D&D General Keys from the Golden Vault look through.


What I really like about the book is the variety of locales. What I'm not sure about is how easy it is to run a planning session and how LONG it would take my players to manage all this.....
Mmm. Yes. Thinking about the two groups I DM for ... one tends not to do any planning and just dives right in, while the other group tends to be overly cautious and could easily get paralyzed by indecision if expected to come up with their own infiltration plan.

EDIT: And the latter group is the one I'm intending to run my Strixhaven+ campaign for ... good thing it won't be just a Golden Vault campaign. These will be sprinkled in with all the other short adventures so there will be lots of variety.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I don't understand this. Almost none of this can be handled by fighting. It is all heists all the time. Not really many statblocks at all. So, no on the monsters IMO.
Sorry, I mean that, when I think of heists, I'm not thinking of the party stealing a MacGuffin that they hand over to Dragon: Impossible at the end of the adventure.

Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser would be rightly outraged at the idea.


New Publisher
Sorry, I mean that, when I think of heists, I'm not thinking of the party stealing a MacGuffin that they hand over to Dragon: Impossible at the end of the adventure.

Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser would be rightly outraged at the idea.
Every adventure starts with multiple options for why your PCs might want to do it, if they aren't affiliated with the GV. Or, come up with your own. This seems like an odd complaint, but what do I know?


Book-Friend, he/him
Sorry, I mean that, when I think of heists, I'm not thinking of the party stealing a MacGuffin that they hand over to Dragon: Impossible at the end of the adventure.

Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser would be rightly outraged at the idea.
Modern D&D is very firm on the players being Good Guys in official material (as noted in the DMG, though nobody reads that. Fafhred and the Grey Mouser are off-brand these days. Though otndoes sit oddly with the admitted possibility that the party may and dismember a mobster for profit.


Speaking of which, since the Forgotten Realms already has three or four secret societies for every person living on the planet, why not just re-use the Harpers for this, rather than coming up with a new organization?
That would make things especially interesting for Prisoner 13
given that the warden of Revel's End is a member of the Harpers

That said, the Golden Vault is a multiplanar / extraplanar organization. Part of WotC's somewhat confused efforts to convince us that the multiverse is 5e's default setting rather than the Sword Coast. Maybe it's even a teaser for the upcoming Planescape product.

Voidrunner's Codex

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