• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Key Traits [Str, Dex, Con...]


First Post
I have added a few key traits myself, and a few minor traits


Perception: Both a characters ability to notice, hear, see, smell, taste, and a connection to a characters spirit (everyone and anyone in my world can learn a spell, based off of this and their Repertoire (based off of wisdom).

Appeal: Physical beauty of a character, replaces skill use for a few core skills and serves as the key skill for Seduction (Apl)


Luck: Rather obvious, though this is taken from Green Ronin's Advanced Players Guide Luck based off of wisdom (gets synergy)
Faith: My own write, from World of Darkness, Vampire tM: Inquisition inspiration. Takes the old roll d% for divine intervention. The characters faith can produce effects (based off a DC check vs their actual faith. Faith based off of Charisma
Reputation: While my own write, this comes from Wheel of Time and many others. Based off of Charisma

I also added in exceptional abilities (I.E. Exceptional Charisma 18 (83) Etc.

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I have built a new system and I'd like to know which one you prefer.

Hit Roll With Melee Weapons
Grapple attacks
Damage with Ranged Weapons

Armor Class
Hit Roll With Ranged Weapons
Reflex Saves

Damage with Melee Weapons
Fortitude Saves
Lift and Load Capacity

Initiative Adjustement
Will Saves

Skill Points
Language Spoken

[A mix between your chance to tough blows, that attacks will miss you (alike HPs in StarWars RPG) and the chances to discover better treasures.]
Hit Points
Improves Benefits from Percentages

(For Exemple, Starting gold for a random class is of: 3d6x10 gold. If you have a modifier of +2, you will have the chance to add 2 to each of your rolls. Hence, you would gain 3d6+6x10 gold. In another case, you would gain 1d10+2sp from an enjoyable performance. When accounting treasures, your DM rolls a die to know the level of enchantment a magical item you find is. Let's take the following table: 1-40; +1, 41-70;+2, 71-90;+3, 91-100;+4. If you roll a 89 (91), you will find a +4 item. If you roll a 99 or 100, your DM decides.)

Previous skills adjustment remain the same except for Wisdom which now influence Knowledge skills.

Class Adjustement would also change:

First of all, playing a race of small size would give a bonus to refex saves and not to bonus to hit rolls. The bonus to armor class remains.

+2 Vig, -2 Wit (Unchanged)

+2 End, -2 Luc

+2 Wit, -2 End

+2 Vig, -2 End

+2 Agi, -2 End
Last edited:


Wik said:
In my post-apocalyptic game, charisma is a VERY important stat, since it - a) Indicates starting equipment points, b) indicates the number of starting "special" items the character begins play with, c) is vital for the barter system, meaning a high charisma character can spend more with his money

Can you tell me a bit more in details how it affects starting gear and barter system?

Voidrunner's Codex

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