Pathfinder 1E Kingmaker: Stolen Land

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Sarvek moves to Z15 and pauses momentarily to try and see the female bandit. She's gone! Upon arrival to U16, he still has no sight of her. Where could she have gone?! Emudre adjusts her position to the right 5 feet, to ensure Sarvek is within range of her healing burst. Alexa continues to have no luck at all with her weapon. Kuvarious finishes loading his weapon and aims it at the bandit in the eastern watchtower. His bolt flies true and produces a satisfactory groan from the bandit as it rips across his leg.

Suddenly feeling pressured by the party's advancement, the two bandits to the east focus their fire upon the encroaching Sarvek. Their arrows are stopped by the brush Sarvek has taken cover behind!

Bandit 1 *Unconscious*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Bandit 4
Sarvek: 13 (12/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7

Shillaadrini, you're up!

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Though hurt, Shillaadrini still feels a bit bolstered by his recent healing and an idea comes to him.
~Why not use this perch against our assailants, even taking up their own projectiles?~

He climbs the tower as quickly as possible so as to minimize his exposure while both hands are occupied. He takes the bandits bow, knocking an arrow, and looks for the bandits back across the stream in order to target one.


Shillaadrini successfully makes his way to the top of the platform and takes up an overwatch position for the battlefield. Just then – everyone notices the bush to the west of Sarvek's position rustles as the female bandit comes rushing out! Her wounds are all practically gone... She must have stealthed forward and been in range of Emudre's Channel Healing! “That one is their Cleric! Target her next!” She bellows, pointing to Emudre as she advances on Sarvek. With a handaxe in each hand, there can be no mistaking her identity – this is Kressle! With fury in her eyes, she lashes out against Sarvek, her handaxes catching him in the chest for 12 damage as she weaves a deadly dance of her blades.

In his rush to join the fray, the bandit to the north looses an arrow but it flies wide of any potential targets. He curses loud and long about being caught, quite literally it seems, with his breeches down. The man isn't wearing any pants!

OOC: Sarvek, you are Disabled (0 hit points). You gain the Staggered condition (may take a single move or standard action each round, but not both, nor can you take full-round actions. You can still take free, swift, and immediate actions though). You can take move actions without further injuring yourself, but if you perform a standard action (or any other strenuous action), you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. Unless your activity increased your hit points, you would then be at -1 hit points and Dying. (

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Bandit 4
Sarvek: 13 (0/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7

Sarvek, Emudre, Alexa, and Kuvarious - you are all up again. Please post in Line when you've made a post here ;)

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sarvek Has Lived Wisely.

Sarvek will take a 1-square adjustment to square V17. At that point, he growls, "Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely!" as he fires one, point-blank shot at Kressle, before collapsing in a heap, unconscious.

OOC: Sarvek will use Perfect Strike on his arrow.
Arrow: Hits AC 23; If that hits, she takes 4 pts. damage.

Sarvek smiles as his world darkens, knowing that heroes die only once, and that his actions will inspire his friends. He has lived wisely, indeed.
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Kressle lets out a pained yip as Sarvek's arrow lashes across her rib cage.

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Bandit 4
Sarvek: 13 (-1/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7

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Emudre's eyes flash, with furry matching Kressle's. "I will not let you harm my friend!" Conquering her fear, she draws on her connection to Desna for courage, silently praying.

She stands to her full height and moves towards Sarvek's position, selectively channelling to avoid healing Kressle.

OOC: Her new position will be V15. Hit points cured 1d6 = 6

She maintains her eyes locked on Kressle's, crossbow pointed towards her chest.
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As Emudre presents her holy symbol of Desna, Kressle grins cockily - but when the burst of positive energy washes over the area, her grin turns to a look of confusion... and then anger. As the holy light touches his skin, some of Sarvek's wounds close; his eyes open as he regains consciousness to find himself lying prone. A quick peek shows that not much time has passed.

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Bandit 4
Sarvek: 13 (5/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7

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Alexa's arrow connects! Kressle utters a curse and glares daggers at the party, while reading her axes for the next round.

GM: Initiatives:
Bandit 1 *Unconscious*
Bandit 3
Bandit 2
Shillaadrini: 19 (5/9)
Bandit 4
Sarvek: 13 (5/12)
Emudre: 10 (9/9)
Alexa: 8
Kuvarious: 7

Voidrunner's Codex

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