D&D 5E Keith Baker: Exploring Eberron

Eberron creator Keith Baker has been busy recently! He has unveiled the cover to his new book, to be released in July on DMs Guild in PDF and Print on Demand hardcover. It will dive into parts of Eberron that have received little attention in prior books, including the undersea civilizations and the planes.

Eberron creator Keith Baker has been busy recently! He has unveiled the cover to his new book, to be released in July on DMs Guild in PDF and Print on Demand hardcover. It will dive into parts of Eberron that have received little attention in prior books, including the undersea civilizations and the planes.


Keith sent Sly Flourish a PDF copy of the book, which Sly flipped through

Also, check out the KB Presents Twitter for past previews

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Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
PC Gnoll stats are in a 3rd party Kobold Press supplement called Heroes of The Southlands. Exploring Eberron will be the second thing to provide racial Gnoll stats.

You can also use the NPC stats for gnolls in the DMG. Obviously meant for NPCs, but still pretty usable for a normal PC if your DM allows it.


Yes, I was asking about the story that took you from wild blood-thirsty demonically tainted killing machines to a PC race. Keith has crafted a great story to explain that. I don't remember the story in earlier versions.
They were still demonically tainted and had a pack theme with casual aggressive tendencies like the Eberron version. They also worshipped more the Primal Spirits when rejecting their Demonic Taint and not worshipping Yeenoghu.

However the mercenary contract stuff and the non worshipping of dieties, yet still acknowledging them, is new to the Eberron version. 4E Female Gnolls were also alot bigger and "meaner" when it came to busting skulls. Gnoll packs are lead by whoever is the strongest in that pack. I also think 4E Female Gnolls had Poly like tendencies when it came to mating seasons or something. I have to check out 1D4 Chan's Gnoll page as it does a good job explaining it.
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Nothing firm, but it sounds like they're going to make it this month barring catastrophe. Almost all the book is into editing and layout, which means they're close to doing proofs. Guessing it's going to be the end of the month though rather than next week.

Are we nearly there yet?
I would really like to get my hands on this book and start an Eberron campaign before I catch COVID 19. That is not meant as a glib response; I'm seriously worried about catching the coronavirus and would at least like to enjoy running an Eberron game before things get out of hand. I'm in a vulnerable group so not sure about my chances...

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