Name of the Accused: Meier
Date: 24 July, 2004 (real world)
Time of incident: 18:20 (U.S.A. PST)
Location of Incident: The Emporium of the Realm of Juxtaposition
Crimes: Murder, Assaulting A Marshal
Description of Accused:
Beneath a dark gray hood loom two faintly glowing red eyes in the shadows that hide his face so well. A soft black cloak surrounds his body and appears to be made of fine leather, as the softer gray of the cloth that makes the hood disappears under it. If he ever does part his cloak, it appears to be a blood red color on the underside. Beneath his cloak he wears a light brown jerkin that seems to have some gold embroidery and a high collar that goes up past the cloak to about the bottom of his cheeks. Underneath his jerkin he wears a jet-black doublet. A broad black belt with two buckles is strapped around his waist with no scabbard seen on it. On his legs is a sturdy pair of black pants, the material is undistinguishable from the common materials, the pants continue down his legs until they disappear into his black boots. If he lowers his hood a broad black leather collar is around his neck.
If you study him further you take notice of his height of six feet five inches. His body seems to be in very good shape with tightly corded muscles taught under his smooth pale skin. His hair is a shade snow white and pulled back into a ponytail that reaches slightly past the shoulders, two slightly pointed ears are seen behind two beaded strands of hair.
Other notes: To be considered extremely dangerous and to be approached with extreme caution. Is known to use soul stealing and negative energy magic and displays no qualms with causing injury or death to others.
Bounty: 5,000 gold coins
Bounty Number: N267-A1
Wanted Dead or Alive
Bounty is valid throughout the lands of Juxtaposition and may be collected at the Tower of Evengil. If you require direction please consult a Marshal. When collecting bounty please remember the number.
Date: 24 July, 2004 (real world)
Time of incident: 18:20 (U.S.A. PST)
Location of Incident: The Emporium of the Realm of Juxtaposition
Crimes: Murder, Assaulting A Marshal
Description of Accused:
Beneath a dark gray hood loom two faintly glowing red eyes in the shadows that hide his face so well. A soft black cloak surrounds his body and appears to be made of fine leather, as the softer gray of the cloth that makes the hood disappears under it. If he ever does part his cloak, it appears to be a blood red color on the underside. Beneath his cloak he wears a light brown jerkin that seems to have some gold embroidery and a high collar that goes up past the cloak to about the bottom of his cheeks. Underneath his jerkin he wears a jet-black doublet. A broad black belt with two buckles is strapped around his waist with no scabbard seen on it. On his legs is a sturdy pair of black pants, the material is undistinguishable from the common materials, the pants continue down his legs until they disappear into his black boots. If he lowers his hood a broad black leather collar is around his neck.
If you study him further you take notice of his height of six feet five inches. His body seems to be in very good shape with tightly corded muscles taught under his smooth pale skin. His hair is a shade snow white and pulled back into a ponytail that reaches slightly past the shoulders, two slightly pointed ears are seen behind two beaded strands of hair.
Other notes: To be considered extremely dangerous and to be approached with extreme caution. Is known to use soul stealing and negative energy magic and displays no qualms with causing injury or death to others.
Bounty: 5,000 gold coins
Bounty Number: N267-A1
Wanted Dead or Alive
Bounty is valid throughout the lands of Juxtaposition and may be collected at the Tower of Evengil. If you require direction please consult a Marshal. When collecting bounty please remember the number.