D&D 5E More Golden Vault Info!

From a recent press release sent out by WotC. “A secret organization called the Golden Vault sends mission briefings to its operatives—the adventurers!—in the form of magical, golden keys that are inserted into what looks like a mundane music box. Instead of a pretty tune, though, the music box then provides a recording with all the information needed for the adventurers to hunt a particular...


From a recent press release sent out by WotC.
  • “A secret organization called the Golden Vault sends mission briefings to its operatives—the adventurers!—in the form of magical, golden keys that are inserted into what looks like a mundane music box. Instead of a pretty tune, though, the music box then provides a recording with all the information needed for the adventurers to hunt a particular item of interest,” said Amanda Hamon, senior game designer on the D&D Team and co-lead designer of Keys from the Golden Vault. “It’s up to the adventurers to do the reconnaissance necessary to circumvent any defenses and pull off a legendary heist. Teamwork is paramount, because as so often happens in these capers, something will go wrong, and creative thinking could save the day!”
  • The Golden Vaiult is linked to metallic dragons, and is good-aligned. It has a motto: "“Do good, no matter the cost.”
  • The 13 adventures each have two full-page maps (one player map and one for the DM). The player map is often unreliable or incomplete.

Channel Your Inner Rogue with 13 Heist Adventures in Keys from the Golden Vault

Get the Mission, Plan the Caper, and Make Sure Everyone Gets Out Alive with the Prize

Renton, Wash., D&D players are not strangers to impossible missions. A perilous heist requires careful strategizing followed by daredevil antics when something unexpected happens and the players’ plan goes sideways. Dungeons & Dragons invites players to experience the thrill, drama, strategy, and intrigue of the heist genre in Keys from the Golden Vault, the latest Dungeons & Dragons book of adventures. Keys from the Golden Vault will be released in North America on February 21, 2023 and on March 24, 2023 in the UK/EMEA.

“A secret organization called the Golden Vault sends mission briefings to its operatives—the adventurers!—in the form of magical, golden keys that are inserted into what looks like a mundane music box. Instead of a pretty tune, though, the music box then provides a recording with all the information needed for the adventurers to hunt a particular item of interest,” said Amanda Hamon, senior game designer on the D&D Team and co-lead designer of Keys from the Golden Vault. “It’s up to the adventurers to do the reconnaissance necessary to circumvent any defenses and pull off a legendary heist. Teamwork is paramount, because as so often happens in these capers, something will go wrong, and creative thinking could save the day!”

The Golden Vault is rumored to be associated with metallic dragons and based on one of the good-aligned Outer Planes. Its operatives help the downtrodden and innocent when the law can’t. The organization’s motto is: “Do good, no matter the cost.”

D&D players can live out their fantasies of running a caper like one they might have seen on the silver screen in movies such as Mission: Impossible; Ocean’s 11; or even The Great Muppet Caper. The thirteen adventures in Keys from the Golden Vault range from levels 1 to 11. They can be played as one-offs dropped into ongoing campaigns, or run as a campaign of heists perpetrated by the same crew.
“Each adventure includes two full-page maps: one that players can use to plan their heist, and another the Dungeon Master uses to run the adventure,” said Chris Perkins, Story Architect of the D&D Team and co-lead of Keys from the Golden Vault. “The players’ map, however, is often unreliable or incomplete.”

Keys from the Golden Vault has an alternate cover by Simen Meyer, available only through game stores, and an evergreen cover by Anna Podedworna, available in North America on February 21, 2023. Fans who pre-order the digital/physical bundle at dndstore.wizards.com will be able to access the digital release on February 7, 2023.

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Anyone purchased the book on DDB via the early release scheme? I’m not doing that again myself after being burned with Dragonlance (I’m still waiting for my hard copy).

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While you can't look at the contents you should be able to freely look at the ToC here
Interesting stuff, just from the ToC. It does look like they are true heists, with a variety of locations, many from the standard heist tropes: casino, museum, party, train, and so on. Looks like at least a couple are extra-planar as well...


Morkus from Orkus
Monsters of the Multiverse has a lot of High CR monsters.
Let's examine that in the face of what I said earlier. I'll start with CR 10.

At first it appears like there are 13 entries, but...

4 of them are Eladrin and 2 are gith. 1 is yet another giant.

Level 11...

9 entries, but...

2 are creatures with levels added(drow and shad-kai), 1 is another giant and 1 is a fiend.

It goes on like this. The numbers per level are small and a lot of them are just repeats. This is my problem with high level monsters in 5e. Small lists compared to low level and there are a lot of repeats.


Book-Friend, he/him
Eberron as well. I think about a third of monster statblocks are 14+, including quite a few 20+.
I'll also suggest the Guildmasters Guide to Ravnica, @Maxperson even if you have no interest in the Magic Setting...like a third of the book is Mosnters, includng some High Level ones, along with tables for generating factional based Adventures. Throwing high Level PCs at the Cult of Rakdos with the Serial numbers filed off, either a crazy circus Demon of CR as the boss of insane clown army...?

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