Kid-Friendly RPG by OnlineDM


Inspired in part by the excellent RPG Kids from NewbieDM, I created a simple role playing game for use with my 8 year old niece and 5 year old nephew. I'm calling it Kid-Friendly RPG (KFRPG for short), and it's freely available on my site:

Basically, characters have three skills that they get to roll twice on (anything else gets a single d20 roll), a speed in squares, an attack die and a defense die (fights use opposed rolls). They have three hit points, one healing potion, and one special power, each of which is tracked with poker chips. That's pretty much the whole game.

Put together a few small character sheets with colorful illustrations, and you're rolling!
If you have any suggestions or feedback, I'd love to hear them. Enjoy!

Michael the OnlineDM


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