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Keep on the Borderlands vs. Keep on the Borderlands


How did the Encounters series compare to the original in terms of plot, goals, memorable encounters, etc?

Was it a more or less faithful revision like the RPGA rewards 4e Tomb of Horrors, or was it more of an "inspired by the original" like the published hardcover 4e Tomb of Horrors?

I have to original KotB and have been thinking of updating it for my 4e group, but wondered if just trying to borrow or buy the Encounters version from someone and run it would save me the trouble.

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Always In School Gamer

D&D Encounters' Keep on the Borderlands is not conversion of the old mod into 4e. It takes place in the Chaos Scar, a location in the Netir Vale.

Restwell Keep, as it is formally known, was inspired by the original Keep on the Borderlands but is not a direct copy. Mike Mearls has made a great "safe zone" as adventures jump off into the Chaos Scar. See Dungeon issue 176 for more details:
Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (The Keep on the Chaos Scar)
NOTE: This is DDI content, so a sub is required.

There is a general wiki devoted to the Chaos scar here:
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Chaos Scar DM Support Group can be found here:
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The background story for the Chaos Scar:
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The Chaos Scar is an attempt to make a sandbox style adventure area, as you get deeper into the scar the more challenging the encounters. New adventures are published almost monthly for it (it now spans the entire Heroic tier).

I will say the DDE Keep on the Borderlands adventure is one of the best published adventures by WotC for 4e. Plenty of action and role playing to be had. The encounters are interesting and varied. The plot is layered like a tasty cake of nastiness.

Chris Sims, the author, answered questions about the mod in the DDE Season 3 forums. Plenty of folks created support tools, spotted problems, and shared awesome stories of how it ran... see here:
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DDE Season 4: March of the Phantom Brigade is shaping up to be just as good. Rodney Thompson is the author and the adventure blurb is as follows:

"What begins as a simple expedition to settle a new village in the ruins of the mysterious Castle Inverness sets off a chain of events that could threaten every living being from Winterhaven to Hammerfast. Not everyone in the Nentir Vale is happy to see civilization brought to Inverness..."


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