[June] What Are You Reading?

John Q. Mayhem

I'm 950 pages into The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I read Shirer's This is Berlin before, and I really like his voice. Not exactly an unbiased historian, but A: There ain't no such animal, and b: I think his bias is correct.

I'm also midway through some awesome Pyle King Arthur stories. I have a deep affection for those.

I recently read Deadweather and Sunrise, a seriously awesome children's book that I highly recommend. It's a pirate story set in an alternate timeline where Carthage seems to have won the Punic Wars and I believe the Saxons defeated the Normans. It doesn't come right out and say what's up, but that's what I got from it. Anyways, awesome book.

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I'm 950 pages into The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. I read Shirer's This is Berlin before, and I really like his voice. Not exactly an unbiased historian, but A: There ain't no such animal, and b: I think his bias is correct.

I strongly recommend "The Coming of the Third Reich" by Richard J. Evans written in about 2003. Very scholarly but also quite straightforward reading.

I'm also midway through some awesome Pyle King Arthur stories. I have a deep affection for those.

I loved reading Thomas Malory. Oxford University has a weighty edition of his Morte d'Arthur.


These days I am trying to get through the Doctor Who novels. Hopefully in June I will read GodEngine, Christmas on a Rational Planet, Return of the Living Dad, The Scales of Injustice, The Shadow of Weng-Chiang and Twilight of the Gods, all written in 1996.

Meanwhile my project to memorize the Bible continues very slowly: reviewing the gospels of Mark and John this month.

The Red King

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I'm reading China Mievilles Embassytown. Its every bit as good as his Bas-Lag world stuff, but this is more of a higher science world(s). Very cool so far.

Cor Azer

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Recently finished:
Civilization: The West vs The Rest by Niall Ferguson (who knew jeans were so important?)
Game of Thrones and Philosophy
A Game of Thrones Graphic Novel volume 1

Up Next: Some Jack Whyte Templar trilogy reading


Cowboys Full, the history of poker and how it ties in with the history of America.

Also reading DCC RPG, which is pretty cool. I'll have to see if one of my groups wants to play it between DDN playtest sessions.


Fighting through Wizard's First Rule. Wouldn't consider myself a fan. But dammit, I'm going to finish the book.

Then, probably Don't Know Much About Mythology: Everything You Need to Know About the Greatest Stories in Human History but Never Learned. We'll see.


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Just got Tales of a dying earth by Jack Vance for my birthday and I'm loving it. It's giving me such insight how the D&D wizard mold was cast. These stories are pure D&D before D&D was thought of.

Voidrunner's Codex

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