Just saw Delicious in Dungeon


Morkus from Orkus
Reminds me of the time I had to make holy water for the local church. The priest was out of town and I did not have anyone to bless the water, so the deacon told me to take the tap water and just "boil the hell out of it."
The mother of my wife's best friend was the principal at a Catholic school in Los Angeles, so she had made many friends in the church. When my wife's friend got married, Cardinal Mahoney attended the wedding and spoke. Before the wedding I was walking around the back of the church with my brother-in-law when he loudly said to me, "I wonder if when a priest goes to the bathroom, he is making holy water." Just at that moment the cardinal walked around the corner from the other direction. For an instant I thought, "Oh, crap!" until I noticed the cardinal was laughing his ass off at what my brother-in-law had said.

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Morkus from Orkus
Calamari anyone?



I watched the second episode. I think I'm done. The basic premise was very entertaining but now...I get the joke, and it doesn't seem like there is much else to it. But I appreciate that first episode; it definitely gave me something new. It kinda feels like turning an SNL skit into a film: usually, a premise that is good for a short piece of absurdist entertainment gets tired quickly.


Ep 4 was... a bit meh. But, in the first three ep's there was at least one seriously LOL moment for me.

And I SOOOO want to do this in D&D. This would be a freaking blast as a campaign.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Ep 4 was... a bit meh. But, in the first three ep's there was at least one seriously LOL moment for me.

And I SOOOO want to do this in D&D. This would be a freaking blast as a campaign.
Huh, this episode got me back into the show. After episode 2, I was thinking "cute gimmick" but I don't need to see any more. Then I was looking for something short to watch during dinner in the hotel, taking a break from work, and I watched episodes 3 and 4. They both got me back into the story.

Also, I totally would not be surprise if we eventually see a Kickstarter for a Delicious in Dungeon campaign.


Thrilled that one of the deepest and most dramatic manga of the last decade is getting an adaptation that is 1. actually good 2. not being ruined by NEtflix's standard inept "put every episode up at once so people never talk about it again after a week" model.

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