[June] What Are You Reading?

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
My summer reading list:

Great Expectations and Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
Kim by Rudyard Kipling
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Beauty for Truth's Sake by Stratford Caldecott
Beauty: A Very Short Introduction by Roger Scruton
Isaac's Storm by Erik Larson


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Still working through "The Second Book of Lankhmar". It's okay, but I'll be quite glad to see it finished.

Just started the "Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide" for SWSE - finally completed my collection! Enjoying it so far - up to par with the rest of the line.

Next up is "Death of Kings" by Bernard Cornwell, and the next Pathfinder whenever it arrives.

Currently reading:
Naval Wargaming by Paul Hague
A Clash of Kings by GRRM

the current issue of Poetry Magazine

On the pile:
the next two books by GRRM (don't own the newest one yet) which I will most likely alternate with---
the next two books in the Sandman Slim series by Richard Kadrey

Just starting The Man with the Golden Torc by Simon R Green.
For popcorn books - Hunger Games (still haven't read them, want to before I see the DVD), and The Serpent's Shadow.

Then more Urban fantasy - the Patricia Briggs Mercy Thompson books, Kim Harrison Dead Witch Walking , Monster Hunters International from Larry Correia.
I have at least 2 books in each of those to read.

Another board I am on is doing an Urban Fantasy team draft, and I love the sub-genre of fantasy so I decided to read a bunch of it this month.

And of course, Cold Days when it comes out.

Watching Game of Thrones on HBO has been giving me the itch to reread the books, so I just started A Game of Thrones yesterday.

Song of the Serpent by Hugh Matthews. It is the second most recent release in the Pathfinder Tales line. It has been an enjoyable read so far.

I'm about 80 pages into West of Eden by Harry Harrison. I'm liking it so far, although it's very different from the other books of his I've read (The "Stainless Steel Rat" series and the "Deathworld" series). Basic premise: the dinosaurs didn't die out from a killer asteroid 65 million years ago, and now they've developed into an intelligent species that has used genetic modifications to turn various creatures into living tools. Now they've encountered, for the first time, humanoid, warlike mammals who have come down from the cold lands up north, and the two species each seem determined to wipe each other out. Humanity is at the Stone Age level of advancement, with some domesticated mammoths and flint spears, but we didn't fare so well in our first major battle. C'mon, mammals!


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