D&D 5E D&D Beyond Reveals New Golden Vault Details

Over on D&D Beyond you can read more about Keys from the Golden Vault, including information on 3 of the 13 adventures, the Golden Vault organization itself, and an overview of how the heist adentures within work. https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1430-what-is-keys-from-the-golden-vault-13-heist Four of the adventures include: The Stygian Gambit (for 2nd-level adventurers): Case a Nine...

Over on D&D Beyond you can read more about Keys from the Golden Vault, including information on 3 of the 13 adventures, the Golden Vault organization itself, and an overview of how the heist adentures within work.


Four of the adventures include:
  • The Stygian Gambit (for 2nd-level adventurers): Case a Nine Hells-themed casino and steal the prize for the Three-Dragon Ante tournament that's currently taking place.
  • Prisoner 13 (for 4th-level adventurers): Infiltrate a remote prison in the tundra of Icewind Dale and extract information from an inmate.
  • Vidorant’s Vault (for 7th-level adventurers): Break into the safe of a renowned thief, bypassing its many security features en route.
  • Fire and Darkness (for 11th-level adventurers): Navigate the grim fortress of an efreeti and retrieve an artifact of unimaginable evil, the Book of Vile Darkness.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Some good writers here:

Here's the writing team: Amanda Hamon, Christopher Perkins, Justice Ramin Arman, Kate Baker, Makenzie De Armas, Dan Dillon, Brooks Donohue, Tim Hitchcock, Sadie Lowry, Jeffrey Ludwig, Sarah Madsen, Mario Ortegón, Ben Petrisor, and T. Alexander Stangroom



New Publisher
You can also get one of those adventures for free digitally (Prisonder 13) on DDB if you want a preview.

This is a very different kind of adventure.....there is no way combat works. There are some interesting ideas in here for sure. Plus, if you want to steal a good prison, here you go. I might have to steal this for my campaign, where the PCs just went to Planescape and would need to provide a service for information....


Great! Too bad they didn't do this in time for us stores to gather much in the way of pre-orders!
I was talking with another store owner last week or so and she was pretty frustrated with the new people in charge of that area, about how there seems to be a major communication breakdown and store owners not getting information in a timely manner. On top of all the other bad things Hasbro has been doing recently...the timing is not great.

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