Just got the WotC 2008 Summer Catalog

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I'm really liking what I see for the Star Wars products, and everything is about what I expected. Looking forward to next year, now if I can only get a printed Dragon or Dungeon back I could be happy again. ;)


Baumi said:
The biggest price Offender for me are the Adventures. 25-30$ for a 96 page book that will likely be used only once?

As long as there's a Paizo, WotC adventures are a non-issue for me, even if Wizards does their best to make sure their own 4E adventures are the only ones to see print at release.


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jmucchiello said:
I'd be more interested to understand how a 96 page adventure only covers level 1-3. Is advancement significantly slower in 4e or is there a lot of pad in the adventures?

Also remember that H1 has the quick start rules in it. I'm guessing it will have 4-6 premade characters and just the rules to run them and the monsters in the adventure.


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Agamon said:
As long as there's a Paizo, WotC adventures are a non-issue for me, even if Wizards does their best to make sure their own 4E adventures are the only ones to see print at release.

Me, I'm looking forward to new 4e adventures from Necromancer and Goodman. I've yet to see a wotc module that I liked.


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Thalmin said:
H1 Keep on the Shadowfell A D&D adventure by Bruce R. Cordell and Mike Mearls
The town of Winterhaven stands watch over a ruined keep that once served as a bastion of good in the realm.
Hmmm, I'l have to grab my sword and check this out since it's nearby. I WORK in Winterhaven, FL!! :D :cool:

Voidrunner's Codex

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