my service to the Tyrites.

"You, Rusty, Tilly, Wathros, and I are no more than soldiers in this great War. We are given our orders. We obey. If need be, we die. All for the Greater Good. The death and destruction you have seen in Cormyr was horrific, and obviously has affected you deeply. But the end result was that the country, and its people, were freed of the bonds of slavery. Do not blame the Celestial Courts for their apparent lack of activity. In the least realize that they are with you now. Through me, in the very least."


First Post
gfunk said:
"If Asmodeous sent a devil to assist us, for whatever reason, you can rest assured that the devil would subjugate all his emotions including pride and anger to get the job done. To fail, or to do otherwise, would be to risk the fury of the Lord of the Nine. Celestials, however, seem to have the luxury of pride and arrogance."

His eyes closed and his fists clenched, Ajax slowly speaks in the language of Celestial, "I appreciate your frustrations, Caine. Believe me, I do. I was once a mortal, such as yourself, and have seen the death, depravity, and destruction that results when Evil is allowed to run unchecked. Now, _I_ am in the process of ascending, and without a doubt in my mind I can tell you that he higher powers of Good _do_ know what they are doing, regardless of the seeming pointlessness and intransigence of their methods.

"I do not know why this angel was told to give us the information she did, and only this information. I do not know why the Higher Powers, be it the Hebdomad or Council of Stars, gave her orders to limit the aid she was to give us. But, there is a method to their thinking. You don't have to like it, and I don't have to like it, but it is what it _is_. She gave us information that we _need_. Without it, we would not have known about the existence of Alakast, and definitely not its location.

"Again, do not misunderstand me, Caine. I am frustrated...nay, I am _angered_ that the Celestial Choir does not offer greater aid than this paltry piece of information. But you should direct your hard feelings away from the soldiers such as this lesser angel. She did as she was told. She followed orders, much as I have followed orders in offering my service to the Tyrites.

"You, Rusty, Tilly, Wathros, and I are no more than soldiers in this great War. We are given our orders. We obey. If need be, we die. All for the Greater Good. The death and destruction you have seen in Cormyr was horrific, and obviously has affected you deeply. But the end result was that the country, and its people, were freed of the bonds of slavery. Do not blame the Celestial Courts for their apparent lack of activity. Please realize that they are with you now." Opening his eyes, and with a small grin, Ajax adds, "Through me, in the very least."


First Post
Joachim said:
His eyes closed and his fists clenched, Ajax slowly speaks in the language of Celestial, "I appreciate your frustrations, Caine. Believe me, I do. I was once a mortal, such as yourself, and have seen the death, depravity, and destruction that results when Evil is allowed to run unchecked. Now, _I_ am in the process of ascending, and without a doubt in my mind I can tell you that he higher powers of Good _do_ know what they are doing, regardless of the seeming pointlessness and intransigence of their methods.
Caine listened silently and carefully to the Astral Deva's response and nodded in agreement, "Yes, I do not doubt the veracity of your words. My trust in the Lords of Good is absolute, for they are the source of my power and the foundation of my beliefs."

"I do not know why this angel was told to give us the information she did, and only this information. I do not know why the Higher Powers, be it the Hebdomad or Council of Stars, gave her orders to limit the aid she was to give us. But, there is a method to their thinking. You don't have to like it, and I don't have to like it, but it is what it _is_. She gave us information that we _need_. Without it, we would not have known about the existence of Alakast, and definitely not its location.
Caine shook his head in disagreement, "The Hebdomad, the Five Companions, and Court of the Stars are simply more powerful versions of our celestial friend," the sorcerer flicked his hand in the direction that the Movanic Deva had flown. "They are not gods, but they are agents of weal like us. They have neither divine portfolios nor powers yet they act as though they were omniscient."

"Again, do not misunderstand me, Caine. I am frustrated...nay, I am _angered_ that the Celestial Choir does not offer greater aid than this paltry piece of information. But you should direct your hard feelings away from the soldiers such as this lesser angel. She did as she was told. She followed orders, much as I have followed orders in offering my service to the Tyrites.
With a chuckle Caine replied, "Unlike you I have not had the privilege of meeting any truly powerful Celestials. Nor do I have any desire to. Therefore, I choose to direct my displeasure towards those beings who deign to grace me with their presence."

"You, Rusty, Tilly, Wathros, and I are no more than soldiers in this great War. We are given our orders. We obey. If need be, we die. All for the Greater Good. The death and destruction you have seen in Cormyr was horrific, and obviously has affected you deeply. But the end result was that the country, and its people, were freed of the bonds of slavery. Do not blame the Celestial Courts for their apparent lack of activity. Please realize that they are with you now." Opening his eyes, and with a small grin, Ajax adds, "Through me, in the very least."
"Allow me to correct one small thing Ajax -- Rusty, Tilly, Wathros, and I are mortals and thus are free-willed creatures. We answer to nobody, only to our own conscience and hearts. I have chosen to supplicate myself to the Lords of Good because I agree with their goals and wish to further their causes."

"As for Cormyr, though the end result was good, the reason for our Celestial beneficence was purely circumstantial. You will recall, I am sure, Entropy's assistance in the destruction of Nalavara the Red. Though the end result was good, I would not judge her based on that outcome."

"During my travels, Ajax, I met many sages and bards. I recall one particular tale, though I know not if it is true. Nevertheless, I found it instructive. In eons past, before the time of mortals the world was populated by good-aligned beings called divs. They were of immense power, but eventually their might corrupted them and they turned on their creators."

"To put down this rebellion, the Lords of Good sent the Solar Iblis to defeat the caliph of the divs. The Angel obeyed and defeated the warrior-king in personal combat."

"After the divs were banished to the Nine Hells, the Lords of Good created mortals, as we exist today. We have free will to choose our path, be it weal or woe, but our power is a mere fraction of that possessed by the divs."

"The Lords of Good showed the Celestial Choir their new creations and told them that they existed to serve mortals. Iblis moved forward and spoke, 'Ye have created me of fire, yet you would have me serve those created of dust?'"

"For his refusal to serve, Iblis was cast into the Pit. He resides there, to this day; ironically the Duke of Pride, as he is now known, has assumed dominion over the evil divs whom he once defeated."

"I know you are different Ajax. I know that your intentions are honorable and good. However, I believe that many celestials -- whose indifference caused my nation untold suffering -- are prideful to a fault. Perhaps someday, like Iblis, they too will be judged."

Caine clasped Ajax on the shoulder to cement their continued friendship, "Come, my friend, let us remain vigilant during our watch."
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Ah, the SH takes on a life of its own, and with 9K plus hits to boot! A father's pride brings a tear to me eye :(

But seriously, thanks to Gfunk and Joachim for the added depth to the characterization. That final scene was a very important one, and perhaps a turning point of sorts for some of our band. We shall see. Thank you one and all for your support and your helpful input.

Yes, the Pez insert was indeed a Freudian slip, perhaps wistful nostalgia...

Just yanking your chain a bit Rusty. BTW, let's everyone wish Rusty a big, wet, sloppy Happy Birthday...36 I believe it is? Huzzah!!


First Post
JollyDoc said:
Yes, the Pez insert was indeed a Freudian slip, perhaps wistful nostalgia...

I know the feeling. My current writings I have to reread and change one of the names of a past character every other paragraph!

Good stuff as always guys! Although its interesting as the fighting takes a different path. I kind of feel like somethings missing when you're not just smiting down the evil like a typical group might...


sithramir said:
I know the feeling. My current writings I have to reread and change one of the names of a past character every other paragraph!

Good stuff as always guys! Although its interesting as the fighting takes a different path. I kind of feel like somethings missing when you're not just smiting down the evil like a typical group might...

Not to worry, much evil will be smote (or will do the smiting) in our game session tonight...guaranteed.


First Post
Well, here's your Monday morning preview!:)

Yes, JD was right -- last night was very combat intensive. At first things looked very bleak, but extraordinary tactics carried the day . . . well almost. Things were going well, but we got a little carried away.

One of our beloved party members was reduced to a red stain on the floor.


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