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Just picked up the Expanded Psionics Handbook

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
How do you think it compares with the 6th level greater precognition though? It seems quite a lot better in many ways (not least because you could get many attempts at rerolls and you are quite likely to get more than 4 better than you could have done on the first roll at least once! It is only worse in the rare situation where you *couldn't* make it without the +4 bonus.)

I suppose in a way my thinking is informed by the old "Fate of One" power which in 3e was a 4th level power which allowed you to make one reroll as (effectively) an immediate power. Basically the same as the 7th level version does now.

A PC in my campaign had that power and I can't say that it was a terribly overpowered thing - more like a nice to have (and the seer really needed a nice to have after struggling through lots of relatively useless stuff!)


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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Do the xp costs for Matter Manipulation seem a bit excessive to anyone?

250xp for each point of hardness changed up to +/- 5?

Compare it with what you can do with Bend Reality for a mere 300xp, or even worse compare it with what a wizard can do with polymorph Object!

The costing of this power just seems mad...

Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Plane Sailing said:
Surprising Omissions from the powers list
Astral Projection. Surely a quintessential psionic power? Astral Caravan etc just doesn't match up to the lovely ability to go and adventure safely on other planes!

There is Plane Shift, however, so planar travel is covered in other ways.


Kid Charlemagne said:
There is Plane Shift, however, so planar travel is covered in other ways.
Sure, but Astral Projection is a bit more psionic-y (casting your mind out across the planes and all that) than Plane Shift. If only one of those powers was going to make it, it probably should have been Astral Projection.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Kid Charlemagne said:
There is Plane Shift, however, so planar travel is covered in other ways.

However, with Plane shift you are really there and can really die; with astral projection you can't. With Plane shift you have to cope with deadly planar natures yourself, with astral projection you don't have to.

Plus, as spatula said, sending your spirit out from your body... how psionicy is that?

Truestrike. Again with its insight bonus to attack it seems like an obvious Seer and Psywar power.
Hell no. Sorry, but let's not put that anywhere near psionics. They've got their little bit of cheese, wizards have their little bit of cheese, and those two cheeses can stay very far away from each other.

Besides, there's no way paying 1 power points for a +20 insight bonus to attack rolls is going to be balanced.

As for Astral Projection, I vaguely recall people complaining that it was overpowered. I never saw it in use, though.

Foresight is not needed; not when Danger Sense does what it's supposed to do (at 8th-level, but still).

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Yes, I'm with you on the truestrike, just had to mention it though :)

Danger sense can handle the mechanical aspects of foresight, but not the really useful (and DM dependent) stuff...

Kai Lord

EricNoah said:
Double-checking -- and I still think I'm right. Here's a direct quote: "you gain the ability to reroll one attack roll, one saving throw, one ability check, or one skill check each round." It's a 5th level power, so I don't find that to be out of line.
I think its pretty clear that the power ends after you use it once. For 1 round/level, you gain the ability to reroll one roll, but if you use the ability the power's over. Note that the description states that for each round you do not have to make another roll if satisfied with your original roll meaning you can "save" the power until you want to discharge it on a poor roll or until the duration expires.


First Post
(Psi)SeveredHead said:
Domination: Psionic is better. You can dominate nearly anything you run into at 9th-level, the wizard has to wait 8 more levels to do so.

I don't care if the wizard's spell lasts a lot longer, it would be broken in the hands of a class with power point flexibility. You want cohorts? Beg your DM for the Leadership feat instead of using some broken power. Being able to dominate hordes of followers for days (and not pay power points on days 2-5) is just ridiculous.

I would be happier if it had a duration of 1 minute/level, though.

Actually you can augment Dominate. Andrew Finch (with Bruce Cordell) confirmed this in a thread, along with several other corrections.

XPH Clarifications

Quick Summary:
Spend 1 additional pp = 1 hour.
Spend 2 additional pp = 1 day.
Spend 4 additional pp = 1 day/manifester level.

Voidrunner's Codex

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