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D&D 5E Keith Baker: Exploring Eberron

Eberron creator Keith Baker has been busy recently! He has unveiled the cover to his new book, to be released in July on DMs Guild in PDF and Print on Demand hardcover. It will dive into parts of Eberron that have received little attention in prior books, including the undersea civilizations and the planes.

Eberron creator Keith Baker has been busy recently! He has unveiled the cover to his new book, to be released in July on DMs Guild in PDF and Print on Demand hardcover. It will dive into parts of Eberron that have received little attention in prior books, including the undersea civilizations and the planes.


Keith sent Sly Flourish a PDF copy of the book, which Sly flipped through

Also, check out the KB Presents Twitter for past previews

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I really like the new take on the dwarves. It reminds me a lot of the dwarves in Dragon Age Origins, and its concept that, while the Darkspawn are a new and terrifying threat to the surface races, to the dwarves they're routine - an ongoing conflict they've faced their whole lives.

I also like the iceberg-like nature of the dwarven holds - that the parts on the surface, visible to the wider world, are outweighed by the much larger portion of their culture that most other races never get to see.

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Judging by Keith's comments in the Dwarves post, I don't think that's going to happen. "I didn't work on that book, and we chose not to carry that concept forward" is pretty much polite code for "I don't like it."

What book is that?


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yeah, I wanna say Magic of Eberron, Faiths if Eberron, and Nations of Eberron, all have stuff that Keith didn’t work on and doesn’t much like. Could be wrong about one of those, though.

It's weird that Keith wouldn't like the daelkyr half-blood concept and then lean super heavily on PCs using symbionts as a whole cultural thing.

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