D&D 5E D&D Beyond Reveals New Golden Vault Details

Over on D&D Beyond you can read more about Keys from the Golden Vault, including information on 3 of the 13 adventures, the Golden Vault organization itself, and an overview of how the heist adentures within work. https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1430-what-is-keys-from-the-golden-vault-13-heist Four of the adventures include: The Stygian Gambit (for 2nd-level adventurers): Case a Nine...

Over on D&D Beyond you can read more about Keys from the Golden Vault, including information on 3 of the 13 adventures, the Golden Vault organization itself, and an overview of how the heist adentures within work.


Four of the adventures include:
  • The Stygian Gambit (for 2nd-level adventurers): Case a Nine Hells-themed casino and steal the prize for the Three-Dragon Ante tournament that's currently taking place.
  • Prisoner 13 (for 4th-level adventurers): Infiltrate a remote prison in the tundra of Icewind Dale and extract information from an inmate.
  • Vidorant’s Vault (for 7th-level adventurers): Break into the safe of a renowned thief, bypassing its many security features en route.
  • Fire and Darkness (for 11th-level adventurers): Navigate the grim fortress of an efreeti and retrieve an artifact of unimaginable evil, the Book of Vile Darkness.

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Infiltrate a prison in Icewind Dale...

It's actually confirmed to be the same prison - Revel's End. IIRC it was actually created for the movie but because of movie lead times they were able to add it to the world long before the movie's release. Can't find a direct quote now - I think it was in one of the videos - but this polygon article refers to it.



New Publisher
It's actually confirmed to be the same prison - Revel's End. IIRC it was actually created for the movie but because of movie lead times they were able to add it to the world long before the movie's release. Can't find a direct quote now - I think it was in one of the videos - but this polygon article refers to it.

Pretty sure RE has been around much longer than the movie.


It's actually confirmed to be the same prison - Revel's End. IIRC it was actually created for the movie but because of movie lead times they were able to add it to the world long before the movie's release. Can't find a direct quote now - I think it was in one of the videos - but this polygon article refers to it.

Pretty sure RE has been around much longer than the movie.

This video here (at the 15:30 mark) covers how Chris Perkins and the movie writers created Revel’s End together:



Pretty sure RE has been around much longer than the movie.
Right - Revel's End was created for Rime of the Frostmaiden, but it was really created for the movie and then Perkins included it in the book.

It has the feel of a setting that has been around in the Realms forever, and for that I give Perkins credit. Because it certainly seems like the kind of thing that would have been a part of at least the video games like Icewind Dale if not in the novels. But it wasn't.

halfling rogue

I do enjoy me a good anthology book with multiple small adventures. Yawning Portal and Saltmarsh have been my favorite releases. However those were older adventures with 5e shine. My kids are interested in the movie, and they might be drawn to some tie in destinations. And heists are fun. But like always I'll wait for the reviews to see if it's worth a purchase. And they'll have to knock it out of the park for me to actually consider it. All of the political crap and the corporate decisions have raised the hurdle pretty high for me.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Huh... I don't think I've played in a heist game - of any type - in approximately forever. Maybe in the 90's when we were playing Shadowrun 1e (so... many... dice...)

Now I'm starting to get intrigued

Maybe I'll buy a copy; although the number of crowdfunds in February is hurting my wallet so much

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