Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land

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Sensing that the bandits are aware of her position, Emudre falls to the ground and crawls forward to the edge of the creek. From a prone position, she raises her holy symbol to channel energy and heal herself and Shillaadrini.

OOC: 1d6 = 4 hit points healed each. Her new position will be square 9 at the edge of the creek.


First Post
OOC: Kuvarious wants to ride up to S:8, and shoot at bandit in P:16! Rolling another 1 doesn't help any of us. Realizing that I'm failing and unable to hit, I will shout! But it fails on deaf ears.

Kuvarious will knock another if he can. [End my failure of my turn]


The female bandit's face contorts in pain as Sarvek's arrow grazes the area between her neck and shoulder spaulder. She hisses with teeth clenched when just after that, Alexa's arrow catches her across the cheek. Kuvarious' loads his heavy crossbow.

The bandits shout something to each other and change their focus to Sarvek. One arrow connects, doing 4 damage!

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious & Dying*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Sarvek: 13 (8/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7

Loading a heavy crossbow is a full-round action. Loading a light crossbow is a move action. Would you like to hand-wave your heavy crossbow into a light crossbow? Mount and Rider act at the same time, so you can spend your move actions reloading while your mount still gets its movement.

View attachment 95643

OOC: Edited picture to fix the fact Alexa's horse should still be there.


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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sensing that the bandits are aware of her position, Emudre falls to the ground and crawls forward to the edge of the creek. From a prone position, she raises her holy symbol to channel energy and heal herself and Shillaadrini.
Adrin would convey his thanks for the most needed healing, but for the din of the ringing in his ears, he would have no idea what he was saying or if anyone else could hear; instead, he looks at Emudre and mouths thanks.

Feeling rejuvenated, he moves from his current position to the tower where his almost-killer bandit is located.


Shillaadrini rushes to the wooden platform and begins to climb the knotted rope. Using the tree's trunk to help propel you up, you climb 5 of the 20 feet necessary to reach the platform.

OOC: A knotted rope with a wall to brace against (tree works) has a Climb DC of 0. I had you climb at half your speed, instead of one-quarter your speed. It added 5 to the DC. You have a 4 Climb, so even rolling a 1 means you meet the DC.

The female bandit ducks down and you all lose sight of her. Another bandit approaches from the northeast.

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious & Dying*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Bandit 4
Sarvek: 13 (8/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7

Sarvek, Emudre, Alexa, and Kuvarious are up!

Round 3.jpg

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek's Action

Sarvek moves straight East, taking movement through friendly squares unhindered, moving a distance of 30 feet, ending his movement in square Z15. If he can see the female bandit from that vantage point, he will fire a shot at her. If not, he will take another 25 feet worth of movement to square U16.

[sblock=If Sarvek gets to fire his bow...]
Hits AC 22, for 3 points of damage.


Emudre takes a small step, continuing to take a low profile. She channels holy energy, healing Sarvek, and loads her crossbow.

OOC: If Sarvek moves to U16, she will move 5 ft right to V10. If Sarvek moves to Z15 she will move down and right to W10. 1d6 = 4 hp healed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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