Just got the WotC 2008 Summer Catalog


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I wonder if the H series are an "adventure path" in the sense that you are assumed to play them back-to-back... which means gaining an average of 3 levels per adventure.

Asking purely out of academic interest.
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Baumi said:
The biggest price Offender for me are the Adventures. 25-30$ for a 96 page book that will likely be used only once?
I'd be more interested to understand how a 96 page adventure only covers level 1-3. Is advancement significantly slower in 4e or is there a lot of pad in the adventures?


Retired game store owner
Korgoth said:
I wonder if the H series are an "adventure path" in the sense that you are assumed to play them back-to-back... which means gaining an average of 3.3 levels per adventure.

Asking purely out of academic interest.
The catalog does state that they are a series, though they can be played as stand-alones as well.


Why is Mearls author for all 3 of the introductory Adventures? Does this have to do with the design?

-> Thank you Thalmin for posting.


I intended to get the 4e core books, but the prices put me off until I saw that Amazon had them for preorder at 1/3 off. Seventy bucks for the set is manageable.

But the adventures... I'm seeing the same markdown at Amazon, but I will wait for reviews before buying them. Hopefully that 96 pages is pretty dense; I don't want to pay 86% of the cost of a core book for a single adventure with less than half the page count. I know there are "accessories" so I'll withhold judgment before making a final decision on those.


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Are you sure that Bruce Cordell's name comes before Ed's in the Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide?

Also.. More Drizzt? FFS. How many different ways do WoTC have to package that guy.
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jmucchiello said:
I'd be more interested to understand how a 96 page adventure only covers level 1-3. Is advancement significantly slower in 4e or is there a lot of pad in the adventures?

If it uses the tactical style, it'll present the basic info in one side and the 'combat' info on another side.

Takes up quite a bit of space.

But with the reduced stat blocks...

I'm glad to see the 3-volume slipcase being offered upfront at the same time as the core books are being released initially. So WotC at least got something about 4E right!

Voidrunner's Codex

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