Just got the WotC 2008 Summer Catalog

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amaril said:
Does anyone have it already or at least seen it? Apart from what the set's name implies there's zero info about what it contains.

I really don't understand why they don't post tiny photos of all the tiles for these products. I am not inclined to buy any of these unless I know what's in it.

That should have been standard procedure for their Fantastic Locations line, too. Before I'd found a site that actually showed how the included poster maps looked like I wasn't interested in them at all - those photos changed that immediately!

Jhaelen said:
Does anyone have it already or at least seen it? Apart from what the set's name implies there's zero info about what it contains.

I really don't understand why they don't post tiny photos of all the tiles for these products. I am not inclined to buy any of these unless I know what's in it.

That should have been standard procedure for their Fantastic Locations line, too. Before I'd found a site that actually showed how the included poster maps looked like I wasn't interested in them at all - those photos changed that immediately!

I saw a copy at my FLGS yesterday. In this set the tiles are a tan colour (at least the pages I quickly looked at) instead of the grey seen in previous sets. I can't tell you much more than that as I only had a really quick look. I'll pick 2 sets of them up after Christmas.

Olaf the Stout

Hey, guys. Sorry for the delay in answering. As others have commented, I took a break from forums for a while, for a combination of mental health and crazy-busy-with-work reasons. I'm still not going to be around as much as I was, but I won't be completely gone.

thalmin said:
Shades of Grey
A Wizards of the Coast Discoveries Novel by Ari Marmell (fantasy, not D&D)
August 5, 2008 Trade $14.95

I can't say too much about this, yet.

I will say it's a completely original work--not based on D&D, or any other shared setting. For those familiar with my other work, it'll definitely feel like an "Ari" book. That is, it's fantasy with some really dark elements (some bordering on horror) and a few really snarky/smart-assed characters. ;)

I've got a teaser (a bit too long to be a blurb) on my Livejournal here: http://mouseferatu.livejournal.com/514110.html

And you can see the official Amazon blurb here: http://www.amazon.com/Shades-Grey-A...r_1_10?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1196906913&sr=8-10

Not sure I can say much beyond what's in those two links, but I'm happy to try to answer any other questions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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