Just got the WotC 2008 Summer Catalog


KingCrab said:
The ravenloft novel might be a test. Everyone buy it so they release it as a campaign setting soon.

Well, I'll buy the novel no matter what. As to whether or not a new campaign setting should be released, I'll wait and see the rules before I cheer too loudly for one (if 4E stinks, I won't be playing and thus not buying a lot of 4E Ravenloft, if any).

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Joël of the FoS

First Post
tvknight415 said:
Well, I'll buy the novel no matter what. As to whether or not a new campaign setting should be released, I'll wait and see the rules before I cheer too loudly for one (if 4E stinks, I won't be playing and thus not buying a lot of 4E Ravenloft, if any).

From what I understand from our web site, many Ravenloft fans will keep to 3.5 until Ravenloft is somehow converted to 4e, either by WotC (our choice) or by us (use of 3.5 books fluff with converted 3.5->4e stats).


This is a bit of a tangent, but doesn anyone know when the next set of Dungeon Tiles is meant to be released. I thought it was this month but I haven't seen them.

Olaf the Stout

Dire Bare

Olaf the Stout said:
This is a bit of a tangent, but doesn anyone know when the next set of Dungeon Tiles is meant to be released. I thought it was this month but I haven't seen them.
amaril said:
December 18th.
Um, not so sure of that. I'm pretty sure the last set of Dungeon Tiles was released this past September, and the next set isn't due until March. At least that's according to WotC's website, unless I'm missing something . . . .

Voidrunner's Codex

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