Keys from the Golden Vault


Rogue's Gallery

Tglassy, playing...

You are operatives of a secretive organisation called the Golden Vault, dedicated to the resolution of injustices that the regular authorities won't touch. The GV's motto reflects its primary motivation: "Do good, no matter the cost." Missions undertaken for the GV are often illegal by societal norms, but they always support a just, moral cause.

Several days ago, you received instructions to travel to the city of Varkenbluff with all haste, and rendezvous with your new team at the Sage's Quill. Upon arrival at the inn, you should keep a low profile, and await further instruction.

Varkenbluff is a scholarly city, famous for its sprawling university campus and Museum of Natural History. Where you would normally see peddlers hawking their wares on street corners, instead you find knots of students arguing semantics, or crowing over the latest academic scandals. Most of the shops cater to the student body, selling parchment and ink at a considerable mark up on the usual price.

The Sage's Quill is a quiet establishment not far from the Varkenbluff Museum. It seems they predominantly cater to people visiting family or friends studying at the university. You are able to find lodgings while you wait for the rest of your team, and for further instructions from your handler within the Golden Vault.

OOC: Please take this opportunity to introduce your character, then we will jump straight into the first heist.
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Ĉarlatano sat on a bench, the sort of half-elf one would forget having seen moments after having glanced at him.

He noticed the tavern had a small stage for performances, empty now, but had no interest in performing -- he was laying low, per orders.

If he blew this, he'd lose the Vault's protection, such as it was. He had barely escaped with his life the last time his pursuers caught up to him. So, until he figured out something better, he was committed to the Vault's eye-rolling cause.

This is clearly not TORDAR's kind of town. Though with his staff and lack of armor, he might pass as one of the locals. A 6'6" athletic one.

At the inn he fidgets, stretches, appreciates the young...people that seem more common here. Is looking to get a drink.

HP: 9/9
AC: 13/15
SkillsSpell Slots
1st [ ] [ ]
Level 1
Wild Shape
: 0/0
Sorcery pnts: 2/2
Pss Perc: 15
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 15
Control Flames,
Produce Flames
INT:12+1 (+3)
WIS: 16+3 (+5)
Acrobat:: 4
Insight: 5
Percep: 5
Stealth: 4
Survival: 5
Forgery Kit :3
Memorized Spells
Faerie Fire,
Charm Person

Nymh sat in the bar, somewhere in the middle where it would be easiest to overhear conversations. He'd gotten to town several hours prior and had left his armour and gear in his room. A plainly dressed human with sandy brown hair, he blended easily into a crowd. He was perusing a pamphlet he'd picked up near the university and, while he seemed to be intent on its contents, he was instead, soaking in everything that was going on around him.

This would be his first big mission with the Golden Vault. He'd passed the tests and proven his loyalty. It had been a year since they'd saved him from the hangman's noose but it wasn't any sense of debt that made him stay with the Golden Vault: it was the thrill. The trickster Raven whispered to him often, "Let's go make some mischief" and the Golden Vault satisfied the Raven's persistent proddings.
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A half dozen young adults are seated at another table, students at the university by the look of their apparel. A few have books out on the table in front of them, but most have already abandoned the prefix of studying in favour of drinking. A freckled half-elf lass with auburn hair notices Tordar's attention and smiles across sheepishly before turning back to her friends. Several of the other students notice the exchange and begin nudging her playfully. She blushes and buries her face in a book. One young human man scowls across at Tordar, and finishes his drink in one long gulp.

Tordar (and anyone else who wants one) is able to get a drink from the bar.

The pamphlet Nymh picked up is titled The Murkmire Exhibition, which is being held at the Varkenbluff Museum of Natural History, and lists the archeological finds unearthed at an ancient ruin outside of the city. Several interesting pieces were uncovered, but featured most prominently is a roughly oval shard of smooth green crystal called the Murkmire Stone. A gala event is being held at the museum this evening for invitation holders only, before the exhibition is opened up to the public. The pamphlet also contains some other commonly known details about the museum (how to find it, where to park, opening hours, etc...) and features pictures of some other exhibits, including the preserved remains of a huge prehistoric beast!
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HP: 9/9
AC: 13/15
Spell Slots
1st [ ] [ ]
Level 1
Wild Shape
: 0/0
Sorcery pnts: 2/2
Pss Perc: 15
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 15
Control Flames,
Produce Flames
INT:12+1 (+3)
WIS: 16+3 (+5)
Acrobat:: 4
Insight: 5
Percep: 5
Stealth: 4
Survival: 5
Disguise kit: 3
Forgery Kit :3
Memorized Spells
Faerie Fire,
Charm Person

When a server passed by, Nymh ordered a jug of ale and two glasses and some food. While he waited for the server to bring his drink, he unfurled his utensils from their napkin. He placed the fork at the empty seat across from him and the knife directly in the middle of the table.

It was an innocuous to the uninitiated but, to a member of the Golden Vault, it was an invitation. Anyone could sit in an empty chair but a member of the Golden Vault would take the stray fork and place it tip to toe with the knife in the middle of the table in a 'V' shape. A simple sign of one's membership and one easily erased.

My super secret invitation. I couldn't really think of anything better :p
Edit: If it wasn't obvious, 'V' stands for Vault. Also an invitation for anyone else in the group to come sit and chat.
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Ĉarlatano saw what the human was doing with the cutlery, but stayed where he was. There were supposed to be more people joining them. If they were missing, security might already be compromised and it might be time to go, rather than stick around and get slaughtered with the rest.

TORDAR--who is not Mr Charisma--winks awkwardly back, sort of like something is stuck in his eye.

He also takes note of Nymh--who he has known for some time. At some point he will whisper to him "what are we waiting for?"

HP: 9/9
AC: 13/15
Spell Slots
1st [ ] [ ]
Level 1
Wild Shape
: 0/0
Sorcery pnts: 2/2
Pss Perc: 15
Pass Inv: 10
Pass Ins: 15
Control Flames,
Produce Flames
INT:12+1 (+3)
WIS: 16+3 (+5)
Acrobat:: 4
Insight: 5
Percep: 5
Stealth: 4
Survival: 5
Disguise kit: 3
Forgery Kit :3
Memorized Spells
Faerie Fire,
Charm Person

Nymh, seeing TORDAR approach, kicks a chair out with his foot to invite him to sit. Quietly, he answers,

"Our contact. And the rest of our team, probably."

Then with a regular voice,

"I don't know how many are coming to the party but I've already ordered a pitcher. Glad you made it. How you been?"

I'm just going to assume we know we both work for the same organization.

At some point, one could become aware of a small gray form casually leaning against the stones of the hearth. If the small figure didn't hold a mug of some drink, it would be very easy to ignore it simply as a shadow on the stones, the forms gray skin and mottled clothes perfectly fitting within the background of fitted stones.

Khugel is here early, he wanted to see if there will be anyone suspicious for the meeting. He doesn't know anyone, but that means nothing. The two strangers talking, a hulking barbarian with another human, don't fit the students general feel. He dismisses the table full of students as just that, youngsters playing.

The svirfneblin is to low to the ground to see the top of the table and Vault's mark on there. But he keeps his eyes peeled for the handler and sips slowly his hard-to-get mushroom beer.

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