Just got the WotC 2008 Summer Catalog

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DaveMage said:
$34.95 for a 224-page DMG?

A bit...pricey that.
Maybe it's just me, but when I compare that price with that of tickets at a movie theater or a meal at a decent restaurant, it sounds amazing. My 3e & 3.5e DMGs have facilitated years of entertainment. And if I pick up the 4e DMG, which I likely will, it will probably do so too. That's pretty damn good for $34.95.

Joël of the FoS

First Post

Keefe the Thief

Baumi said:
The biggest price Offender for me are the Adventures. 25-30$ for a 96 page book that will likely be used only once?

Not books - folders, it seems, with DM book, player book and several maps. Handouts, too? Shades of Dark Sun adventures. :)


Keefe the Thief said:
Not books - folders, it seems, with DM book, player book and several maps. Handouts, too? Shades of Dark Sun adventures. :)

Actually, shades of Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde... ;)


Slumbering in Tsar
shilsen said:
Maybe it's just me, but when I compare that price with that of tickets at a movie theater or a meal at a decent restaurant, it sounds amazing. My 3e & 3.5e DMGs have facilitated years of entertainment. And if I pick up the 4e DMG, which I likely will, it will probably do so too. That's pretty damn good for $34.95.

Fair enough.

But when you look at the item above it and see $34.95 for 320 pages, well, $34.95 for only 224 pages seems pricey to me.


Retired game store owner
WotC said one setting a year, starting with Forgotten Realms. I think Eberron is scheduled for 2009.

Voidrunner's Codex

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