D&D General Keys from the Golden Vault look through.

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Getting a hang of this!
Judging by the table of contents, most of the included stats are for named NPCs. The only new monsters that I can see are a Clockwork Defender and a Clockwork Observer. There is also a

Was sorta expecting more creatures, for some reason! Thank you though!


So you praise Eberron’s stuff including the mourning which I compared the Golden Vault to.
Stop. You know as well as I do that they aren't the same thing. The Golden Vault is the Wayfinders or the Harper's. And even so, the Mourning still gets more adventure seeds that this.

EDIT: Let myself get too intense. Sorry about that. ::deep breaths::
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New Publisher
If so it speaks to a culture of disdain for GMs. That is who you are serving with those 3 pages you had to cut. That's who makes your business possible.
I think you've beat this horse to dust, and, clearly not everyone agrees.

What I really like about the book is the variety of locales. What I'm not sure about is how easy it is to run a planning session and how LONG it would take my players to manage all this.....


Book-Friend, he/him
If so it speaks to a culture of disdain for GMs. That is who you are serving with those 3 pages you had to cut. That's who makes your business possible.

Not really? The point of the book is small plug and play modules. As an aside, theybinclude a light joining framework of desired. And apparently, there are 15 paragraphs about the plot hook, anyways.


I have been freelance writing for RPGs for a couple decades now, and the number 1 rule is that the stuff you write for RPGs should inspire and enable the GM. It isn't wasted words if it gets the GM thinking about how to use the thing in adventures.
I haven't read the full book yet, but the little that have been posted about the Golen Vault do exactly that for me. Any more would, indeed, likely be wasted words (for me). So, by your guideline they succeeded - for me at least.
Look at Keith Baker's Eberron work -- every paragraph is an adventure seed.
I think his writing and passion are great. I could read is books just fine. But I have no desire to play Eberron, it feels like someone else's game to me - to much lore to deal with. I do love the idea of always starting the setting at the same point - I wish they did that for all settings.
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