3PP Release [Kickstarter] Veranthea Codex: Grethadnis

Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies
Veranthea Codex DnD 5E Level Up 5e Grethadnis KS Banner funded.png
This 190 page sourcebook details 26 nations and regions across the Fair Continent with statistics for 100 NPCs in a realm of medieval fantasy often meddled with by an original pantheon of 18 gods. An entire academy of magic instructors, thieves' guilds galore, zealous priesthoods—there's even 18 new monsters in here including a draconic bunny. It also has new heritage options (like feylves, pantako, motleyfolk, and shadetouched), new class archetypes (including the fiery Doonfist Pistolero and greedy Oath of the Merchanteer), and more than a dozen new magic items (such as the banners of the crusades and mirrored weapons)! Check out the full table of contents here.

We reached the funding goal earlier tonight but the first thing on the stretch goal docket is Level Up: Advanced Fifth Edition!

Grethadnis KS Stretch Goal - Level Up LOCKED.png
I am incredibly proud to announce that thanks to the excellent help of Josh Gentry (who tackled converting all the tiny details from O5E to A5E) and Thiago Rosa (who has written up several thousands words of additional story material) we have also prepared a version of Veranthea Codex: Grethadnis specifically for Level Up! Right now you can pledge for a PDF, but when the project reaches $1,000 in funding a new $30 pledge level will activate so backers can order hardcovers of Veranthea Codex: Grethadnis (Level Up).

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PJ Coffey

PJ Coffey (they/them)
Awesome work Mike!

My A5e Kickstarter One if by Land, Two if by Sea, Three if by Air has launched earlier yesterday as well! Man, we really should have coordinated that better! :)

I just really like the concept of going old, old school and using the existing Level Up material to really demonstrate how the system lets you do things easily that you just can't do in basic 5e. Glad to see you're including A5e as a stretch goal though! That's awesome.


Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies
Glad to see you're including A5e as a stretch goal though! That's awesome.
I'd go so far as to say it's radically awesome—if you played D&D in high school or college, a lot of the set pieces are going to remind you of that. Anybody that didn't get those halcyon days of super enthusiastic gaming is in for a spectacular treat.

Also it was meant to be that all the Veranthea Codex: Grethadnis (Level Up) pledges unlocked at $1,000 but I was getting yelled at by milady, and clicked the wrong things, sooooooooooo folks can pledge for the PDF right now (and the hardcover pledge will unlock at $1k). :p

Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies
is (or will) there (be) a way to get both the 5e and a5e pdfs?
cowboy kid.gif

There is now an Other System PDF add-on! ^_^

Mike Myler

Grand Vizier of the Googly Mooglies
Grethadnis KS Stretch Goal - Level Up UNLOCKED.png

Order your hardcover of the first Level Up: Advanced Fifth Edition campaign setting now!

Next up is the Grethadnis Bonus Pack:
Grethadnis KS Stretch Goal - Bonus Pack LOCKED.png

This book (which will only be available for O5E, there will not be a Level Up specific version) is Fugitive Scholar (a full adventure for 4–5 PCs of 5th–6th level), Bastards Revenge (a sidequest for 4–5 PCs of 3rd–5th level), the paradigm prestige class (be the dwarfiest dwarf, elfiest elf, or most halfinglest halfling!), and 30 new minor magic items all of uncommon rarity and with listed gold costs.

Anyone keen on getting a softcover of it will be able to increase their pledge to do so, but when this is unlocked everyone who's pledged to the project will receive the Grethadnis Bonus Pack PDF for free along with their other rewards!

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