Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Having no particular skill in tracking, Shillaadrini will ride flank to the trackers to keep an eye one the surroundings, in case of the advent of danger.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Oleg said:
“A friend would help me drag those last two bodies to the ditch I'm digging.”

Sarvek smiles, and immediately begins to help Oleg with the bodies. It should only take a minute or two; afterwards, Sarvek joins the rest of the party as they begin to track the outlaws.


You all set off, following Kuvarious as he seeks to follow the bandit's tracks. Things go well at first and you cover approximately twenty miles on the first day, heading due south and then skirting the forest.

2 Pharast, 4710

Then the rains begin on day two. Your progress becomes slowed and it is increasingly difficult to follow the tracks. Not wanting to lose them, you push through the inclement weather. After half a day of riding, it breaks. Kuvarious realizes he has lost the tracks due to the sudden downpour and spends the remainder of the day searching for it. With some measure of luck though, you happen upon a friendly hunter, making his way toward the trading post. When it is explained that you are seeking to bring an end to the region's bandits he happily aids you.

“I have had several close calls with those bastards. If you keep skirting the Narlmarches' edge, it's going to meet up with the Thorn River. From there, follow the river to the north. I don't know if it's their main base, but it's the only one I know of in the nearby vicinity.”

With a wave goodbye and wish of good fortune, he continues on his way toward Oleg's. This speeds things up considerably for you. No longer do you have to try to follow tracks – you have a way to get to the bandits directly! With your horses fatiguing, you decide to setup camp for the evening.

3 Pharast, 4710

Breaking camp at dawn, you follow the directions of the hunter. The landscape changes from plains to hills. After four hours of riding, you see the river in the distance. After a quick stop for lunch, you follow the river's bank to the north, into the Narlmarches.

GM: I need marching order, Initiatives, and Perception checks!


Continuing your journey into the forest in search for the bandit's camp, you eventually spot a path and a cart, just across the river to your northwest. Sarvek notices that there is a place about 50 feet ahead of the group that looks like a natural ford, with another about 50 feet after that. The cart has a tarp covering it and a horse grazes while tethered to it – its owner, nowhere in sight.

How would you each like to continue?

Thorn River Ford Current View.jpg
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Shillaadrini -
"As close as we are, if anyone is around, we have already been seen."

Adrin dismounts and draws his sword. He leaves his mount and begins moving directly toward the stream to his immediate left, ignoring the natural ford ahead. He intends to cross the stream and investigate the scrub around the abandoned wagon, looking for danger before approaching the wagon and horse.


Shillaadrini fords across the river while everyone else waits defensively. Suddenly stopping when he gets about 10' from the wagon. He has spotted a bear trap hidden near the front of it! Eyes going wide, he raises a hand of warning to the group. Sarvek spots two stones soaring through the air, one toward Shillaadrini and the other toward the main group. The stone detonates – thunder roaring in the area surrounding you!

GM: Each of you are deafened! A deafened character cannot hear. You take a –4 penalty on initiative checks, automatically fail Perception checks based on sound, take a –4 penalty on opposed Perception checks, and have a 20% chance of spell failure when casting spells with verbal components.

New Initiatives:
Bandit 1
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19
Sarvek: 13
Emudre: 10
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7

A bandit hidden in a camouflaged platform to the northwest fires an arrow at Shillaadrini. It finds an opening in his leather armor, hitting him for 8 damage! Another bandit exposes their self. They too are in a camouflaged platform, this one to your northeast. He fires an arrow at Emudre, hitting his mark for 8 damage!

Shillaadrini, what do you do?

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Unable to really retaliate and being grievously wounded, Shillaadrini slides along the ground to use the wagon and the horse on the other side as coverage for any further bow shots from the hidden bandit to his north and possible the one to his northeast.
OOC: move 1 square NW and 2 squares W.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
If Sarvek can see the camouflaged archer, he will return fire. If he feels too exposed, he will dismount and use his mount as cover.

OOC: 2 attacks (flurry of blows w/bow) at +4 each: 23, 13 are the ACs that the arrows hit. Damage for each, respectively: 1d8+2 = 4, 5
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Voidrunner's Codex

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